"One Billion Energy: The First Three + Lawful Magical Powers."

"Ten Billions of Energy: One-tenth and 10% of all power."

"The maintenance time depends on the way the host uses it. The full burst is about ten ten breaths: if it is not used, it can last for up to ten thousand years without dissipating."

"Ding, the mountain and sea tycoons who follow the above rules, respect: Zhulong, Dijun, Yinglong, Emperor, Nuwa, Ji."

Hear this explanation.

Jiang Che also understood.

The system itself is only a medium. It affects the power of the mountains and seas, mainly relying on energy to maintain it. In the past, the reason why those... relatively 'ordinary' exotic beasts can maintain a constant time is because the system uses its own savings. The energy is formed by withdrawing more and replenishing less.

For example, he used a whiteboard card, but it was only used to hurry, maybe a hundred energy points, but only a little was spent.

Then the remaining energy will be stored.

When Jiang Che uses the whiteboard card next time and goes through a hard battle, [-] energy points are not enough to support him in this high-intensity battle in this state, the remaining energy will be distributed. to maintain his state.

And the purpose of the system to do so.

Jiang Che can probably think of it.

The three inconspicuous words 'standardization' seem to be useless, but for a rookie who has only acquired the system, it is simply too important! It can even be said that it determines life and death.

If there is no definite duration of the beast card, then after Jiang Che has gone through several battles, the energy of a beast card may still exist, but there is not much left. At this time, he will go to fight with a ferocious female ghost. In the war, suddenly, the state is gone, and it may be torn to shreds in the next second.


The system provided such a function in order to prevent Jiang Che's sudden death from sudden weakness.

But now.

When maintaining the ultimate leader like Ying Long, the system discovered that it was so special that it could not make up for it.

So it gives a new solution.

Jiang Che can understand such a result. After all, a big man of Yinglong's level is really too powerful and terrifying, and he can imagine the huge amount of energy consumed.

To know.

The creatures at the peak of the median god are by no means weak, and the strongest background on the earth is only at this level.

But just now.

After Jiang Che used the Yinglong card.

The four corpse generals at the peak of the median god, plus three stronger than this, surpassed the limit of the median god and reached the half-step commander level. Under his hands, they both died without taking a single move! kill them.

Jiang Che had only used three of Yinglong's tens of thousands of supernatural powers, and he had only used it lightly.

This is terrifying.

Moreover, Jiang Che understood that the reason why he could only kill Leibao King and Corpse King with half-step commanders just now was because the commander-level existence of the dark jungle did not make a move.

This is like a [-]-point exam for some academic masters.

Just because the paper is only [-] points.

Jiang Che had a feeling that even a true commander-level power...he would definitely not be able to hold his claws. Of course, in this case, depending on the energy consumption, he might only be able to swing a swipe. paw.

But anyway.

Yinglong's strength is indeed a bit too much.

Jiang Che used the ordinary black flash card, the power of the source, the soul of the beast, and other powers, all of them to be blessed, and only when they exploded, could they reach the point where they could shoot casually in the state of responding to the dragon.

So he understands that the new maintenance rules reported by the system are more pertinent for this level of bosses.

And it's not all bad.

At least for the current Jiang Che, as long as he gets this level of alien beast card, he can use it directly, so that he is in a relatively strong state, without having to wait for a strong enemy to use the alien beast card, which is equivalent to: Helped him reduce a lot of risk.

After all, the enemies Jiang Che had encountered so far were, in a sense, more powerful.

Even Lu Ling, who thought he was very insidious and acted arrogantly, shouted a few times before rushing over. In Jiang Che's opinion, this was too graceful! According to Jiang Laoyinbi's thoughts.

If he knew the skill of concealing his breath, he would definitely touch the opponent's back when he encountered an enemy, pick up the sledgehammer and give him a backstab first.

And Jiang Che is very sure that in this ghostly god realm where there are so many strong people and constant wars and chaos all the year round, this kind of old silver coins will definitely grab a lot. There is no chance to get a card, so I was sent back to life by someone else.

Although he can use the resurrection mark to return to the city.

But how can a real man allow himself to be backstabbed by others? This is a matter of dignity.

Chapter [-] The Four Great Zombie Ancestors

Because of this, although it was a pity that he couldn't use the big boss Yinglong, the beast soul, the power of the source, and the innate supernatural powers, Jiang Che was still quite satisfied.

At the same time, he is also looking forward to when he will be able to draw one of these six ultimate giants.

Jiang Che's strongest card right now is the wild card Zhuanxu.

Just one of them, the emperor's, grandson.

Among them, the difference is not only the seniority, but also the absolute strength gap.

Zhulong, Dijun, Yinglong, Emperor, Nuwa, Ji.

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