All are demigods.

Killing a king is not surprising.

The previous shock was only because, growing so big, it was the first time they saw the [-]-meter giant hammer, and they were really shocked.

"Come on, go in."

Several people stepped into Longquan Mountain.

As soon as you enter, it seems to be completely isolated from the outside. The originally bright sky, when you arrive here, instantly becomes a big night. When you look up, you will see... the dark night sky, and there are a few lights that seem to be starlight, flickering in the night sky.

The surrounding mountains are ups and downs, and the area here is more than ten times larger than the Longquan Mountain seen outside.

"Be careful, this place is very strange, and even the day and night are based on your own settings."

Chen Jianghe reminded: "The size is also different from what you see outside."

"Furthermore, this area is a forbidden area. All we can rely on now are our own bodies and weapons in our hands. Except for... Strengthening system abilities, I'm afraid it will be difficult to use them."

"This place is simply... It exists exclusively for the sake of zombies. The Zombie King of Longquan is here, it's too cheap!"

Mu Liang also said in a deep voice.

After all, what zombies rely on is... the strength of their bodies, they don't need special abilities at all.

Several people were talking, but they still took out their respective Bai Lie, needless to say, holding a long sword, a swordsman.

He is also a martial artist himself, and he relies on... fists and kicks.

So he is the least affected.

Lu Lingyun took out an ancient long dagger and held it in her hand.

Few people know.

In fact, her trump card is close combat.

Before trapping a god in her body, Lu Lingyun herself was the most terrifying kind of person among the nine-rank human kings - an assassin.

Good at close combat.

An inch short is an inch risk.

His combat experience is very rich.

And with the bonus of the body of a true god, Lu Lingyun's close combat ability is even more terrifying.

This is also why.

The Empire specially invited this person to the Foundation.

She is also the main force in the team.

"Go, we may be running out of time!"

Chen Jianghe's face was solemn, and he took the lead towards a pitch-black mountain.

Several people ran wildly on the ground, the soles of their feet stomped on the ground, and the footsteps turned red like bang bang bang.

The demigod powerhouse ran with all his strength, as if ten bulldozers were working together. If they were placed outside, a small hill would be leveled by a few people. The strange thing is that the ground here is only a faint hollow. mark.

"There wasn't much movement when I came, it's very likely that Longquan Zombie King has successfully evolved!"

Mu Liang's voice was low: "Everyone has to be prepared. In the face of a god-level dragon, no one can escape."

"But I estimate that Longquan Zongwang's cultivation is not enough, and he used a tricky breakthrough method. I am afraid that his strength will also be discounted. We still have a good chance."

He went on to analyze.

And Jiang Che understood that what Chen Jianghe was talking about had nothing to do with the person in the Shanhaijing, and even if he had a relationship, he would at most have inherited one-hundred-millionth of his blood.

After all, that one is the ancestor of zombies.

It is impossible for any zombie to reach that level with just one wave of cultivation.

Therefore, Jiang Che concluded that the '犼' and 'Hanyu' here exist more as a kind of rank symbol, not really these two creatures, after all, the 魃女, but the characters who participated in the battle between Chiyou and the Yellow Emperor.

A few people were flying at their feet.

After rushing through two hillsides, there are things around me that are about to move, and a few people don't intend to pay attention.

Only Jiang Che is not... used to these... ghosts.

When I heard a voice in the forest calling for help.

Immediately, he was... [-] meters down with a sledgehammer, smashing the entire forest.

Then the man was successfully rescued.

Never again.... cry for help.

When I heard someone in the grave bag shout: Pull me a hand.

Jiang Che helped the man to smash the grave with a backhand.

What surprised everyone was that Jiang Che stopped and walked all the way, for a while... to turn over other people's ancestral graves, and for a while... chasing after the red-clothed female ghost, his speed was still comparable to their full speed. Animals! Ten minutes later.

Several people appeared on a hill that was not too high.

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