
Squeak... bang! bang! Two muffled sounds.

The gate of the ancient temple closed automatically without wind.

The two gates seemed to be very old, and when everyone was on the hillside, Mu Liang had judged that this kind of material would take at least ten minutes to break open even with a few of them.

And then.

Brush brush brush!! A few strange noises.

In an instant, the entire hall shone brightly, and the oil lamps on the walls spontaneously ignited.

Several people's faces changed slightly.

Under the orange-red light, they could see the situation clearly, and before they knew it, they had already walked to the middle of this ancient temple, and the surrounding walls were all made of a golden material.

"This kind of material is not simple, it is the same as the gate, it is very strong, we can't break through it in a short time!"

Twilight said in a deep voice.

The expressions of several people changed slightly.

The ancient temple is very huge, but it seems a little crowded now, because there are densely packed monsters standing around them.

A group of shriveled humanoid creatures with strange stature, grayish-yellow skin, long nails, and black and red teeth. Several people.

"The corpse of resentment has nurtured nine hundred and ninety-nine days of resentment. Even a demigod, whose body is eroded by this power, will become a living corpse in the near future. How about you, this king? Are you satisfied with the present for you?"

A hoarse, playful voice came from the front.

Several people looked up.

In front of the hall is a bronze throne.

On the throne, sat a monster with white hair, half human and half animal.

The armor on its body is broken. It can be seen that it used to be a human figure, but now it has completely become a monster more than ten meters tall. Its head is a bit like a lion. Muddy saliva.

It stared at a few people.

A pair of brown-yellow beast eyes revealed a brutal color.

"They're all old acquaintances, Chen Jianghe, Bai Lie, the last beat me back to this ghost place, and I tortured me so much that I became a corpse, a ghost, a ghost!"

It roared angrily, exhaling a cold corpse gas from its nose.

The large group of resentful corpses around were eager to move.

hear this.

Several people looked at each other.

I felt the oddity in it.

This Longquan Zombie King is not the master of Longquan Mountain? Why do you think this place is terrible and tortured? "And you! You cruel human, kill my subordinates and torture my clone!"

Longquan King Zombie gritted his teeth, slapped the throne, and pointed at Jiang Che very excitedly, his eyes almost as if he wanted to rush up to swallow him alive.

He still remembered that day.

Originally happy, I threw a clone and went out to help my subordinates, and I pretended to be coercive.

As a result, someone waved his hand, deprived his five senses, and then he picked up the sledgehammer.

That feeling.

It left an indelible shadow on Longquan Zombie King and caused great psychological and damage.

"Today, you still dare to come to this king's territory and wait to die!"


"Go! Shred them."

Longquan Zongwang waved his hand.

A group of resentful corpses that couldn't wait for a long time around, immediately grinned, and rushed over without fear of death.

They showed a very venomous look.

The eyes are almost choking on people.

These things have no self-awareness, only the resentment that has tormented him for nine hundred and ninety-nine days and nights.

supported by resentment.

Even in the face of demigod powerhouses, they will do their best without hesitation.

Puff puff puff!! The sound of a blade piercing into the flesh continued to sound.

Everyone fights with these monsters.

Chen Jianghe wielded a large saber, and when he swung it, he shot with energy, and with a single knife, he could chop up more than a dozen resentful corpses.

Although the ability cannot be used.

But with the powerful body of a demigod.

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