"Yes, you are qualified to be the deity's appetizer dessert!"

Chapter [-] Immortal Demons - Longevity Medicine (First update, sorry for the lateness)

The ancient demon's purple-black face showed a touch of tyranny.

It waved its giant hand.

Wrapped around the two arms, those...mysterious, thick, black iron chains like a giant dragon, exuded the magical energy of Senhan.

Between the waves of the ancient demon's hands, the chains shattered countless sword energy.

But the whole world is a sword, naturally like a drop of mercury, all-pervasive, the sky and the earth are suppressed, and countless sword qi directly pierce its dry, wrinkled purple-black skin.

The sword is sharp.

Can cut through five, everything.

This is Bai Changsu's sword, which is unbearably sharp, severing mountains and breaking seas.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to open the mountain with one sword and leave a legend for hundreds of years.

Chi Chi Chi!! Chi Chi Chi!! The ancient demon's eyes widened, and he was very surprised that his skin was actually pierced by a mere god-level ant. You know, it is the first person under the so-called immortal. Known as the Immortal Demon, it is famous in the sanctuary. Even if it is immortal, it cannot be killed, but can only be sealed with a dojo.

"No, it's not that your sword moves are strong!"

The Immortal Demon closed his eyes and felt it.

After a while, its pupils instantly widened and it suddenly realized.

"What the hell is this place, the will of heaven and earth, how can it suppress the power of immortals and demons!"

"Even this seat's natural instinct has been suppressed."

"The degree of physical tyranny has also been suppressed!"

"Qi Changsheng! Where did you drop this seat?"

The ancient demon gritted his teeth, his jaws splitting.

7 Its most terrifying power is called—a no. … death.

, is a famous undead demon in the sanctuary.

Its most powerful record.

It was a battle against the Supreme Elder of the Nine Heavens Xuanzong, Qi Changsheng. After being beheaded, he was quickly resurrected and killed thousands of people in the Nine Heavens Xuanzong. They were all immortals, all omnipotent, and all of them were killed by it forcibly, killing nine days. Xuanzong's blood flowed into rivers, and the invincible sect on this side, and a small half of the middle-level powerhouses, died at its hands.

Later, the peerless and invincible Supreme Elder of the Nine Heavens Xuanzong.

Qi Changsheng.

Chasing and killing it for nearly a hundred years, beheading it no less than 100 times, but repeatedly bringing it back to life.

Even if it is sealed in some secret weapons, fairy treasures.

It still can't stop the resurrection of the undead demon again and again, and it also makes it more and more tyrannical.

Even this peerless powerhouse.

There is no way to take it.

Many people in the sanctuary.

They all speculate that the power of the undead demons comes from its race, and I am afraid that it is a remarkable ancient relic. It should be the descendants of the group of Zeng Lu who fought immortal and crossed the ominous...existence.

And only the undead demons themselves understand.

What kind of ancient race is it? It's just the most common purple devil! This kind of waste race that is almost removed from the devil's name.

Purple Demon Clan.

Totally embarrassing face.

Their methods are too general, and their only ability is... , burning life, and gaining a strong recovery ability.

Like the demons before.

It is the magic seed left by the ancient demons.

That is, a purple devil.

When it was smashed by Jiang Che, it showed this ability, burning its lifespan, and rejoining its own body.

This kind of power can be called very tasteless.

Because it takes a lot of life to burn to get a weak recovery.

A Purple Demon in the True God Realm just now has a lifespan of thousands of years, but it is completely burned, and it is just a collage of its body. recover.

Clan ability garbage.

This ancient demon known as the immortal demon.

Why it became: so powerful.

All because it once had a chance against the sky.

All people, gods, immortals, dream of something - longevity! It has acquired the power of longevity.

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