One looks like a fish head, but on its head, it has the fur of a wild beast, dark, cold scales, and a demon covered with bone spurs more than ten meters long, with half of its head sticking out.

Its two faint green eyes stared at Jiang Che.

With a coveted smile.

"What a fresh creature, this is the most expensive food in the abyss, tsk tsk tsk, I'm afraid I'll lose my teeth if I take this sip."

"Come on, sweetheart."

"Come into my mouth and let me taste it, your taste!"

The fish-headed demon, with its pitch-black tongue, is licking.

Seeing this, Jiang Che nodded happily.

“Ok, let’s dine”

"Don't worry, we earthlings are the most hospitable."

"Come on, I'll give you a hard dish first!"

The fish head demon was stunned.

Even a little embarrassed.

He said he wanted to eat this creature.

He was kind, and wanted to serve food for himself, and the fish-headed demon saw Jiang Che's body suddenly swell up.

He burst out.

"Criminal days!"

There are more than [-] soul power units on his body.

It only takes three points to use the Obsidian Beast Soul once:.

Jiang Che can naturally use it at will.

He shouted loudly, and in the void, a terrifying giant stepped out, the phantom walked into his body, and his body suddenly rose up.

At the same time, the sledgehammer in Jiang Che's hand suddenly became larger, becoming a [-]-meter giant hammer.

The hammer head is bigger than the head of the fish head demon.

The fish head demon was stunned.

Damn, this is hard food! Will it be too hard! You earthlings, are you so fierce , stomping on the ground, making a terrifying loud noise.

He rushed to the front of the fish head demon.

The fish-headed demon swallowed hard and wanted to drill back.

But this time.

It was horrified to see.

A big hand grabbed it, clasped his cheeks, and then pulled his body out in half, and behind it, it was like a giant python, long purple-black, exuding Cold light scales.

What the hell! What are you doing! I don't want to come out.

put me back.

Don't suffer me! Fish-headed devil horror.

But at this time, Jiang Che dragged out a part of its body, without hesitation, the other hand, the sledgehammer crashed down.

BANG!!!! Under the loud noise.

The fish-headed demon's body was directly smashed to pieces.

Bones crackle.

its half body.

It was directly smashed.

Only the tough skin remains, barely connecting the two parts of the body together.

Jiang Che's thoughts moved, and in the sky, countless sword intents converged and condensed into a hundred-meter giant sword, shining brightly, emitting a cold light.

The fish head demon widened his eyes in horror.

What's wrong with you! It doesn't count if someone broke my body, but it has to be completely cut off! It was completely stunned.

Didn't have time to respond.

Because in the past, they were called out by the believers in the low-level world, and all the creatures were terrified by their own auras, and the abyss demons who were very difficult to provoke at first glance were all in awe.

It's impossible to say at all.

When you are halfway out of your body.

It suddenly rushed up and made a surprise attack. It never expected that it would encounter today, 'Passionate Earthlings.


At this time, the fish head demon also reacted.

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