Baruch was furious and rushed towards Jiang Che.

And at this time, Jiang Che's eyes shone with divine light, and he held up the sledgehammer in his hand.

"Praise father!"

He didn't say a word, just called God.

And with his voice falling.

The whole world was buzzing, it seemed violent, and it was silent for a moment.

And one, standing upright, so that everyone could hardly see how tall he was, the iron-blooded giant, appeared behind Jiang Che.

The giant is fierce, the blood is shocking, and the sky is a vision in an instant, and the sun and the moon escape! A monstrous aura shattered the mountains and rivers, and directly scared everyone, the demon commander.

These... the demons were all stunned.

Nima's! You are still a person with such terrifying power.

Why are you pretending to be a vulnerable group with us! You are pretending to be your horse! You are a dog! At this time, Jiang Che's eyes flashed, and Kuafu stepped out and entered his body.

In an instant, his body skyrocketed, and in the blink of an eye, he directly became a [-]-meter terrifying giant. His skin was bronzed, his muscles were knotted, and his blood vessels were like a giant dragon. Rumble's powerful throbbing sound.

Jiang Che's whole person's qi and blood is blazing like the sun! It can almost shatter the Great Dao and suppress everything.

"The Power of Destruction!"

"The power of thunder and fire!"

"Ghost Immortal Six Souls!"

"Jailhouse - Destroy the World!"

Jiang Che roared loudly, the sound was like rolling thunder, and the sledgehammer in his hand slammed into the air, and one side shook the heavens and the hell, suppressing the entire world, causing everyone, the demons, to widen their eyes in horror.

This side of the hell is becoming more and more solid. Inside, it seems to be imprisoned, an extremely extraordinary ancient existence, exuding a will of will, which is very shocking and terrifying.

In there, any ray of aura emanating from it can destroy the sky and destroy the earth! It seems that they are imprisoned by a group of extremely ruthless people! And along with Jiang Che's hammer blow, a very sharp sword intent suddenly slashed. Breaking the sky, appearing on top of his sledgehammer, he made the hell-destroying hammer, with an invincible sword qi that can slash all enemies! "Fourth floor of hell, Sword Master."

The cold, arrogant voice resounded in Jiang Che's mind.

After that, Jiang Che slammed down with a sledgehammer. The terrifying power, coupled with Ling Lie's sword intent, instantly shattered everything, and directly followed the head of the Thousand-handed Pig Demon, crushing it all the way.

This demon leader's body was like bean curd dregs, crushed inch by inch by Jiang Che's sledgehammer, and directly under this stern aura, it became a puddle of minced meat.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 620."

Killing it with one hammer! This scene, saw countless people, and the devil was terrified.

Especially in the abyss, when Demon Lord Buck saw this scene, his pupils shrank and he was very angry, but then, his eyes gradually burst into light, full of greed.

"This... sledgehammer is a pinnacle artifact. I am afraid that it can evolve into an immortal artifact if it goes further."

"This is a great thing,!"

"More importantly, this person's trump card is too powerful, if I also obtain the ancient demon god, and call this method of taboo existence, then my army of Buck will be invincible,! It can definitely capture the whole, the periphery of the abyss! "

Buck clenched his fists and his eyes were red.

It was very jealous, what Jiang Che called, the ancient demon god.

If you can get this calling method and let all the demons under your hands use it, then it will kill the entire periphery of the abyss and become the overlord of the entire abyss! This kind of temptation even surpasses that of letting Buck return to his family. !

Chapter [-] The battle is over, Jiang Che, "nearly win" (fourth more)

Buck licked the corners of his scarlet mouth, his eyes were very eager, and his voice like rolling thunder exploded: "You guys obey the orders and fight to the death for me, no matter whether you win or lose, you must show the fierceness of my abyss demon, you can't do it. Jean: The little natives are underestimated."

And hear this.

The Flame Demon and other leaders did not feel the joy of being praised by the leader at all, but a heart that completely sank.

Because it is obvious that they are going to be used as cannon fodder by Buck! Unfortunately, all the space rifts here have been temporarily closed. This is because the intervention of Buck's power has caused problems with the altar, and now the sacrifice is being repaired.

In other words, these... commanders, there is no way to retreat! "Ah!! Kill!"

One after another, the demon leaders, in desperation, broke out a shocking ultimate move, fighting with the bee colony, the worm demon, and Jiang Che.

In an instant, here is shouting to kill the sky, the law and space are constantly broken and reorganized, the entire Longquan Mountain is constantly crushed, and under the power of the dojo, it is constantly reorganized.

Outside Longquan Mountain, everyone was very sensible for a long time, turned around and ran away. Obviously, Jiang Che should not need them now.

With the mere strength of my own people, I'm afraid they don't even have the qualifications to be cannon fodder.

All of them looked at this battle in horror, which was enough to destroy the world.

Mountains and rivers shattered, the earth crumbled.

A loud bang resounded through the sky.

And ten minutes later.

The whole world was beaten to pieces, dark clouds covered the sun, and the sky was dark.

In the place where Longquan Mountain was originally, there was a bottomless tiankeng. From there, there was a loud bang, and with the last sound, a shrill scream, this terrifying battle was finally over. And the scope of this huge tiankeng directly spans several thousand meters, and when it reaches the foot of everyone, it is only five hundred meters away, and I am afraid that the hell tunnel will be completely crushed.

Three minutes ago, in the hell tunnel, some beings were awakened, and some fierce things were disturbed, very angry, and rushed directly to the battlefield, to overthrow those... who dared to disturb their sleep.

Then everyone watched helplessly, that one, covered in blood, was extremely powerful, wearing a shroud, a true god-level old ghost, with a terrifying suffocating aura, soaring into the sky and rushing into the battlefield in front of him.

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