Because it was completely beast-like, the added strength was not too much, but instead it affected Jiang Che's swing of the sledgehammer.

Can respond to dragons differently.

After using it, the sledgehammer can be used temporarily.

Because of its power, it is really too powerful! This one is one of the ultimate giants in the real sense of the Mountain and Sea Era! It can even be called.

The second big guy in the Shanhai era! What ancient gods and heroes, Yu Qiang, etc..., in front of him, it is not enough to see, even the great master of Gonggong, Xuandi Zhuanxu of Jedi Tiantong and other well-known giants, and Yinglong, not a level of existence.

Because even Zhuanxu's father Shaohao and grandfather Huangdi couldn't do Yinglong at all.

It can be said that Yinglong was even in the mountain and sea era when the great gods were all over the place.

In the eyes of various ancient gods.

That is also an absolute god! No... The taboos mentioned exist! You must know that when the emperor fought against Chiyou, this one, with one stroke, killed Chiyou first and then Kuafu, completely killing everything. The Mountain and Sea Era, one of the ceilings of strength, is very terrifying.

Speaking of which... may not be intuitive enough.

It is said that the ancient monster, Wuzhiqi, that is, the prototype of Monkey King, the great sage of the sky, was suppressed by Yinglong with a single paw. , This shows the strength of this big man.

And this time.

Jiang Che felt the surging, terrifying power in his body.

He was very shocked.

Could this be a Hei Yao card, this might be even more fierce than the Shen Zang card! Impressively.

After he used the Yinglong card, the power in his body almost crushed everything, and it was a hundred times bigger than the other black Yao cards he used before! , completely crossed the level of an exotic beast card."

Jiang Che was shocked.

Then his huge eyes looked coldly ahead.

Being stared at by these fierce eyes, Lu Ling shuddered violently, and he was stunned at this moment.

Because just as Jiang Che was soaring into the sky, an ancient dragon's might burst out.

A click.

He worked hard, and the Void Immortal Demon summoned with the power of yin-defying shattered.

It was shattered so thoroughly that it became a pile of slag, floating in the air.

And what frightened him even more.

He has cultivated the secret method of Yin-Yang Acacia to the god level, and with the help of his father, the Void Immortal Demon who signed the contract, just ignored the backlash and forcibly tore the contract.

Lu Ling was suddenly dumbfounded.

You know, this is a real fairy! He relied on the special skills of the practice, and his father's life-long accumulation as a sacrifice to sign this evil fairy hidden in the dark realm of the void, a hand, you can use its power.

But now.

The hand of this immortal demon actually forcibly broke free from the contract regardless of backlash.

This shows what.

Lu Ling couldn't be clearer.

That immortal demon is afraid! "Across the world barrier, what is it afraid of?"

Lu Ling broke out in a cold sweat.

You must know that the world barrier of a world of gods, even the throne of God, cannot be broken from the inside, even if it is immortal, it is difficult to break from the outside.

But it is under such a solid defense.

In addition, I don’t know how many worlds are far away, and even the immortal demon in the big domain, who is spitting blood, has to take this strand of immortal knowledge back, for fear of being chased and chased to where he is!” Damn it, fuck it."

At this moment, Jiang Che opened his mouth, and the huge dragon's mouth made a loud noise.

Accompanied by a roar from him.

Crackling——!!!! The entire dark jungle periphery was illuminated brightly.

A pillar of thunder, like a calamity, tore apart the stratus and fell in the wind and rain, completely drowning Lu Ling.

Just before being submerged.

Lu Ling opened his mouth wide, as if he wanted to scold his mother.

Damn it, Nima's! Well played.

What the hell are you doing!! Gan! This is the last word Lu Ling spit out before his death, and then at the moment when he came into contact with this pure white thunder, his soul was broken and scattered, and the powerful divine body was like tofu. With a slag glance, it was instantly torn apart! "Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining 500 million energy."

"Well what is that.

Jiang Che suddenly shrank his pupils and saw a black light shining in the sea of ​​thunder, which seemed to be an ancient book.

Brush! A thought moves.

His body flew, and in the blink of an eye he appeared within the thunder.

At this moment, Lei Ting was still roaring, tearing a [-]-meter crater on the ground, but Jiang Che felt very comfortable in the thunder pillar. As one of the most mysterious and powerful ancient gods, Ying Long, In charge of wind, rain, thunder and lightning, etc., are all basic operations.

Jiang Che probed his claws and pinched the black light in front of him.

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