Just smash that group of... ferocious ghosts into pieces.

This scene.

It directly scared everyone in the convoy to the point of being dumbfounded.

Everyone's mind was blank.

Who am I and where am I? Did I just see a group of people and brutally kill a group of ghosts? Is this script not right?

Are we humans supposed to be so cruel?

Am I born to make up the number... "Hello everyone, I'm Yu Chengfeng, as Team Leader Jiang said before, if you meet someone on the road who is rushing in this direction, please help, you should also go to Team Leader Jiang, right? "

Yu Chengfeng said hello.

Liu Zili nodded his head: "Yes, Master Jiang wants us to go to the hell tunnel!"

"That's fine, let's go together and take care of each other."

The convoy on the other side came up.

the whole team.

Instantly increased to nearly [-] vehicles.

The convoy continued onward.

With Yu Chengfeng and others, running around the team to defend, and Liu Zicheng staring at the three wheels, patrolling back and forth, the entire team turned out to be very professional, with a high safety factor.

Walked for half an hour.

Encountered three waves of ghosts, red clothes, etc.

These... ghosts.

Want to infiltrate the team and harm people.

It was directly identified by a group of capable people and beaten to death.

this way.

The impact on... these ordinary people can be said to be very huge, making them understand that exorcising evil spirits is not a cautious approach, or communicating with ghosts, or taking garlic, black dog blood, or something.

And just.... do it!! With such a large group of scumbags accompanying.

The tense atmosphere in the team also eased a lot.

"Through this tunnel, it's... more than ten kilometers away."

Yu Chengfeng said excitedly.

"Mom, old girl, don't worry, as long as we get to Team Leader Jiang, we'll be completely safe, no matter how ferocious the ghost is, we'll have to take a detour when we see him!"

He runs beside a black off-road vehicle.

Talk to the family in the car.

"But brother, you are so powerful, you can even bully that terrifying red-clothed ghost, why do you still seek shelter from others, running in such a wild country and going through so much danger?"

A fifteen- or sixteen-year-old girl, Yu Xiaoxiao asked in a puzzled way. …

Yu Chengfeng sighed and shook his head.

"Remember, before Team Leader Jiang called, I took you out of the community where you lived, and went to stay in a security camp composed of many capable families."

Yu Xiaoxiao was stunned: "Yes, what's the matter, brother."

"Because I saw a man with black lines on his face walking into our community."

Yu Chengfeng sighed: "In this world, the red-robed ghost is far from the most powerful ghost."

"That kind of...has black lines on the face and looks no different from ordinary people. It's the most terrifying thing! They have endless power and can slaughter us human beings on a large scale without any effort."

Yu Chengfeng's voice was low, and at the same time, he also connected to the car channel of the entire team.

Inform everyone.

"If I encounter evil, even I can hardly even escape!"

"According to the official notice of the empire, at present, the number of such existences in Dayuan City exceeds [-], which is very terrifying. Although the official powerhouses of the empire are hunting them, before this, I am afraid that there will be many places where they will encounter Massacre, and after I left, I also called the police, that's the only thing I can do."

"Only when you get to Team Leader Jiang's place can you be truly safe."

"Because even this kind of evil, or even stronger king, can only run away when he sees him."

"So remember, you must never provoke someone with... black lines on their faces!"

Yu Chengfeng warned again.

And this time.

Yu Xiaoxiao suddenly turned pale, pointed behind Yu Chengfeng, and said in a difficult voice, "Brother, the man with black lines on his face!"

Chapter [-] It's all your fault!It was you who killed them (Second)

When Yu Chengfeng heard this, his body froze, and he looked at the rearview mirror of the car with difficulty. After seeing the picture, he felt that his scalp was about to explode, and his whole body was icy cold.

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and he was breathing rapidly.

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