A behemoth, like a hill, rushed out of the cave, trampling on the ground, causing the ground to tremble.

There was also a sharp black shadow that followed the behemoth in the dark.

The two ran towards the jungle somewhere together...

Somewhere in the dark forest, a pale man's head sticks out. He has a... long hair scattered behind his back, long and narrow hands and feet, long white nails, and countless ancient inscriptions are engraved on his body.

The man stuck his body out, more than three meters tall.

He looked in a certain direction, and his mouth full of fangs was bizarrely cracked.

"Jie Jie"

"Netherworld Swallowing Python, such a fragrant smell of flesh and blood!"

"This seat has a hunch that there will be countless powerful creatures buried there, go children, go to devour, plunder, this is our great opportunity!"

The ghoul king licked his scarlet tongue and made a hoarse voice.

And as his voice fell, there was a scene in the swamp that made any living creature look at it, and the scalp would tingle! I saw that under the swamp, heads emerged, densely packed, and the entire swamp was smashed. They were all filled up, and after that, a broken body emerged, with people and beasts.

And what they have in common is that they are all horribly pale, as if they had been soaked in water for decades.

Many corpses, whose bodies have been broken, can still move normally. In the white eyes, there is a cruel and fierce light. With the words of the ghoul king, countless ghouls let out hoarse laughter and move towards the depths of the jungle. Countless creatures were killed and devoured along the way, they were like locusts passing through the border, it was very terrifying!...In the huge canyon, the devilish energy was overwhelming.

This is the branch of the ancient Ming sect in the dark jungle.

A woman with a face full of evil lines glanced at the thunder on the horizon, and then she waved her hand and said a strange language: "Go, the ghost swallowing python riots, if there is a chance to find it, give its head and beast essence to Ben. Bring the seat back!"

One after another dark shadows scurried out...

There are countless places where similar things happen.

In the dark jungle, that's it.

There are several giants here, their strength and power are very terrifying, and once something happens to a giant and encounters a strong enemy, then the other parties will turn into a group of hungry wolves, tearing off a few pieces of flesh from its body! That's why, after discovering that Jiang Che was not very easy to deal with, the Netherworld Swallowing Python roared with thunder without saying a word, and activated his ultimate move.

It must solve this opponent quickly! Otherwise, it will be in great danger of being besieged! This is... the dark jungle.

A ghostly place where even a giant has to be careful to survive.

Chapter [-]: Hell Swallowing Python laughed (first)

Boom! The sky flashed dazzling thunder from time to time.

The entire land was shrouded in a kind of ghostly demonic energy, and the four fields were condensed with frost.

This small space seems to be confined within a hood.

Become: very depressed.

There is a feeling of heavy oppression that is about to come.

On the sky, the triangular head of the Netherworld Swallowing Python is constantly changing, and in a vague way, it has the appearance of a three-pointed real dragon, which looks very terrifying and hideous.

As the swallowing python swam in the void, the whole world also trembled.

This place has become its Nether Thunder Purgatory Field. This is the Heaven Swallowing Python clan, a very terrifying ultimate move! This clan, when they were very young, would choose to devour other forces, such as flames, earth, wind... …and many more……

When they reach adulthood, they can condense into their own domain by devouring the accumulated power.

And some of the most ferocious swallowing pythons will choose to devour the power of thunder, which is unique to God. They will chase the thunder calamity and pursue the opportunity to transform into a dragon. In the end, there is a chance to become the kind of... comparable to The supreme existence of the Throne of God - the Nether Abyss Dragon! There is even a very small possibility that it will directly turn into a real dragon, and that will be a real soaring into the sky! At this moment, this Thunder-type Netherworld Swallowing Python, huge In his eyes, there was an endless killing intent, and it stared at Jiang Che.

Their family also has a tyrannical ultimate move, which is the foundation of their lives and is not weaker than the Nether Thunder Purgatory.

That is the colorful scale poison.

But the human below completely ignored this poisonous fog.

This is also one of the reasons why the Netherworld Swallowing Python is desperate to kill it with its ultimate move.


It roared up to the sky, its voice was completely different from before, and it possessed a kind of supreme majesty, which shocked countless beasts in the mountains and forests, and they felt a kind of absolute suppression from the blood! Shock.

Accompanied by the roar of the Netherworld Tongtian Python.

Within its domain, this side has evolved various terrifying killing moves.

There is a ghostly cold that condenses an iceberg, and moves towards Jiang Che to suppress it and descends into an enchanting snake girl, twisting her delicate body, bewitching the living beings There is a thunderbolt tearing the sky, turning into a hand, and a terrifying dim light interacts with the boundless killing technique to bombard and kill. And out... the endless killing moves, all pressed to the ground.

Gulugulu! Zhuge Yu, Xiao Hong, Su Ya, Zhao Zhengyang and the others all widened their eyes and swallowed hard.

This scene is almost like the end of the world, the sky is falling apart.

These... terrifying ultimate moves, a random one, I am afraid that all of them can't stop it together, but now, these... ultimate moves burst out together, almost crushing everything, shaking their souls trembling.

Almost no one can rise, the courage to resist.

Looking at the suppression of the thousand-meter iceberg, the dangerous atmosphere in the thunder giant's hand, everyone's heart stopped beating, and their pupils widened sharply, almost as if they were frightened.

And this time.

In Jiang Che's eyes, a suffocating aura was reflected.

The various killer moves of this giant python were all very powerful, and the pressure made his body instinctively straighten, his muscles were beating constantly, Jiang Che even had the urge to turn around and leave.

Of course, this is because he is only in a basic state now.

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