For example, that time, Lu Ling encountered that... the leader of the scattered cultivator.

He is a mid-rank god general, and fighting against the commander level is almost certain to die.

And that... the commander is an assassin who is good at concealment. He is very good at concealment. Even if he is a strong man of the same level, he is not willing to provoke him. After all, an enemy who can attack from the void at any time and kill you by the throat, even the Throne of God , and do not want to face it.

But in Lu Ling's hands, he suffered a big loss! That... every assassination of the commander was seen by Lu Ling, and none of his magical powers could be revealed. In addition, as an assassin, his physique, qi and blood must be far away. Weaker than that of ordinary leaders.

That's why Lu Ling was able to fight him in the end! It can be said that most of the credit for his battle to become famous is due to... this one, nothing is impossible... the pupil technique of prying.

And this technique is only what he learned by looking at the cover of that ancient book every day and listening to the faint whispers.

Lu Ling firmly believes that once he finds someone who understands the original ancient divine language, he will have the opportunity to completely open the ancient book! That's why.

After hearing Jiang Che speak the original ancient divine language, he was excited.

"It's actually similar to the whispers I heard in that ancient book. This person must know the real ancient divine language! It's not comparable to those... only half-understood natives."

"He can definitely help me understand this ancient book!"

Lu Ling's eyes lit up.

In fact, he had come into contact with creatures who had a little understanding of the primitive ancient divine language.

They were all creatures from thirty-six different indigenous worlds, and they were slaves bought by Lu Ling at a high price.

These slaves come from the various "resource worlds" occupied by the False God Realm

The people of the gods, call the ordinary world, usually the name is: "indigenous mineral world"

, "Indigenous Women's World"

, "Resource World"

, "The World of Believers"

Etc., refers to a world that can produce resources for the deceitful world, such as slaves, girls, minerals, food, and beliefs.

Don't think that in the world of gods, there are all gods.

God is also a stronger person.

They also have various needs, and the creatures that squeeze this world to a certain extent are easy to be rebounded. Therefore, they occupy more and more indigenous worlds, and use tribute, slavery, etc., to squeeze these... weak indigenous worlds, it becomes A very good way to get resources, manpower, etc... stuff.

Behind these...the seemingly glamorous gods, hidden is the blood feud of countless creatures in the universe! And among the slaves that Lu Ling bought, there was a woman from the earth, and what she said was very close In the primitive ancient divine language, Lu Linghao was excited.

But later he discovered that the ancient divine language spoken by the woman was still not precise enough, and she couldn't open the ancient book.

In the end, this woman became a human pill after being tortured by Lu Ling for more than ten days.

And now.

Lu Ling's eyes were shining brightly and he found someone who could understand the primitive ancient divine language! "As long as I get him, I will be able to understand ancient books, comprehend supreme secret techniques, and surpass some so-called sect elders and old emperors. Lord, it is not impossible."

He stared at Jiang Che.

On the other hand, Jiang Che was a little bit stunned, this dead gay, looking at him so excitedly, he was a little panicked about what he wanted to do.

And a reckless man like Jiang Che, once panicked, the sledgehammer in his hand would be ready to move.

"Human, this seat now has a great opportunity, as long as you are willing to follow me..."

Lu Ling spoke slowly, with a proud demeanor.

"Human what are you doing!"

Halfway through his words, he suddenly panicked and let out a loud roar that sounded like a Hong bell.

"Stop, put down the hammer in your hand!"

Lu Ling threw out a big hand, blocking the hammer in front of him.

Jiang Che, on the other hand, was wielding countless sledgehammers, violently rushing to kill, and was about to smash to death the sissy in front of him.


"I can see at a glance that you are not a woman."

"Hmph, worm-carving trick, how dare you make an axe."

"Sledgehammer Heavenly Dragon, World Honored Earth Store, Prajna Buddhas, Prajnaba Makong."


Immediately afterwards, the sky was filled with light, and the violent killing was violently suppressed.

The blast caused Lu Ling not to pay attention, and suffered a few sledgehammers, even he couldn't bear it.

And many people were shocked.

Shut up! You're not a real Dawei Tianlong at all! "Humph!"

A cold and chilling voice resounded between heaven and earth.

"Don't eat and drink for a toast, natives, you've angered this seat."

"To die."

The voice was so cold that it was not like a human voice.

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