He pondered for a while, and finally chose: "Strengthen."

With the passage of a million energy, Jiang Che saw that in his hands, an ancient force spread out from the earth, and the entire Longquan Mountain began to undergo surprising changes.

The ancient temple that was originally damaged in the battle.

Vibrated violently.

The golden walls are like plants, wriggling and growing, healing all those... gaps.

On the earth, under the long darkness, all the plants that had already withered began to take root and sprout. In an instant, each grass and tree grew rapidly, and the trees rose into the sky, reaching a height of dozens of meters.

On Longquan Mountain, after a few breaths, it became a green gleam.

The earth also began to recover.

The ground shook slightly, the soil slackened and seemed to be breathing, and some places were cracked, and water, rivers, and lakes appeared.

Some small peaks on the mountain.

Bright fairy light blooms, and mysterious symbols emerge.

Above the sky, the perennial darkness has been dispelled, and instead the sun has flooded the earth.

The rain falls, filling the rivers and lakes.

in the void.

Countless mysterious runes appear.

Some fell into the earth, some were hidden in the mountain peaks, and some were inside the mountain, and their own powerful restrictions were awakened, making a 'bang rumbling', like a thunderous sound.

Around the entire mountain, there is a vast expanse that looks like a star terrifying prohibition.

The killing intent of this ancient formation was surging.

Among them, the sword light circulates, the killing intent buzzes and vibrates, the avenue collapses, and the law shatters.

Killing formation! This is a shocking killing formation.

I am afraid that I have killed the most powerful person! There are countless soldiers and capable people outside.

All with round eyes.

a time.

Everyone is like a fool.

No one could say a single word.

The scene, only filled with heavy breathing.


in spite of……

an ordinary soldier.

Still a powerful man who can easily overturn a tank.

Even a human king comparable to a nuclear bomb.

There is no difference.

All are one pair.

Husky-like shocked expression.

One, more than them... The place where the army is stationed is dozens of times larger than the mountain peaks, all covered by the terrifying sword intent. Among them, there is a mysterious talisman that shines brightly, and the law is cut off. broken.

This scene.

Enough to make anyone look dumbfounded.

Is this really not a special effect of a movie! Many people suddenly feel that the world is not very real.

Could it be that I and others actually live in an artificial world and now, the special effects artists outside are drinking too much, and accidentally throwing in some immortal heroes, scenes in the fantasy world, it's not to blame these soldiers, ordinary people with ordinary abilities guess.

After all, even someone like Su Mei, the king of human beings, who is well-informed and has witnessed the battle of the super-gods, was completely shocked by this scene, because even the battle between the gods did not appear. Yes, such a mighty move! Any sword intent in that.

Su Mei's heart skipped a beat, her chest heaving up and down rapidly, and she was extremely nervous.

She is a plant-type ability.

In the mountains, perception is very powerful.

And in Su Mei's judgment.

There is any sword energy in there, if one accidentally shoots out, she will definitely not be able to bear it, I am afraid that in an instant, her body will be pierced.

"With this level of power, I am afraid that it can be directly strangled: God!"

Su Mei thought in horror.

And this time.

A humming sound resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Above the sky, a blank picture scroll covered down.

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