"Master Jiang!"

"Master Jiang! Be careful."

Everyone clenched their fists, looking forward to a miracle, but Jiang Che's reluctance made them not have much hope in their hearts.

Everyone, sighed slightly.

But at this time, deep in the jungle, one after another gaze showed surprise.

To be able to block a blow in the state of the python king, and to remain in a stalemate for such a long time, this human - so strong! At this time.

Jiang Che flicked the hammer in his hand, and the corners of his mouth slowly twitched.

"Raise a hammer for a thousand days, use a hammer for a while..., Hammer Spirit, give Dad some strength later, or I will sell you to Africa for mining."

Following his words, the Zijin Dome Shattering Hammer flickered twice in grievance.

Hammer Spirit cried out from the bottom of his heart.

You have done such a bad thing in your past life.

I just met such a master! Jiang Che's eyes twinkled, and his lips twitched.

he whispered.

"Strength of the Shattering Sphere!"

In an instant, a force that smashed everything was attached to the sledgehammer. The surrounding void showed signs of shattering. Jiang Che's current sledgehammer could definitely break open a mountain and shatter the void. .

"Zi Mingqi!"

A burst of copper divine light bloomed, and the sledgehammer instantly became heavier by nearly a hundred times, reaching a terrifying one million tons! It may not seem too exaggerated, but you must know that this is the weight of the weapon. The destructive power caused is absolutely terrifying, and its power will increase exponentially with the strength of the user.

If you add the power of smashing the sky, the combination of the two can almost rely on physical attacks, comparable to powerful gods! "The power of destroying the world!"

"One soul and six souls!"

The world seemed to stand still for a moment, Jiang Che's eyes suddenly became cold: in his eyes, there seemed to be a beautiful woman with long hair fluttering.

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka! Beng! Along with the woman's terrifying breath, a trace leaked out, and the entire iceberg shattered.

And at the same time.

All kinds of ghostly shadows all around, after throwing a wink at Jiang Che, they found that in Jiang Che's eyes, the woman's pretty face that was indifferent to everything was suddenly covered with frost, and the woman glanced at those... ...the enchanting ghost at a glance.

A terrifying murder burst.

Kacha! Countless shadows shattered instantly.

on the sky.

Swallowing Python's eyes narrowed slightly, and an unstoppable killing intent appeared.

It is absolutely impossible for it to allow a human being who can ignore its own virulence and is still so powerful to survive in this jungle, that will be the most deadly threat to it! "Roar!"

The swallowing python roared angrily, no longer holding the slightest fluke, and broke out completely.

Its body danced wildly in the void, and the black light shook the sky.

In an instant, the entire nether and thunder purgatory shook violently, the sky collapsed, the thunder pond overturned, and the magic energy of the four directions stirred.

That scene was a real world shattering, the end of the world! The whole dark jungle was shaking.

At this moment, an ancient existence was disturbed.

Inside the cave, the terrifying Thunder Leopard King, with flaming thunder mans blooming in his eyes, exudes a very dangerous aura, and he looks into the distant sky.

"This old thing is really moving"

"Let's go, there will be a lot of money to take advantage of, in the dark jungle, the sphere of influence should be re-divided!"

The [-]th chapter peak duel

In the gloomy swamp, the ghoul king, who was sitting leaning on the throne of bones, suddenly looked at the thunder that resounded in the sky. After a while, its eyes narrowed, licking the corners of the scarlet mouth, and the throne of bones rose into the air.

"Four Corpse Generals, follow me to charge!"

In the air, an order from the ghoul king remained.

Immediately afterwards, the corpse pool, which all the creatures in this dark jungle, smelled discolored, trembled violently, and a carrion mountain rose up from the ground.

It was actually a head! And then, a corpse bear... a rotting corpse bear stood up from under the corpse pool, covering the sky and sun.

This corpse bear looks very terrifying, its body is rotting, white flesh, one eye socket is smashed, and there is a black hole, and a strange red light flashes faintly inside, and its huge palm is full of sharp barbs.

The most terrifying thing is that the giant bear has some biological features that do not belong to bears, such as a giant python tail on its back, a pair of huge arms of a mountain giant on its chest, and a pair of giant ferocious birds on its back. The wings have also rotted away, revealing white bones... After that, the water surface of the corpse pond burst open, and the three heads are as huge as the giant bears, with a terrifying corpse of seven or eight hundred meters, standing up, like a A high mountain stands, breathtaking.

Among them, there is a corpse dragon, the appearance of a western dragon, with a wingspan of [-] meters.

A grudge, composed of countless grievances and corpses, is full of grievances.

A corpse worm, like a giant earthworm, this kind of creature generally exists in the tomb, and grows by eating corpses all the year round. It is usually a hundred meters long.

And this corpse worm is [-] meters long, which is very terrifying! The four corpse generals rushed in one direction, trampling the mountains and forests constantly, and countless creatures were so scared that their hearts trembled...

In the gigantic canyon, a woman with evil lines on her face, her eyes shining brightly, looking at a certain direction, two seconds later, she rose into the sky, and in an instant, the evil energy was overwhelming, and half of the sky was eroded...

In the dark jungle, one after another extremely dangerous giants set off, all of them staring at the fat piece of the Netherworld Swallowing Python.

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