Jiang Che's eyes sparkled and he was very happy.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 440 million energy."

"Single individual, so much energy, this is already very much. This demon is definitely not weak. It should have other powerful abilities that have not been used. It is estimated that I was stunned. Good luck."

Jiang Che murmured something.

The gods contain four 44 realms.

The lower god, the middle god, the upper god, the peak god.

some of.

The lower god is also called the true god.

The middle god and the upper god are gods.

The pinnacle gods are the masters of the gods—the thrones of gods.

For example, the strange world is... a god world, and its controller is the seven supreme gods, the blood god, the ancient god of tyrannical flames, the gluttonous monarch, etc.

Without heaven's protection.

Among the seven of them, it will take less than a month for any of the forces to destroy the entire Earth plane.

some of.

The weakest true god is a million energy.

The zodiac can reach the order of [-] million.

It can be seen that this fish-headed demon is indeed a very strong one among the median god generals.

And in the end, it was opened by Jiang Che to punish the beast soul, plus the hammer of hell.

Directly to the hard hammer.

Add devouring power to swallow it, and make it die extremely embarrassed.

And this time.

The dark abyss world.

In the Demon Lord's territory, the altars built with giant beast bones as large as planets are forbidden, exuding terrifying power, connecting the sky, and opening up void passages.

In front of the Devil's Hall.


One or two hundred meters of huge terrifying demons, half of their bodies, penetrated into those... Void passages.

above the earth.

Crawled with countless abyss demons, hundreds of millions.

These... demons, all have ferocious eyes, and they almost choose to devour them.

In the demon group, there are also a large number of humanoid creatures, they are yellow and thin, they are chained by the demons with iron chains, and they are held in their hands.

These... humanoids are the devil's reserve food.

They bring their own dry food.

He waited for several months outside the Demon King's Hall.

I finally saw this feast of invading another world.

Every invasion of the lower planes will be an abyss force, a huge carnival, and it is difficult to encounter it once in hundreds of years.

Pure-blooded humans are the most delicious food in the eyes of demons.

These... humanoid creatures are precisely the hybrids of some abyss merchants who invaded the lower planes and captured expensive pure-blooded human beings with some common creatures from hell.

Sold as food and slaves.

And this time.

In the middle of this barren, pitch-black land, in front of those... terrifying giant bones, stood a giant stone seat that reached the sky. The throne was cold and desolate, and it seemed to last forever.

It lasted for countless years.

A huge demon, like a giant Titan, sat on it.

this devil.

It has a head like a wild boar and two huge fangs, like two pillars, nearly [-] meters long.

Its body is terribly large.

Five or six hundred meters, tall, covering the sky and the sun, like a hill.

It has bat-like wings on its back.

There is an ancient symbol between the eyebrows.

This symbolizes the supreme glory, one of the most honorable ancient bloodlines in the abyss - the Nuabi family! This Demon Lord, although only a half-blood, relies on the blood of that... terrifying family.

in the outskirts of the abyss.

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