Chen Jianghe spit out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person's breath was a little sluggish.

Bai Lie slashed out with one sword, and thousands of sword intents smashed out, but he was still shattered by this roar.

Jiang Che's eyes turned cold.

The corners of the mouth twitched.

I was about to use the Obsidian card, carrying a sledgehammer and going up to hammer someone.

Suddenly his eyes flashed and he stopped.

Chapter [-] Taishangjian!Heaven and Earth are mingling (fourth more)

A sword light flashed across the sky.

If Jiang Che guessed correctly, he was an acquaintance who had met once.

He was also curious.

This one was three hundred years ago.

A character in a legend.

Just how strong.

"Use an alien card—"

"Yu Qiang!"

Jiang Che only used one gold card.

In an instant, colorful wings with a wingspan of more than [-] meters stretched out from behind him, accompanied by his pardon: "Rain!"


It rained heavily in the sky.

The whole world has become Jiang Che's home ground.


He shouted, and the wind and rain moved together, forming a side... ... the water curtain that covered the sky seemed very thin, but when the unstoppable sound wave hit it, the water curtain just trembled, setting off a layer of waves, but there was no trace of it. Damaged, and the sound wave is also dissipated and invisible.

Water benefits all things without fighting.

After Jiang Che used the Yuqiang card, as the god who controlled the North Sea, his understanding of the power of the 'water' system was the pinnacle.

This wave of use.

Chen Jianghe's eyes widened directly.

He felt right.

The power of the water system Jiang Che used was actually not as powerful as he was, but the sound wave that made him helpless immediately dissipated and became invisible. Even his own teacher, that Water Element True God, is absolutely impossible to achieve this step.

"Just a roar caught us off guard. What level of existence is this?"

Bai Lie clutched his chest, breathing rapidly.

"Look, it's out!"

In the purple magic fog.

On Longquan Mountain.

A gigantic figure stood up, it seemed to be a humanoid creature, but that... the size was simply too scary, conservatively estimated, more than [-] meters high, the whole person on Longquan Mountain, like a small mountain.

There seems to be an iron chain tied to the giant's wrist.

There is a sound when dragging.

The giant roared up to the sky, and the voice of resentment resounded between heaven and earth.

"Qi Changsheng, when I return to the sanctuary, I will destroy your Nine Heavens Xuanzong and turn around.

This huge ancient monster.

Suddenly turning around and looking in the direction of Longquan Ancient City, his pair of dark, like two black holes flashed a faint light in the eye sockets.

The corners of its mouth licked.

The iron chain in his hand was dragged, "Yes, millions of creatures, enough for this deity to eat!"

Chen Jianghe's face changed greatly.

Bang Bang Bang!! The terrifying [-]-meter ancient demon stepped on the ground.

He rushed towards them.

The sound of his footsteps exploded like a muffled thunder, as if trampling on the hearts of several people. In an instant, Chen Jianghe, Bai Lie, and Mu Liang thumped three times, and fell directly to the ground, covering their faces. He held his chest, his face turned pale.

"Don't be afraid, my master is here!"

Seeing the sword light in the sky, Bai Lie suddenly said in a low voice, "This old fellow has cultivated for three hundred years, and he is quite capable."

Only a harsh 'hum' sound was heard.

In an instant, a sword light from the horizon rushed towards the ancient demon.

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