at this time.

Some infrastructure must not be messed up.

Electricity, water supply, network, etc., if all these things are cut off, it will undoubtedly tell everyone that the government can do nothing, and the end of the world is really coming, which is easy to cause huge panic.

So even when the manpower is very tight.

The empire still divided a large number of forces and held on to some positions, at least so that ordinary people can still have a belief in survival.

The live broadcast platform of

At this time, ordinary people are also allowed to log in, and many capable people, while exorcising evil spirits, broadcast live broadcasts, teach remotely, and some knowledge to deal with evil spirits.

This also happens to show the spirit of the people of the empire, in the face of the end times, the spirit of mutual help.

Lots of staff available.

Absolutely did not expect it.

The live broadcast, at this time, was actually used by evil spirits to deal with the powerhouses among the human beings! In fact, the combat strategies of each capable person are different. Many human powerhouses are... proficient in the formation technique, hiding in the formation technique, provocative Evil, this is their way of fighting.

At this time, if the evil spirits take a lot of innocent people as hostages, massacre them, and threaten the strong human beings.

In fact, according to the emergency policy of the Empire.

these strong.

Just keep being rude.

There is no need to take more lives, because these... Formation Dao strong, stick to the formation, can protect some people, if they go out and be killed by evil spirits, more people will be persecuted.

This kind of policy, in an emergency, anyone with a little brain will actually understand.

But sometimes.

This group of people is not rational.

As the old saying goes, people's hearts are like smoke, and the public opinion orientation of groups is unpredictable.

These... the backstage staff of the live broadcast.

Almost instantly, I understood that this kind of hostage, threatening the strong, once it appeared on the live broadcast platform and was watched by a large number of people, it would cause serious consequences.

"Quick! Let's go and inform the master of, the director of the live broadcast area, when he heard the news, he rushed over almost like crazy.

Meanwhile he was on the phone on the road.

Notify the conspiracy.

One minute after the supervisor closed the live broadcast, a gust of wind whistled, the windows of the office building were smashed, and Luo Ji appeared here, agitated by the gust of wind.

"Quick, the one you mentioned..., what the threatened human powerhouse looks like, show me the video!"

He got a call.

The supervisor only described that a strong man who manipulated thousands of eyes was threatening a strong man with a sledgehammer and came out of the formation.

At that time, Luo Ji was just... stunned, and instantly thought of a father.

His heart almost jumped out.

This is so special... Could it be that there are warriors threatening Jiang Daddy, so he happened to be not far from the branch office building, killing the evil Luo Ji, without saying a word, he flew over directly.

"This is the picture, the evil spirit on the opposite side seems to have a very strange ability to control computers. We have assigned twelve senior computer experts plus those with electronic equipment capabilities to fight against it, but they can't support it anymore. !"

"There are constantly new live broadcast rooms popping up, all with this picture!"

The supervisor was very anxious, his face flushed red, and he was staring at the rapidly flashing pictures in the dozens of computers.

Twelve computer experts.

It is a fast and frantic confrontation with fingers.

"Director Luo, hurry up and report to the top of the empire. From a technical point of view, it should be impossible to stop it. It can be suppressed for three minutes at most. This kind of live broadcast will appear on major platforms, and almost the entire empire will see this scene."

"If a large number of ordinary people were slaughtered in front of our strong human beings, the impact would be incalculable!"

The supervisor was about to cry and was very anxious.

And this time.

I watched it for more than ten seconds in front of the computer screen.

After carefully zooming in on the screen, I recognized it several times, that Luo Ji behind the figure on the mountain.

His face was very strange.

He patted the supervisor on the shoulder: "Old Yang, let the brothers rest for a while."


Old Yang was stunned for a moment.

"Rest for half a minute, then continue to dry."

"But Director Luo, within half a minute, I am afraid that people in dozens of cities will have this live broadcast on their mobile phones!"

Luo Ji waved his hand: "Have a half-minute break, then help that... evil spirit, spread this live broadcast to the whole country within a minute as soon as possible, it's too late, it's too late."

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