Jiuxuan Ancient Dojo, I felt very amazed.


Jiang Che didn't immediately take out the sledgehammer, but wanted to test the strength of this dojo.

It seems now.

Very good! One million energy, almost blood earned.


Seeing this scene, Qian Mu's eyes sank immediately. This formation did give him a kind of tremendous pressure. Even as a demigod, he was unwilling to touch those sword lights.

"Soul Eater, swallow him for me!"

He waved.

An evil eyeball the size of a human head, all haunted by a demonic energy.

A terrifying power burst forth directly, and the entire sky was eroded by a mysterious magical energy.

Its aura is astonishingly powerful.

It's almost ten times the size of the khaki evil eyes just now! Twenty times 20! What makes everyone stare is.

This pitch-black eyeball exudes a very strange power, and at a glance, people feel that their own soul seems to be about to be involved.

"Jie Jie hand over your soul, I will send you to heaven!"

Soul-devouring, Sen Han's voice sounded directly in everyone's heart.

A dark force permeates.

"Jiang Da, I'm so uncomfortable, my chest is stuffy."

"Lao Jiang, save me!"

A group of people shouted, and after showing their power in this eyeball, all of them have a feeling: the soul is about to leave the body, it is very uncomfortable.

Jiang Che's eyes moved, and he spat out a word.


Countless sword lights soared rapidly, directly above Longquan Mountain, forming a layer of sword light shield to resist all external forces.

Everyone returned to normal in an instant.

Looking up at the sky with surprise in his eyes: "This... is... the mountain protection formation in fantasy novels."

"Daddy Jiang is awesome!"

And Jiang Che also whispered: "The defense strength is also very good."

After strengthening Longquan Mountain, there just happened to be such a group here, and Jiang Che would naturally not let go of the evil spirits who helped him experiment with various functions.

And this time.

Soul Eater was burning with demonic energy.

Seems to be angry at being stopped from hunting souls.

Its entire eyeball turned pitch black: "Go to hell!"

It was burning with demonic flames.

The whole sky almost burned up, as if a god came into the world, very terrifying.

Soul Eater rushed towards the sword formation fiercely.

Crash into those... sword curtains.

Demon flames shattered the space, obviously, this is already the power of the king's ninth rank peak, just one step away, you can step into a demigod! This kind of power.

It is almost comparable to the detonation of several nuclear bombs.

Bang!!! It collided with the sword curtain.

Under the loud noise, a shocking explosion occurred in the air.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Aside from... the Lu family and Chen Shijiao, the rest of them couldn't help but look worried.

Because according to what they know.

Li Lei's Jiang Che's strongest record was... the live broadcast against Jiang Yunni, the corpse king, and this attack was almost as terrifying as Jiang Che's picture in the live broadcast that day.

The entire sky was burned with violent demonic flames.


Under such circumstances, Jiang Che still didn't mean to make a move, but he still stood there with his hands on his back and pretended to be forceful.

This makes many people a little worried.

Yu Chengfeng hesitated: "Team leader, where's your hammer?"

Only then did they realize that Jiang Che had forgotten to bring his hammer.

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