Chapter [-] Booming the tricycle! (Second more)

Jiajia's father, Zhao Wu, swallowed a six-flavored rehmannia pill, his eyes were gleaming, and his whole body was filled with a fierce aura.

It was directly the walking corpse that rushed up.

Chop into pieces.

These... the walking corpses are only the lowest level, the most evil, and they look a little bit hideous, and their physical fitness may only be two or three times that of ordinary people.

Therefore, Zhao Wu, with his bloody courage.

Plus Jiang Che fortified Liuwei Dihuang Wan.

Subdue these... corpses! Soon after, a convoy of five vehicles finally drove out of the most dangerous downtown area and drove towards the suburbs.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But this time.

On a black Jetta, Zhu Zhibing, a buddy of Jiang Che High School, suddenly widened his eyes.

He shouted in a trembling voice on the mobile phone channel where several people were connected in real time.

"Be careful! Be careful! One more car, one more car of unknown origin."

Among them, one family is Jiang Che's teacher, three are classmates from Jiang Che's high school, and the other is an old lady who rented a house for him at a low price when Jiang Che hadn't made much money before.

They are all from the same place and know each other.

So on the road, I took my mobile phone and established a call channel.

At this time, Zhu Zhibing's voice sounded in the channel.

It made everyone stunned.

Someone turned to look at the team.

The next moment, everyone felt horrified and their scalps exploded.

Because they found out that it was not just one more car! The entire fleet had changed from five cars to eight 8 cars! And there was an unpleasant stench in the air, as if someone was hiding something in their car. Like a corpse.

"Quick, quickly confirm, which cars have problems, we will try to speed up or slow down to get rid of them!"

Liu Zhicheng shouted.

The people in the car are already doing this.

Zhao Wu is relatively calm. After all, he is also a person who has experienced life and death. He whispered in the channel: "Second, fifth, eight 8 cars, the stars inside are not people!"

"Yes, these are the cars, the second one is driven by a woman without a head, and the fifth is a man with a stitched body!"

Others also spoke out separately.

"As for the eighth car..."

Halfway through, Zhao Wu was taken aback: "Where's this car?"

The pickup is the seventh.

The eighth car that had been following them suddenly disappeared.

"Dad, the car, the car is coming, it's going to hit us!"

Zhao Jiajia suddenly shouted in fear.

When Liu Zhicheng, who was driving, heard this, his pupils widened. Only then did he realize in horror that the bright white Corolla on the left was pressing towards him.

The car, I don't know when, suddenly ran to my left side.

Very weird.

The inside of the car was pitch black.

Only vaguely could be seen, there are two scarlet red lights.

It seems to be the eyes of two people! Bang!!! He couldn't avoid it at all.


The pickup was hit hard against the guardrail.

Chi Chi Chi!! Sparks are flying all the way.

The deformed car shell rubbed against the guardrail, red, leaning against Luo Lili, who was sitting on the side of the guardrail, screamed, her arm was scalded.

Bang!! The head of the car swayed and it hit hard again.

The pickup was knocked out of the guardrail and stuck there.

Liu Zhicheng was taken aback.

At this time, the same crash sound came from the front, and even a car crashed into the guardrail by itself, it seemed that the driver was bewitched by something.

Many people rushed straight out of the guardrail.

Fortunately, the road here is low, and below it is... a field.

Can't wait for these people to be happy.

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