"The most terrifying thing is..."

Mu Liang exhaled hot gas, his face was very ugly: "An unknown creature appeared on Longquan Mountain, a helicopter captured its picture, but the next second, the pilot and navigator went crazy at the same time, and the plane crashed into the cliff. explode."

"What's even more terrifying is that the satellites, the people at the monitoring station, and everyone who has seen the picture of that thing, are all insane for no reason!"

"Only 4.

6 is just a photo."

"It caused the unnatural deaths of nearly 500 people and [-] people!"

"Among them, there are even more than ten level capable people, all of whom are guarding satellites, monitoring stations."

"Some people are now under control."

"But some people killed themselves by biting off their tongues, or popping their eyeballs."

"The scene was initially under control, and more than [-] comrades died."

Mu Liang sighed deeply: "The rest of the people are also in a very bad state. Some strong people speculate that their madness comes from the soul level, and I'm afraid they won't be able to save them for a lifetime."


Chapter [-] Demon God's Recovery (Third)

Several people's eyes widened.


"How could it be... just glanced at it and it's a satellite, a blurry picture of detection"

"It's incredible!"

"What the hell has something to do with our arrival?"

And this time.

A cold sound of bell bell rang out, as if the iron chain was dragged on the rock.

Booming Longquan Mountain shook again, and the mountain shook violently.

At the same time, there was a purple magic energy.

From the depths of the mountain, it quickly swept out.

Mu Liang's eyes widened: "Run! If you touch this thing, I'm afraid there will only be a dead end, and there will be no bones left!"

Apart from the ability of mechanical reinforcement, he is also very keen in aura perception.

Hearing Mu Liang's words, the expressions of several people suddenly changed.

"Come on, that supreme being said that this kind of demonic energy must not be...provoked!"

Even Lu Lingyun, who never spoke, shouted at this moment.

Her body exuded a blazing white divine light.

A pair of pure white feather wings bloomed from behind, soaring into the sky and rushing towards the outside.

This is the existence in Lu Lingyun's body, and she took the initiative to exert her power, just to escape from here.

Several people saw this scene.


Using their abilities, they rushed outside.

There was a flash of fire under Bai Lie's feet, and the whole person became a phantom flame. After rushing out of the gate, he directly flew into the sky, stepped on the long sword, and quickly moved away.

Chen Jianghe rushed out of the gate in a few steps, and stood up in the air, the blue divine light flickered, as if a long river appeared in the air, carrying him away.

Twilight beam throws a model of a flying machine.

Similar to the Green Goblin in Spider-Man.

His ability was activated, and under the flickering white light, the model was directly reorganized, and another model became a real aircraft, carrying him into the sky at an amazing speed.

Jiang Che fluttered his wings into the sky and soared straight up.

Five strong men.

After nearly [-] meters.

Only then did he stand in the void, turned his head solemnly, and looked at Longquan Mountain. At this time, the entire Longquan Mountain was completely shrouded in that kind of... purple mist.

And the fog continued to spread all around.

Anywhere shrouded in purple mist.

All plants wither.

Animals die instantly.

A loud thumping sound.

sounded again.

It made a few people, covering their chests, felt their blood vessels swell, and their bodies almost exploded.

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