His eyes were cold and deadly.

It's like a barren universe.

This terrifying giant eye, full of charm blue, in the pupils, agitated the terrifying void power, and in the eyeballs, there are vague void chains clanking.

Demigod! This is a demigod-level evil eye.

It is one of thousands of trump cards.

Mastering the power of the void, it is very strange and powerful.

Now it was used by him at a risk, and he wanted to use it to protect the rest of the evil eyes, only to see the moment when the void appeared.

This [-]-meter giant eye.

Looking in front of him, there are several terrifying fireballs that are big enough to engulf him easily, the corners of its eyes are also twitching, and there is an urge to turn around and slip away immediately.

Of course.

Master's command.


It opened its pupils, and in its own eyeballs, opened up a portal to the void, and countless evil eyes suddenly seemed to grab a life-saving straw and rushed in frantically.

Only the Soul Eater rushing over from a distance.

Can only watch, the Void Door closed immediately after a moment.

Then the evil eyes were empty, the eyes blinked fiercely, and with the eyes, they fled across the space and left the place.

The whole sky.

Only the solitary Soul Eater remains.

And behind it, like, a star feels the extreme high temperature behind it.

He smelled the scorched meat on his back.

Soul Eater was about to cry.

You are so not human! You all treat me like this "Ah!!"

in a shrill cry.

Soul Eater's body was completely engulfed by the fireball technique. In the flames, it was desperately condensed into a thick layer of magical shield, which could block the king's ninth stage and bombard it with all his strength for half an hour.

Couldn't last a second.

Chi Chi Chi! A harsh burning sound is heard.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 98 million energy."

The fireball was castrated unabated, and flew into the sky, accompanied by a snap of Jiang Che's fingers, and finally turned into a plume of soot that dissipated between the heavens and the earth.

this moment.

The audience is dead silent! An evil eye of the king's ninth dan.

Easily killed.

The horror of Jiang Che's strength made everyone, evil eyes, tremble.

"Is this the mage? Love, love."

"What a powerful profession!"

"It turns out that the real mage never holds a staff, but a hammer."

Among the group of people, many of them had their eyes glowing.

I feel like I have learned some great secrets.

"Perhaps, the profession of mage really existed, otherwise it would not have been fabricated out of thin air."

"Look, monks and Taoists, priests, ancient warriors, etc., all appear on a large scale after the recovery of spiritual energy, and they are all extremely powerful professions, usually stronger than those of ordinary ability."

Yu Chengfeng said firmly: "But if the mage hadn't really had this profession, how could it have spread so widely?"

Lu Yun also said thoughtfully: "I have been in the Foundation for so many years and traveled all over the world, but... I have indeed heard that some people have tried to revive those... occupations that only exist in myths and legends, such as alchemists. , Demon Archer, Mage, etc., are widely circulated, but in reality, it is impossible to find a profession that corresponds to inheritance."

"But no one has ever made it."

"One of them is a mages union who has been trying for more than ten years. Some of them have scholars who have suggested that the reason why they can't restore magic is mostly because of the problem of the staff, because various legends, stories, and the specifications of the staff are all different. Different, some people suspect that the selection of the staff was incorrect, which caused the inability to mobilize supernatural power."


"Now it seems that it is indeed the case, and the real staff, I am afraid no one can think of it.

Because the real mage doesn't use a staff at all, but a magic hammer"

Lu Yun thought thoughtfully: "I still have some friendship with that president. It seems that I have to tell her this important news later."

Hear her words.

Everyone's mouth twitched.

Although it sounds serious and professional.

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