The bright fire shattered the darkness in an instant.

A radius of [-] meters was illuminated brightly.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, in front of them, more than [-] meters away, there was a woman sitting on the ground. Maybe she shouldn't be called a woman, because her face was very strange, with a triangle shape and pits. The skin is like a beast, and there is a leopard-like tail under the buttocks.

On the ground in front of the woman, there was a pothole, and there were several rows of spiked wooden stakes, blood dripping on the wooden stakes, and some pieces of minced meat. The creatures disappeared.

The woman wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth.


She cried terribly.

When the dazzling fire light illuminated the sky, her crying stopped abruptly.

Instead, a pair of eyes that revealed endless viciousness stared at Zhao Zhengyang.


The woman screamed, as if she didn't like being exposed to the light, she turned around and disappeared into the air, and the next second, Zhao Zhengyang's face was horrified, because an ugly figure stepped out of the void in front of him.

Not only was he sluggish, everyone was very shocked.

This speed is really terrifying! Just now, almost no one could see the woman's pace clearly.

One of the woman's, with a big thin hand with sharp claws, grabbed Zhao Zhengyang's head.

"Topography Kun, guard!"

Zhao Zhengyang squatted down suddenly, his two fists shot into the sky, his forearms blocked the front, and shielded his face. A thick, khaki-yellow divine light burst out from his arms, blocking the blow.

Bang!!! Terrible loud noise.

Shit! Zhao Zhengyang's hands were splattered with blood, and were torn open seven or eight, with deep cuts.

At this time, the few people who rushed forward had already reacted.

Brush! The harsh sound of breaking the air sounded, and the space seemed to be divided. A sharp scalpel crossed the space and slashed towards the back of the woman's neck. The copyright of the novel resource belongs to the original author, and the text is only for personal study and experimentation. Read, please delete it within 24 hours after downloading, please support subscribing to genuine novels and refuse piracy!

This novel was first published by "Dragon"

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But this time.

Xiao Li's flying knife has missed! The scalpel cuts through the void, and the woman's figure has disappeared again! Everyone's face instantly turned: very ugly.

Weird! Too weird! The ability of this monster is almost incomprehensible.

The scalpel was clearly less than half a meter away from her neck just now. For Li Xunfei's flying knife speed, it was only a thousandth of a second.

It was almost like a duel with an ordinary master, and the knife slashed the other person, about half a centimeter above the neck.

But in this case.

When the woman said she disappeared, she disappeared! Everyone's expressions became tense, because they understood that this woman must have not left before she was hidden in the air, somewhere in the air, staring at everyone coldly.

And this time.

In the air, Zhao Zhengyang stimulated the four gates of the Taoist Palace, and the Jiu Mingli Fire that was opened had already been used up.

The night engulfed everyone again.

And a pair of faint eyes, revealing a cruel, vicious smile.

Chapter [-] What about your wolf nature? ! (Second more)

In the darkness, the unease in the heart of people will be magnified infinitely.

A burst of strange whispers rang in the ears of many people, as if there was a person speaking against their ears.

And accompanied by these... strange whispers, many people, breathing quickly, their eyes under the darkness, gradually red.

"do not come!"

"Looking for death! Evil barrier!"

One after another, the demigods waved their weapons, burst out attacks, and blasted towards the teammates in front, or the air.

Apparently, they were hypnotized and bewitched by the woman.

The team gradually became chaotic.

Some people attack the surrounding indiscriminately, and some stop those who are bewitched.

But fortunately, there are only eight 8 demigods and the weakest three 3 gods, and they are more affected by such whispers.

Most of the people remained awake, but under Zhuge Yu's instruction, many people began to pretend to be mentally disturbed.

They are all waiting.

Wait for the woman to shoot! Then seize the opportunity, strike together with thunder, and kill her in one strike! But what they don't know is that the woman is also waiting.

Although the woman is very confident, one-on-one, she can kill anyone in this team, but this is a group of gods, even she is not confident that she can deal with it.

And this bunch of fat.

Since she is seen, it is impossible to let go easily.

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