"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 1.

5 quantity.”

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 2."



Jiang Che's eyes flickered for a while, and a pair of huge dragon eyes showed full of joy: "Ten thousand of grievances actually calculate the energy value independently, this wave will come down, blood will be earned!"

Seeing the resentment exploded just now, Jiang Che was very speechless, and even wanted to persuade the other party not to be so overwhelmed.

After all, if it committed suicide, he wouldn't be able to get energy.

But now it seems that this is a blessing in disguise! Because these tens of thousands of wronged souls, although they cannot reach the strength of god-level wronged souls because of their brokenness, but one wronged soul can provide him with tens of thousands of energy, and tens of thousands of wronged souls, that is Hundreds of millions! "Maybe this time, the biggest gain is... Killing this resentful evil."

Jiang Che muttered to himself, his eyes bright.

Like Thunder Leopard King, Corpse King..., he really doesn't look down on him.

Because of these... the peak god generals have a maximum of five million energy, and they have to be beaten to death.

Even if it is a stronger general commander.

That's seven or eight million, 7, energy.

To accumulate [-] million, you have to kill at least [-] or so:.

Fifteen high-level gods, even the current Jiang Che, will not be too easy to kill, or they will overturn.

And resentment this lovely creature.

This made Jiang Che very excited.


in a series of pleasant reminders.

Jiang Che's energy has reached a full [-] million! Soon it will be close to [-] billion, and he will draw an alien card that surpasses the wild card.

At this moment, his eyes lit up.

He looked at the two rays of light in the sky.

"Brother Corpse King, don't rush to leave, I have something to talk to you about."

Jiang Che shouted, the sound was like rolling thunder, and it shook the sky.

"You resentful little brother, where did you capture it? Is there... such a little brother, can you negotiate and give it to me?"

"Jiang's dream is to have a group of resentful younger brothers, as long as you are willing to shoot Brother Corpse King, the price is not a problem!"

"I'll be fine with them!"

Distant sky.

Hearing Jiang Che's shouting, the Corpse King Longyou couldn't help shuddering violently.

Damn, what a pervert! He actually has a unique hobby for such evil things as resentment.

a time.

The corpse king was terrified.

Countless ancient inscriptions burst out from under its feet, and its speed increased sharply again.

And this time.

A cold, majestic voice resounded in the void.

"Brother Corpse King, this is not right. If Jiang is talking to you, are you deaf to me? I want to leave without saying a word. This is not taking me, Jiang, in the eyes!"

A word out.

The wind and rain are getting more and more... abruptly.

In the midst of the storm, a huge palm stretched out in an instant, composed of rain, wrapped in a terrifying coercion, and severely suppressed to the right of the dragon.

Bang!!!! A loud bang.

The thousand-meter-long wind and rain hand blasted a terrifying deep pit on the ground.

The body was shattered, and the dragon right, which was split with ferocious lines, flew out of it, and its face was full of horror.

Just now he used a secret technique to fight against the wind and rain.

Unexpectedly, he burned part of the secret technique of his soul and was torn to shreds in an instant! In front of this giant hand, his defense was like a piece of paper! "Senior Jiang, Senior Jiang!"

As Long You ran, he shouted loudly: "Senior Jiang, you have misunderstood! I'm not looking down on you, I'm afraid, please, let the junior go!"

Long You is different from Lu Ling, Lei Bao Wang, who is a strong person who maintains his identity.

He was originally from humble beginnings, from a secular dynasty.

Therefore, Long You's character can be said to be able to bend and stretch. In order to survive, he lowered his posture.

And when he finished shouting.

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