They all felt numb on their scalps, and their hairs stood on end. There was a deadly feeling!

Chapter [-] Bomb kill! (third more)

Behind the five people 5, the one whose head was gnawed... a demigod with a broken arm, suddenly spurted some tentacle-like things from his neck that was spewing blood. To the four people 4, a very creepy smile appeared on the blood-stained face.

Then, from his broken arm, strange tentacles stretched out.

Brush brush! The tentacles, like sharp arrows, pierce the void, and stab at the back of the five people 5! This scene is beyond the expectations of many people.

Especially five people.

They never thought that this demigod powerhouse is not a human being! "Fuck!"

Doctor Li Xunfei scolded secretly, "I said why I don't have the slightest impression of this person."

He trotted an ancient step under his feet, struggling to avoid it.

But now this distance, I am afraid it is difficult to avoid.

In order to save this person just now, the five of them, 5, all rushed towards the black giant wolf who came in from the periphery. At this time, their backs happened to be perfectly exposed to this one-armed demigod powerhouse. before.

"Jie Jie"

The one-armed demigod powerhouse, without the slightest arrogance, just laughed.

A piece of hideous tentacles, the speed increased sharply again.

The five people in front of them 5, sweat drops from the forehead, the back is cold, and there is despair on the face.


At this moment, a woman's coquettish laughter sounded, which was heart-wrenching, as if it was going to hook people's souls away, even the monster couldn't help it, and glanced sideways at Su Ya, who was walking by.

And this time.

Su Ya licked her hands, the coquettish, bright red rose, a strange red light burst out from the rose, swept the one-armed demigod, and suddenly a rose pattern appeared in its eyes, and her expression became dull.

"Quick! I can last for half a second at most!"

Su Ya shouted quickly.

There was no need for her to remind them, the rest of the people at this time, all the long-awaited ultimate moves burst out, slamming into the broken arm demigod.

The dazzling brilliance ripped apart the darkness in the jungle.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!!! Kacha!! This pothole is not very shocking, it is only equivalent to the destructive power that can be caused by the full force of a superpower on the earth.

But this is enough.

Beneath the pothole, the one-armed demigod has disappeared.

He was completely smashed into scum! Everyone looked at each other, and this time they were really relieved.

As the secret helm of the Hualong Empire, the ancestors of the major forces, none of these people are simple, except for the doctor Li Xunfei, and four 44 demigods, who are eager to save people.

Many people have already kept their minds.

Because of the one-armed demigod, losing the arm is too easy! As a dignified demigod, he has experienced no less than a thousand battles, and that kind of... battle awareness, crisis awareness, can almost be said to be tempered.

This kind of powerhouse, no matter what threat he faces, as long as he is not killed by a single blow, then he will definitely make some reactions, either attack fiercely, or retreat into the crowd defense circle.

But the one-armed demigod, in order to cooperate with the giant wolf attacking him, just stood at the edge of the crowd in a daze, which is very suspicious.

Therefore, most people tacitly did not rush to speak, but concentrated their ultimate move, waiting for the other party to take the initiative to reveal their tricks, and finally made a joint shot, killing them in one hit.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Che nodded secretly.

It seems that the training of that one has not been in vain, these... the strong men on earth, although the hard power is average, but the fighting consciousness and acuity are already very good.

Even in his eyes, it was impeccable.

You must know that Jiang Che has entered the Demon Mountain Hammer, stepped on Longquan to dry the demons, and played wheel battles with the abyss demons. The most important thing is that he has witnessed several battles between the mountain and sea bigwigs.

It can be said that his vision for... fighting is definitely, very high.

Can stand him "good"

The evaluation of this group proves that this group of god-level, demigod powerhouses, and battle handling, have indeed entered the hall.

And suddenly.

After everyone killed this tentacle monster in an instant.

In the darkness, there seemed to be the sound of Xisuo, followed by the sound of the bushes being pushed aside, and there seemed to be a huge object running away into the distance.

Everyone looked at each other.

Instantly understood.

This is the giant wolf just now, who chose to retreat.

"Do not chase"

Xiao Hong's whole body burst into martial arts will, like a... Descending a fierce tiger, he asked loudly.

"Go two people, don't run too far!"

Zhuge Yu shouted.

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