
Jiang Che suddenly made a throwing gesture with one hand, and muttered silently.

"Flame Mountain Shake!"

A huge flaming mountain is....appearing above him.

The power of forbidden law is only aimed at creatures below the real god realm.

Like a demon, he had broken through the influence of forbidden power before, so he could have a crushing effect on Chen Jianghe and others.

And after Jiang Che used Kuafu's beast soul.

In a short period of time, of course, it is beyond the true God, so at this moment, the ability is directly used.

Just listen to his 'hey' yell.

Brush!! The Flaming Mountain flew out.

This giant peak, in the horrified eyes of several people.

Bang! A sound.

It slammed into the vent of the main hall.

Looking at the huge mountain with blazing flames in front of you.

The demon widened his eyes.

At this time, the soles of Jiang Che's feet tore the ground.

Boom!! Under a loud bang.

Soar to the sky.

The Hammer of Hell is shining with the divine light of destruction.

"Destroy the world!"


Hell emerges from the void.

Click the door to open.

"Respected master, on the second floor of hell, the ice demon is here to help you."

The ancient voice sounded.

A supreme frost force covered Jiang Che's sledgehammer.

"How is it possible, is this level of power... Immortal"

The demon widened his eyes in horror.

The frost on the sledgehammer made its soul sluggish.

BANG!!!! The sledgehammer fell.

At the moment of contact, the entire body of the demon, including the soul, was completely frozen, and then the terrifying force of the sledgehammer burst out, and in an instant, it became a shard of ice in the sky.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 180 million energy."

Chapter [-] The mountain is tilted, terrible unknown creatures (second more)

"As expected of a true god, any one is an energy of one million upwards."

Jiang Che's eyes shone brightly.


After this wave, plus the large number of resentful corpses before, he has obtained a total of nearly [-] million energy, and the harvest can be said to be very abundant.

With a move of his mind, the power of devouring was activated.

The broken corpses on the ground, the remnants of the resentful corpses, the pieces of the devil's flesh, the devil's energy, etc., were all swallowed up.

On Jiang Che's arm, there were more lines of evil spirits.

There is a powerful force in it.

A pleasant system prompt sounds.

"Ding, Crow Soul Eater activates, Soul Power +1."

"Ding, the crow eats the soul" "2"

When the spell is activated, soul power +1."

"Ding, Crow Soul Eater activates, Soul Power +1."


devour everything.

Jiang Che gained a full 1 point of soul power.

The Kuafu Beast Soul on his body also slowly dissipated at this time.

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