Almost everyone felt that their weapons were about to move, as if they wanted to fly out and become that man's weapon.

The sledgehammer in the man's hand suddenly enlarged.

His body was also bulging violently.

But this change has not yet been completed. He has already cut through the void and smashed onto the body of the ancient bull monster. In an instant, the terrifying power was vented, the world trembled, and the avenue seemed to be broken.

Bang!!!!!! A loud bang.

The Mang Niu Monster's eyes widened in horror, its huge body was directly smashed to pieces, the solid flesh and blood, along with the... ancient, mysterious runes, were all wiped out, and its vitality dissipated inch by inch.

Shit! In the end, the body of this extremely powerful monster broke open, and its vitality was dissipated.

Hiss!!! At the scene, there was a continuous sound of sucking cold air.

The ultimate powerhouse.

What level of power is it to kill with a single hammer! And Zhang Sanfeng's turbid eyes were shocked, and he stretched out his hand tremblingly, tears streaming down his face.

"Yes... that realm! The power of that realm!"

"On Earth, it finally appeared, and the first one appeared—"


Four',,, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter [-] Seal the town rift, go home!

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng's gaffe, many people were taken aback.

Few of the young people present could understand his excitement.

, This is the goal of how many people have worked hard, which means that the earth has once again taken a big step forward, and it is only the last step to completely escape, being pressed and beaten by those... different worlds! Today there are The northwest fortress was invaded by the devious army.

In ancient times, the demon mountain and demon clan slaughtered recklessly.

Going forward, it is a history of blood and tears.

Today's five forbidden places, each of which symbolizes, once a massacre - the massacre against all human beings on earth! This is a history that only very few people know.

Zhang Sanfeng is one of the witnesses in person.

Only an old man like him would understand what kind of torture and humiliation mankind has suffered since they touched the first god-level civilization [-] years ago.

And all of this is because of not being strong enough.

If you are weak, you will be beaten.

Weakness is...original sin! That's why the first ancestor of mankind, at all costs, embarked on the path of pursuing strength, from tempering the body, to controlling blood, to touching the power of nature, and finally, to control the supernatural Strength, in the process, paid the lives and hard work of countless ancestors.

In the end, human beings risked the extinction of their families and built huge altars with their families.

This is not for offering sacrifices to worship God.

But to - ensnare the gods.

With the body of a human, gain the power of the gods! This step is a milestone. Since then, there have been more god-level powerhouses in the human era.

But even so.

The ancestors of mankind were still desperate to discover that those...foreign forces, otherworldly creatures, were so powerful, they tried their best to get all the power, and in front of those creatures, they were so vulnerable! Until two thousand years ago.

There is a man who smashed the Buddha with one sword and banned the Buddhist monk from the world's most forbidden place.

Humanity finally stood up! Because from that day on, human beings have their own superpowers! Those... the creatures of other worlds, the strongest combat power that can come to this world, it is this level, and it is from that One day, the Earth's counterattack began.

after that.

For two thousand years, the lands fought bloody battles, and they did everything they could.

Skeletons everywhere are unknown.

How many...wife and children guarding the lonely grave.

The order that belongs to the life of the earth has been re-established step by step, and those... the creatures of other worlds who used to be unscrupulous and slaughtered the earth, one by one, have become a restricted area, a place of death, and are permanently sealed in a dark place.

But many old people know that.

The war is far from over.

The invasion of the False God Realm once again broke the long-lost peace.

It was also at this time that all talents discovered that to keep the earth's stability, it is no longer enough to be the strongest! Until yesterday.

The demon is fully revived.

Spiritual energy, eruption, the shackles of heaven and earth are loosened.

When all parties are in crisis, each strong person is also pleasantly surprised to discover that the door to the next realm has opened! But this does not mean that everyone can easily step in.

It can only be said that those... the most powerful people, who have been groping for hundreds of years, can start experiments at this moment, and whether they can get through depends on luck.

And under the danger of the outbreak of demons everywhere.

The five empires tacitly took a big and dangerous chess move - all the most powerful people closed their doors! This is a last-ditch battle.

Because the door is opened, it also means that strong creatures will invade. If no one can walk out a correct path, then the demise of the earth may be in these few days.

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