But now, he realized that he was wrong.

Big mistake.

Tai Feng's shamelessness is beyond his imagination! Others don't need to hide and add special effects at all. What's more, he has already appeared here. This guy can choose to ignore himself, and then he will use the special effects first... Really Jill is a showman! In terms of coercion, I, Jiang Che, would like to meet you and be the strongest!

Chapter [-] Unexpected Harvest - God's Treasure Card (First Update)

It is no exaggeration to say that Tai Fengzheng's vision was much more mysterious and vast than when Jiang Che saw Yinglong, the scene where the world shook and the laws were broken.

It is completely the sound of the avenues, the practice of the void, and the scene of the sky and the earth turning over.

People who don't know, seeing this scene, must think that this one is... one of the leading bigwigs in the world of mountains and seas.

Tai Feng blessed the vision and seemed very proud. He shook his head and looked at Jiang Che.

It has a mysterious sneer on its tiger face.

In conjunction with this sky-scraping vision.

It seemed very unfathomable.

And when Tai Feng's eyes were focused on Jiang Che, this... the Great God of Mountains and Seas, his body suddenly froze, and his eyes showed a very panicked and unbelievable expression.

He was sluggish for a moment, then his whole body exploded, and he jumped up in fright, shaking his head like crazy, sticking out his tongue, rolling his eyes, stepping on the steps that he didn't recognize, and backing frantically.

That way, it's like a husky meeting a tiger.

Jiang Che: ...may be gentle.

Lao Tzu's soul body is about to shatter! He is very speechless. Although this one has a funny personality, no matter how you say it, he is also one of the gods of the Mountain and Sea Age. He can occupy a mountain, and there is no existence that any alien beast dares to invade.

Taifeng's strength is definitely not weak! Its huge body, stepping on the earth, is actually a direct command, and the air of heaven and earth has a tendency to be disordered! The space vibrates and the avenues tremble, which is very terrifying.

This directly shattered Jiang Che, almost to the point of shattering.

However, he didn't really dare to say: "Go and scold one, the Great God of Mountains and Seas, but in the bottom of his heart, he complained.

Although these bigwigs seem to respect themselves very much, Jiang Che deeply understands one truth.


One person, one ancient god.

Just looked at each other like this... Tai Feng was covered in fur, his body bigger than Xinghe, struggling to shrink back, his face was full of fear, like a little daughter-in-law who met a landlord's old wealth, but he was also Reluctant to give up his old nest - Qianshan.

So it could only shrink there, looking at Jiang Che, neither speaking nor making any movements.

And Jiang Che was not very good at speaking.

After all, the previous Gonggong, the arrogant insect, no matter what...

Speaking or not, at least the rules are understood, and he will give blood when he comes up. The three obsidian cards in his hand, and now he has two, full of powerful alien beasts.

It's just a matter of Thai.

But the problem was that the fool, it seemed, was frightened and motionless.

After staring at each other for almost a long time, Jiang Che couldn't help it, he coughed dryly: "Cough..."

But he didn't wait for him to speak.

Accompanied by his coughing, Tai Feng shuddered violently and jumped up abruptly, his face was full of horror, he actually gave up his favorite nest, turned around and ran into the distance.

Jiang Che:...this is so special....what a scumbag.

The agreement before the ancient times, you are a special mother, why are you running so fast, I will not eat you.

"God Taifeng, please stay!"

He shouted.

Tai Feng's hair stood on end in an instant, and he ran faster, almost trying to escape from this universe.

Great God! He actually called me a great god! Nima must be ridiculing me and dare to pretend to be a great god in front of him, this wave of blood is cold, I hope the boss will not chase out of the universe.

Tai Feng, who was running wildly, gritted his teeth and seemed to have made a decision. Its sharp claws directly tore open the space, and it was about to flee into the black hole, the turbulent void.

And at this time, I saw this scene.

Jiang Che couldn't care about anything else, he could only shout: "Blood! Great God! Leave some blood for me before I go, can you?"

Tai Feng, who stepped into the space passage with half of his body, froze when he heard this sentence.

Sure enough! Sure enough, it was going to kill me! Cruel! Too cruel! But after thinking about it, in the end, it cut open its own artery with its backhand, and a huge cloud of blood flew towards Jiang Che.

Immediately afterwards, Tai Feng stepped into the void and disappeared.

In the air, only it was left, a word with a vibrato.

"There's only so much!"

Jiang Che: He could only watch helplessly, the large mass of blood drowned himself, and then was absorbed by the Obsidian card in his hand, but it seemed to be because he absorbed too much Taifeng's power, that Taifeng card, It was directly cracked, a crack, and in that, there was a blazing white divine light, exuding a terrifying power, shaking the sky and the earth.

Then, in Jiang Che's wide-eyed eyes, this card, which had spent a million energy, just shattered with a 'click'.

Jiang Che:...Tai Feng, you are an old pit! I will pay you a million energy! And suddenly, a trembling 'hum' resounded abruptly in the air.

In Jiang Che's astonished eyes, the power of the broken Taifengka actually entered his body along his wrist.

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