Saying that it is like a fairy, at least it has a good relationship.

These two answers, after all, can live a few more days.

And Ye Liangchen said so, not only did not give Huangpizi the way to become a fairy, but also broke its seal, it must be doomed to revenge!

"Look carefully, is this what you are provoking?"

Jiang Che clicked on the video of

Ye Liangchen's face turned pale instantly after seeing the yellow-skinned man stick with no arms and legs.

"Yes... yes yes ~"

He was about to cry.

"It seems that this yellow-skinned person is not simple. He can walk upright. It proves that he has been banned once before. He is said to be like a human being. Now it is the second time that he has successfully cultivated.

Jiang Che was thoughtful.

These words frightened Ye Liangchen quite a bit.

"Then, then, Jiang Mangfu... Oh no, Brother Jiang! What should I do? I don't know when this bastard will take revenge again?"

He looked bitter.

Hearts are trembling.

"Don't worry." Jiang Che patted Ye Liangchen on the shoulder: "Wangpizi doesn't take revenge overnight, and it will definitely come over tonight."

Ye Liangchen originally nodded and was ready to answer.

Suddenly reacted.

"Jiang Mangfu, why are you so comforting?"


Is this human? ?

"When the time comes, let's bring it to the pot." Jiang Che said lightly.

As if to say something very sparse and ordinary.


Ye Liangchen was stunned.

"Jiang Mangfu, I know you fight fiercely and are a ruthless person, but this is so evil, not something ordinary people can deal with!"

The fist clenched and loosened.

Repeat this five times.

Ye Liangchen "shuh" stood up.

"I've figured it out, I'll take care of the things I provoke! I'll go to the hotel to open a room, don't live in the dormitory for now, go to 336, Zhang Qiyang's boy has returned to his hometown, I'll tell him when I come back."


Ye Liangchen wanted to leave.

"I told you, am I an ordinary person?"

Jiang Che's faint voice sounded.

Ye Liangchen was shocked.

Suddenly remembering the scene just now, in the face of the strange evil, Jiang Che carried the steel stool and strode toward the meteor.

"Jiang Mangfu, you mean..."

Jiang Che shook his head.

Some things don't need to be hidden.

But it doesn't have to be too clear.

"You just need to know that when the yellow-skinned child comes, it's just a matter of coming and going."

at this time.

The light in the bedroom suddenly went out.

The fourth chapter uses the alien card - Bi Fang! (New book for collection!)

Jiang Che touched the steel chair.

Ye Liangchen's body trembled fiercely, and he also took a table leg.

In total darkness.

Only his heavy breathing sounded.

"Jiang Mangfu, old ~ Laozi, rush out!"

Call ~

An unknown strange wind blew in and directly closed the door that Jiang Che had kicked open, making a "bang" sound.

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