Dayuan City now has three thousand combatants, of which level is the lowest limit.

Among them, there are only [-]-level powerhouses! The rest are all level.

So in fact, Dayuan City, a city with a population of several million, the real useful combat power is... 800 of these [-] people, and these people have to be sent to power stations, water plants, Food factories, military factories and other important areas, guard.

The adjustable combat power in the city was once reduced to 350 to [-] rank abilities, plus [-] rank who could basically only play soy sauce.

The director also has to maintain the stability of the restricted area.

That is to say, a big Yuan City can only rely on Luo Ji, the deputy director, to lead the more than [-]-level combat power, [-]-level people, and suffer hardships.

At the end of the day, his pressure almost forced him to commit suicide! Because Luo Ji had to choose, give up some places, and watch, those ordinary people could only die at the hands of evil! Driven crazy.

And now.

A person with more than [-] levels of ability is now in front of Luo Ji.

Naturally, he was so excited that he couldn't breathe, he almost wanted to hug Jiang Che and kiss him fiercely! And the most terrifying thing was.

Among the thousands of capable people.

There are a full [-] people, who have experienced professional training, will and combat experience, and are all very terrifying - special forces! One of the ace special forces of the Hualong Empire.

——Longyuan Special Forces! Luo Ji could hardly imagine what kind of terrifying combat effectiveness a special fighter would have with this level of security.

He almost imagined that these ten thousand warriors, like precise evil cleaning machines, swept from one side of Dayuan City to the other side, and then the whole city was completely renewed.

All the evil spirits, all had nowhere to hide, all were wiped out! Gulu thought of this scene.

Luo Ji couldn't help it, and swallowed hard.

And this time.

After everyone was surprised, they started again and continued to eat the food in front of them.

Even if you want to exorcise evil spirits, you must eat your fill first.

These... abyss demons' meat is indeed very delicious, and their bodies can be said to be ten thousand people. It is estimated that it is difficult to finish them.

Fortunately, everyone is awakened now, they should be able to eat them all.

And just as Luo Ji swallowed his saliva and imagined that he would lead a well-trained army of more than [-] high-level able-bodied people to clear the entire Dayuan City later.

Mutation, sudden birth.

Kacha!! Ye Liangchen suddenly punched, tearing apart the earth and blasting a crack several hundred meters long. On his body, the golden light was dazzling, like a statue, the supreme Arhat, almost like King Kong conquering demons, shattering the mountains and seas! Seeing this scene, two words of disbelief popped up in everyone's heart.


Chapter [-] The God-Building Plan (Third)

Everyone's eyes widened.

"! It actually broke five and reached the level! Is this going to go against the sky?"

"The flesh and blood of the gods, and they are not the so-called true gods. They are all stronger than the true gods. The level of the gods has such an effect, but... it makes sense."

Ye Liangchen looked at his body, his eyes widened, and he was ecstatic.

And at this time.

Kacha! Kacha! Boom! Boom! Countless loud noises exploded like thunder on the ground.

There are fire dragons tearing the sky, thunder piercing the earth, demon flames, burning rocks, all kinds of earth-shattering forces are erupted, everyone's eyes widened, and they looked at their hands in disbelief. , looking at his companions around him.

There was a daze in their eyes, and there was an ecstasy that could not be concealed.

If you guessed correctly, they all went straight to the level. At this time, Luo Ji, watching this scene, felt that he was about to die from brain congestion, his breathing was not smooth, and his heart was thumping. Violently beating, the sky-defying surprise completely covered him.

Hell,!! More than [-] levels!! All of my people from Dayuan City! My Lao Luo, this life is worth it! You know, now the entire empire, the level powerhouse, is probably only [-]+.

But at this moment, this number was abruptly doubled. Luo Ji only felt that he was about to faint.

In a trance, his vision was blurred, and he seemed to see that the sky was bursting with azure light, an ancient existence, evolving sword moves in the void, he involuntarily took off the long sword behind him, and followed suit.

And learn at the end.

Luo Ji turned towards the forest ahead, and slashed out with a ruthless sword.

Bang!!!!!! A huge cyan sword light ripped apart everything, directly in a forest, ripped a huge hole, two or three hundred meters long, the ground was torn open, and it became One, a deep ravine, like a forbidden abyss! "! Director, you broke five, it's here! Day, awesome!"

Qi Yuan couldn't help shouting loudly.

And suddenly, he covered his chest: "Fuck, no, I'm going to break through too!"

Suddenly, a cold light appeared on his chest, and then, Qi Yuan's heart was directly attacked by a terrifying chill, his heart stopped beating, and ice covered his entire body.

Half a minute later, Qi Yuan completely became an ice man, whose body was completely composed of blue and cold ice.

His eyes widened in surprise: "Elemental state, this is the ability I have been looking forward to the most, it's awesome, thank you Lord Jiang!"

In this state, it can be said that it is very powerful, and it is almost impossible to meet a strong person who has outstripped himself too much. That Qi Yuan is... immortal and immortal.

Bang! He directly faced Jiang Che and knelt down to express his deepest gratitude.

And suddenly.

An exclamation sounded.

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