If you really want to run, it's still hard to chase.

Even Jiang Che couldn't guarantee that he could catch up to one or two hundred.

So this time, it's all about acting.

When Qian Mu heard this, he felt very amused: "Hahaha, you are actually a wicked person with Ben Jun, and talk about it in an upright manner. Haha, if you say I cheated, Ben Jun has the right to think that you are complimenting me."

"Void, congeal the walls of the void, don't let this fool run away!"

He shouted.

The [-]-meter giant eyes appeared in an instant.

In its huge eyeballs, the terrifying void power oscillated out, directly in the air, condensing into eight solid void walls, covering Jiang Che and more than a thousand evil eyes.

This kind of wall is formed by squeezing the space.

It is very sturdy, and it can defend even those who cross the space. Even if it is Xiekong, if you want to rush out, it will take three minutes to integrate these... Void barriers.

A very quick smile appeared in the eyes of the thousand eyes.

Just now, I was frightened by the opponent's formation, and I stepped back ten thousand meters. It really made this..., a strong man who often calls himself an emperor or a monarch, and who pays great attention to his own ability, is very dissatisfied and aggrieved.

Now this wave of closing the door to beat the dog.

He must let the other party know what cruelty is.

"Little ones, just be gentle, don't kill them all at once, beat them slowly, let's see how long this... a righteous human king can withstand our devastation."

Qianmu grinned: "By the way, current, how's the live broadcast going?"

This... evil lord, when he rushed forward, he asked casually.

The evil eye covered with lightning was the only one that did not move forward, it hesitated: "Master, the situation doesn't seem to be quite right, I have successfully spread to the entire empire, and countless people are watching this live broadcast. ."


"That's right, I'll let you advance to the third rank of the king when you look back."

Before Dianmang finished speaking, Qianmu just... reached out and patted it to show encouragement. After speaking, the afterimage of his body swept out and rushed towards Jiang Che.

Looking at the densely charged evil eyes.

Jiang Che couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. This is so special, but they are all kings! The minimum is one hundred thousand energy.

One thousand 1,00.

That's a full [-] million!! In this wave, the blood earned, directly, can unlock the next level of cards! Jiang Che really did not expect that happiness would come so suddenly.

In fact, at the moment when Thousand Eyes appeared.

He was already calculating.

While testing the Nine Profound Ancient Formation.

It also does not reveal his own too strong power.

After all, if at that time he would open the sledgehammer and rush up, I'm afraid these... Evil Eyes, would have scattered and fled long ago.

And now.

Under Jiang Che's repeated operations and exquisite acting skills.

The energy of this white flower.

Isn't it all happy, and rushed over on his own initiative? Facing this situation, Jiang Che's eyes showed just the right amount of grief and determination: "Even if Jiang dies today, he will pull a few cruel evil spirits. Burial!"

"You all stay in the squad, leave me alone!"

"I, Jiang Che, died here today, and there will be thousands of Jiang Che standing up in the future."

"My imperial will, unyielding!"

"I, the people of Hualong Kingdom, are immortal!"

"Heroes don't die, because we will never be afraid!"

These words.

The sound is like thunder, and the righteousness is boiling.

Hearing it directly, many people in Longquan Mountain burst into tears and trembled with excitement.

"Brother Jiang!"

"Old Jiang don't!"

"Xiao Jiang!"


Everyone could hardly control their emotions.

"Made, these... cruel evils, Lao Tzu fought with them!"

A lot of people want to rush out.

And at the same time.

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