BANG!!! A huge bang.

The fall of the giant peak directly suppressed the space crack.

Jiang Che stood in the void, turned his back, turned his head, and spoke lightly.

"This place, no one can come to this place unless the Throne of God comes in person."

"walk home."

Today's Hualong Empire has been invaded by all kinds of terrifying monsters. It's time to end it.

Chapter [-]: The Dao is taught, ready to liquidate!

"walk home!"

"go home!"

A strong man with cold eyes.

"Go back and settle it, and it's not over until you kill blood!"

The sky was already lit up at this time.

Dawn is coming.

Although the fissure was temporarily blocked by Jiang Che, the rich spiritual energy of the day and night was enough to spawn countless powerful evil spirits.

According to the news from all over the empire, some big cities have already appeared god-level evil spirits, and they are besieging human beings with very cruel methods. In some cities, there are even superpower-level evil spirits. Those... The human beings who rushed to the rescue The powerhouses are all destroyed! After all, the top powerhouses of human beings have all retreated now, and there is almost no power to suppress this level of evil.

Many cities.

It has already become a hell on earth.

In the hands of those evil people, human beings are like playthings.


It is time for reckoning and revenge.

A group of strong men got on the military helicopter on the return journey, divided into several batches, and went to the nearby big cities respectively.

on the helicopter.

Zhuge Yu held the video recording device and carefully pointed it at Jiang Che. This old man... who was a desperate old man, his breathing was a little unsteady at the moment, for fear that there would be an accident during the video recording process, which was not something he could afford.

Because this live broadcast is for a group of people standing at the top of the world.

Among them, the weakest is also the strongest! A god-level powerhouse like Zhuge Yu can only call himself a junior in front of these people.

"There is more than one way to step into the upper god realm."

"To find out these... roads, first of all, you must understand the meaning of each big realm above the real god realm."

At this moment, in front of the camera, Jiang Che spoke lightly.

Hearing his words, in front of the screen in the most secret retreat place of the major empires, the ancient supreme powerhouses were shocked, and they all sat up straight.

You must know that the earth's practice system is still: groping.

No one has ever given a clear definition of the realm of the true gods and above, and most of them are judged by actual combat power.

That is to say.

If a person breaks through, he is a true god.

It will not be the same as in the fantasy novels, the burning of divine fire, or the condensed Yuan Ying, these...clear signs, you can only fight with people to confirm your level.

Below the god level, there is also an energy meter to judge the strength level.

Measurable instruments, used for kings, are already the limit.

And some powerful realms of strength do have certain signs.

But the establishment of the earth practice body practice is too short, only five thousand years, in front of the world that is often hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years, it is like a newborn baby.

Therefore, there is no strongman who can figure out the sign after the god level.

And now.

What this young man meant was that he wanted to clarify the sign after the god level, which was almost equivalent to completely establishing the earth's cultivator system, which was to be remembered by future generations, and even called the cultivator system creator, Martial Ancestor and the like.

Many people were slightly short of breath.

This is a great achievement.

It was an honor for them to be part of it, and to be the first listeners.

"True God Realm, the most important thing is the body of God."

Jiang Che continued to speak.

"Tempering the body, integrating divine power into the limbs and bones, and transforming the body of a mortal into an indestructible, immortal body of a god is the key to stepping into the realm of true gods."

"The sign of this level is - rebirth from a broken body."

"The broken torso can be re-condensed with divine power. As long as it is not killed by a single blow, it is almost... immortal."

"This is the true God."

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