"It seems that the quality of the 'Shen Zang' is a watershed, which just shows that the Shen Zang Beast Soul and the Shen Zang Card will have a huge leap in strength increase."

Jiang Che murmured something.

Full of expectations, I don't know how terrifying I will become after using the Shenzang card.

But suddenly, Jiang Che's eyes froze, and he swept towards those...suddenly closed on Longquan Mountain, leaving only eight space passages of 8.

Among them, there was an aura that made him very palpitated.

"Is this going to be real?"

He understands that the existence in the abyss will never be so simple.

As a plane, at least at the level of the gods, the abyss has hidden methods and backgrounds that are definitely enough to make the earth feel desperate, but Jiang Che, the trump card in his hand, is not a vegetarian.

The energy of more than [-] million now makes Jiang Che full of confidence.

He thought about it.

Look at the system panel.

[Energy]: [Function]: Draw cards, strengthen, select, merge [Exotic Beast Cards]: Chiyou Shenzang, Yinglong Obsidian, Nine-Tailed Fox Gold,...[Items]: Hell Hammer, Jiu Xuan Ancient Dojo Longquan Mountain, Void Battle Boots, Dragon Bone Armor, Soul Locking Nail, Yin-Yang Umbrella [Ability]: Black Shadow, Devour, Yanshan Quake, Yukong [Magic Power]: Rebirth Available Status, Charge: 75% , Great Seal of Heaven, Dark Crow Soul Eater Soul Power: 23, Fire Mastery, Longevity 28 Years [Beast Soul]: Kuafu Shenzang, Xingtian Obsidian

Chapter [-] Jiang Che's Best Friend - Thousand Eyes (Second)

Jiang Che's eyes were bright and full of excitement.

This time, the harvest is amazing! Originally, he planned to visit all the secret realms and restricted areas of the earth before he officially went to the heavens and the world. , as the hole card.

But now it seems that this small goal can be multiplied by ten, making up a billion energy, and drawing one, a more powerful hole card! If it can be achieved, Jiang Che will step into the god-level world and face those... , the higher-ranking gods who have not been suppressed in strength, even the gods, will have sufficient confidence.

"A total of more than [-] million energy!"

"This is so special, you can directly draw more than [-] Shenzang cards, three in full, cards above the level of Shenzang, awesome!"

Jiang Che couldn't help it.

Shock and surprise from the heart.

"Seven lives, more than [-] soul power units, and a full [-] years of lifespan. This lifespan directly surpasses the so-called god throne."

he murmured.

The harvest this time.

It's called astonishing.

Jiang Che never imagined that this abyss copy would be so fat.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help, and looked at him gratefully. At the mountainside of Longquan, he sacrificed all his power and summoned the abyss demon. At this time, the evil prince Qianmu, who was dying.

Jiang Che couldn't help but want to erect a tombstone for him - Jiang Che's best friend! What a good person! As soon as he came up, without saying a word, he first gave away evil eyes worth more than one hundred million energy, and then helped Jiang Che to open up the dungeon , brought him a huge amount of energy, life essence, ingredients, soul power, etc.

Qianmu was the most selfless devotion and self-sacrificing evil spirit Jiang Che had ever seen.

And seeing Jiang Che's affectionate gaze.

Qianmu, who was dying, couldn't help but shivered.

Nima's! Devil! I'm going to die, why do you want to have a thousand eyes, red eyes, and gasping for breath.

He tried his best to summon a powerful abyss demon, thinking that he could pull back and tear this human being to pieces.

The next battle.

It was a complete nightmare.

I saw those... In its eyes, one is more powerful and terrifying than the other demons.

In Jiang Che's hands.

One is more colorful than the other.

Nima's! You are the real devil! It's my thousand eyes who have mistaken my beliefs.

Those... abyss demons.

Compared with your chef Jiang, that is a group of pure babies.

Thousands of eyes almost burst into tears.

When I thought about how this dog was talking before, what kind of thing is a person who dies, but his spirit lives on, Qianmu felt that he was the first time he felt a real person today...  When evil.

Compared with human beings, Gou and Bian are really, far behind! And then.

In a thousand eyes of horror.

A shadow flew over.

Boom! His body was completely suppressed.

It was a huge stone tablet with four characters engraved on it - Jiang Che's best friend finished all this, Jiang Che clapped his hands, and he too, smiled gratified.

In order to punish evil and promote good, sweep away evil and exorcise evil, I just reluctantly endured the pain, and buried this dear friend who I had known for many hours for life.

"Brother Qianmu, I hope you have knowledge under the spring and can understand me."

"I can't help myself."

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