Without saying a word, he stepped into the void: "I'm not playing anymore! When I return to the sanctuary and break through immortality, I'll come and touch you, you bastard!!"

The immortal power... can already shake the heavens to a certain extent.

Not to be crushed by the will of the world.

It can even destroy one world.

The undead demon made up his mind, and now find a rift and slip away.

4.6 In the future, if you can't come back to find a place, let's talk about it.

At this moment.

Jiang Che's eyes shone with terrifying divine light.

"It's coming, don't rush to leave."

"Even if you have to leave, let's eat before leaving. We earthlings are the most hospitable!"

"Come on, I'll serve you hard food right now."

Jiang Che raised his hammer high.

His whole body exuded an unimaginable aura.

Sledgehammer held high.

"Palm! Prison! Destroy! World!"

On one side, the Thunder Hell, which covered most of the sky, appeared in the void.

Ka!!! Ka!!! Ka!!!! An extremely terrifying loud noise shook the void.

It was as if some terrifying portal had opened.

Chapter [-] Terrorist Harvest - [-] million! (fourth more)

A number of vast, vast wills.

came suddenly.

Along with a few battles of will, a bright red flame finally appeared on Jiang Che's sledgehammer, and the extreme high temperature directly burned the space to pieces.

"Fourth floor of hell, Venerable Yan!"

The cold voice resounded in Jiang Che's heart.

This one no longer seems to be so flattering like those creatures before.

There was some dissatisfaction in his tone.

But for some unknown reason, it still chose to take action and contribute its most powerful strength to assist Jiang Che in the battle.

That kind of... terrifying flame is very extraordinary, and Jiang Che's fire proficiency has increased its power several times. In an instant, the Great Dao seems to be burned, and the sky is crimson.

And in the void, the undead demon was fleeing in the distance.

At this time, his eyes widened sharply.

"Is this..."

"Why! How can there be such 04 other powers here?"

Along with Jiang Che's big hand movement.

The hammer fell, accurately hitting the void where the undead demon hid and fled.

The sky was torn apart by a huge hole, in front of this hammer, the avenue collapsed, the void was annihilated, the undead demon's eyes widened, Nima's! Do you want to exaggerate this? The power of the realm! The way of heaven in your place is a real dog! Your people can exert the power of the upper gods.

Lao Tzu could only stand and be beaten amidst the unwilling roar of the undead demons.

Bang!!!!!! This hammer finally shattered that void.

Under a huge bang.

The shocking explosion swept across a radius of more than five million square meters.

Boom!!!! The sound of the explosion is endless.

far away.

Chen Jianghe's eyes widened: "This is so... it's too mysterious."

Bai Changsu stroked his beard tremblingly, and he tore off a lot of beards if he was not careful, but he didn't care about this at all, just stared blankly ahead, this...more than [-] years old, highly respected The old sword god, couldn't help but let out a sigh: "Fuck,!"

In front of them, it was as if they had been baptized by nuclear bombs one after another.

Fortunately, when Jiang Che came out of the hammer, the undead demon had already gone tens of thousands of meters away from the direction of Longquan City.

Otherwise this hammer down.

Just a little aftershock.

The ancient city of Longquan is absolutely gone.

the other side.

After Jiang Che slammed the hammer, his big hand tore open a terrifying pitch-black hole, and the violent devouring power directly swallowed everything in a radius of several million square meters, and the ground was scraped up.

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