A young man's voice kept shouting.

But everyone in the Ye family looked at their eyes, nose, nose and heart, pretending they didn't hear it.

Everyone was sweating profusely.

Obviously very nervous.

Only Ye Liangchen, and one or two young people from the Ye family, who had awakened their abilities, gathered their abilities in their hands, and looked around the bus with great vigilance.

Outside the window on the left, an office worker with only a half body, wearing a white shirt, with red eyes, is constantly slapping the window, making a 'dong dong dong' sound.

This half-body man is very flexible.

He was like, Spiderman, crawling around the car.

This man is an office worker.

One day, while chasing the bus, he was involved in a car accident. His body was cut in two by the car. With deep resentment, he became a ghost in red.

"Forget it, since you won't let me in, I can only come in by myself!"

The male ghost made a sinister voice.

Then he suddenly disappeared.

Everyone was happy at first.

I thought this shit was gone.

Can be followed.

Sigh!! Everyone's face is as ugly as eating shit.

Because above the car, the iron sheet was pierced, and a bloody arm stretched in, and then, the iron sheet was pulled open a gap, and a head came in, and the pale head was full of bright red blood.

"Jie Jie finally entered."

The corners of the male ghost's mouth cracked open, revealing a very creepy smile.

Ye Liangchen stared: "Quick! Quickly drive into that mountain!"

He pointed forward.

The mountain that Jiang Che told him about.

Ghost in red.

It's absolutely impossible for them to deal with.

Now Ye Liangchen can only pin his hopes on Jiang Che.

Chapter [-] What the hell!cruel! (fourth more)

The driver stepped on the accelerator and drove forward desperately.

And this time.

A young man in the Ye family, his hands turned into vines with thick thighs, trying to prevent the male ghost from entering.

But as his hands.

When the wind blows upwards.

Bang! A muffled sound.

The faces of the young people in the Ye family were... drastic changes: "Cousin! Help me!"

Only see above.

The male ghost's big scarlet hand firmly grasped the young man's arm that was turned into a plant.

I haven't waited for Ye Liangchen to make a move.

Sigh!! A harsh voice sounded.

The young man's plant arm was torn off. You must know that the hardness of this vine is enough to tear concrete and steel bars, but it was easily torn off by the red-clothed ghost. For a time, everyone in the Ye family was wide-eyed. Very frightened.


The young man whose hand was torn off screamed.


Ye Liangchen roared angrily, golden light blooming all over his body, he rushed up and punched the half-body man who had jumped from the roof of the car.

The man smiled grimly.

Extend a hand.

Bang! A muffled sound.

Ye Liangchen's hard punch was easily caught.

And he can feel it.

The male ghost's hands were cold and stiff, like two powerful iron pincers.

You can't even struggle on your own.

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