What the hell, you are a dog! It's very emotional and tear-jerking to say such a long death declaration.

Made us so excited.

I thought that this wave of blood was stable, just... go up and go through the process, release skills, and wait for you to play.

In the end, you showed us this! The [-]-meter giant hammer.

The power of the undead above, the power of destroying the world oscillates, just like what is going to destroy the earth.

take this thing.

To deal with our poor bunch of weak and helpless eyeballs.

You are so sorry! Can the world get better! You guys...dogs.

Strong and strong.

I always like to pretend to be new.

Gan!! All the evil eyes, almost all of which were red, stared at Jiang Che with great indignation, and they wanted to escape.

But what's so special......the Void Barrier opened.

This is closing the door and hitting the dog! And Qianmu was also stunned.

"Investigate, explain to Lao Tzu how the fifty-meter giant hammer in the memory picture is so different from the real thing!"

He let out an unwilling roar.

And this time.

Jiang Che raised his hammer high.

"Destroy the world!!"

Under the blessing of Zhentian's fighting spirit, the Hell's World Destruction Hammer was enhanced to a terrifying level, and along with this terrifying state, Jiang Che used his final trick.

Click! The portal opens.

Above Jiang Che's sledgehammer, a very strange, purple fire appeared.

"Honorable master, the third floor of the underworld, the red underworld demon fairy, help you in the battle!"

Although not up to the fourth floor.

But this seems to be the third floor, one of the top powers, which makes Jiang Che feel that it is probably only weaker than the fourth floor, Yan Zun, who was called out in the battle with the Indestructible Demon.

And more importantly.

Jiang Che's eyes moved, and an ancient flame seemed to appear in his pupils.

The fire department is proficient! Under the blessing of this magical power.

The layer of purple fire on the surface of the hammer suddenly rose up and turned into a ball of raging fire! Compared to before, it was three times stronger! The entire sky was twisted under this extreme high temperature.

All the evil eyes let out a howl of pain.

Even the space barrier is directly, almost incinerated! "Town!"

Jiang Che spat out a word.

without hesitation.

The sledgehammer slammed down.

Among all the widened eyes of evil eyes.

In the sky, a terrifying sky-shattering explosion occurred, and the purple flames shattered the sky. Those... condensed space barriers could not last for a second.

Unfortunately, even though they shattered, no evil eye could escape.

They have been completely engulfed and crushed by this terrifying force.

Under a shocking explosion.

The laws are annihilated.

Every inch of space collapsed and crumbled.

The entire sky, in the terrified eyes of everyone, turned into a purple-black color, ashes scattered, accompanied by some space fragments, the broken power of thousands of evil eyes scattered on the earth, blasting out giant pits.

Invisible room.

A mournful howl echoed in the air: "I'm not reconciled! I didn't use my trump card early, and I called the devil to come!"

"If it wasn't for that, how could the mere humans fight against my abyss overlord!"

And this sound.

In the end, there was a loud explosion.

And all kinds of fragments, the roar of hitting the ground, to cover up.


"what happened"

"Lao Jiang is too fierce. I saw him, his body suddenly soared, and the hammer came down, and that's it..."

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