The three beads immediately turned into three black puppets, and unlike the previous puppets, these three puppets had smart eyes, as if they really had life.

This is the legendary Yin puppet! The combat power is tyrannical.

Even more terrifying.

The breath of the three puppets is only one step away from the peak of the true god! No wonder the ghosts dare to be so proud.

With this kind of strength of the nigger messenger, even if it is a battle against two ordinary true god peaks, I am afraid that it will not be at a disadvantage.

"It's more than that..."

The shadow laughed wildly: "Heaven, Earth and Humans - Three Talents and Ghosts!"

Accompanied by its loud shout, the three yin puppets formed a square formation. The rich yin qi changed the color of the heaven and the earth. , while letting out a creepy smile, he pounced on Jiang Che.

"In addition, this ghost formation, which is passed down from a supreme Hades - King Pingping, is not too much to block you twice!"

Shadow seemed to be crazy, his eyes, revealing high-spirited fighting intent, stared at Jiang Che: "I know that you are one of the most powerful people in this indigenous world, and the sense of threat you give me is almost no weaker than that of a cow. , Lord Ma Er, but you are only a late stage true god, as long as you have not reached the level of Yin general strength, how can I not kill you!"

"Red Ghost Envoy, fuck him!"

Hearing its words, the man in red who had taken back all the dragon-blood vines long ago spat out a large mouthful of blood essence and sprinkled it on the blood-red plant in front of him. It was more than [-] meters long, like a huge pillar.

The most terrifying thing is.

Its breath has broken through a certain limit! All human abilities have changed their faces and become extremely ugly.

The breath of the strongest! "As long as you can block one of his attacks, I can kill him!"

The man in red believes himself.

"Good! Haha, good! Good!"

Shadow laughed wildly.

The ghosts of the netherworld are inherently tyrannical, slaughtering wars, and being able to kill the strong. For... them, it is a supreme honor.

"Come on, take me to see the King of Hell, it just so happens that I haven't visited the old man for a while!"

Shadow kept taunting.

The three yin puppets formed a formation and stood in front of him.

Shadow is confident that even if the god will be here, it is impossible to break through his defense with one blow.

And in the sky.

Jiang Che held his sledgehammer and took a breath.

Chaos and fury, Shenwei, Soul Requiem, etc., all blessed one by one, his arm shook, and a hammer slammed down.

"Okay, I'll satisfy you."

Phew! The sledgehammer slammed down.

The look in the shadow's eyes is very crazy, the man in red is also calm, staring at the sky, the moment the nigger is blocking this person, it will take the opportunity to make a thunderous shot, control the dragon blood vine, and stab the opponent's heart. Wear opposite.

Bang!!! The sledgehammer and the puppet collided.

The three talented Yin ghosts burst into power, and endless yin qi poured out, trying to block the power of this hammer.


The man in red looks like "I"

in the bewildered expression.

The sledgehammer instantly crushed the yin qi, took the three yin puppets, and slammed into the shadow. This is more than that. This hammer, in the end, directly slammed the shadow into the earth. Blast a kilometer huge crater.

Holy crap, don't you want to be so fierce! The people in red are stunned.

Looking at the man in the smoke, carrying a sledgehammer and walking out, as if nothing was wrong, the man in red fell into deep thought.

Should I run now, or should I run, or should I beg for mercy. …

Chapter [-] I am so willing!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 200."


"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 249 energy."

The three puppets are all around [-] million energy: close to the strength of the true god's peak, and the shadow itself is the real true god's peak, which brings Jiang Che a full [-] million energy.

This wave of harvest, nearly ten million, is enough to draw a divine treasure card.

Jiang Che's eyes brightened, and he looked at the man in red with a burning gaze, showing great enthusiasm: "You are a guest from afar, you have come across the border from thousands of miles away, it is really hard work, come here, come in red Brother, tell me quickly, where are the rest of your powerhouses, and I must treat them well."

He walked up enthusiastically with the hammer in hand.

Unsurprisingly, after resolving the matter in Lancheng, the harvest this time will be at least [-] million to [-] million, which is enough to draw another powerful Reckless Card to arm himself, Jiang Che is naturally very excited.

Seeing his scorching gaze, the man in red couldn't help shivering.

You're a motherfucker... why do you look like a little girl when you see me, I'm a male ghost! Gan! "Kill me the ghost of the underworld, the native, you are going to be the enemy of the entire underworld, and the enemy of the Ten Temple Yama! "

The man in red shouted angrily.

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