Several people nodded when they heard the words, and they rose into the sky one after another. They are all human kings. Although their resilience is not as perverted as a true god, but with some medicines from the Empire, they recovered almost in the few breaths just now.

At this time, several people all set off to support Jiang Che.

"By the way, master, how did you regain your strength?"

"Yes, teacher, you obviously already..."


Several people were a little puzzled.

Hearing their question, Zhang Yuannian smiled mysteriously and took out a small bottle from his pocket: "Since I took Liuwei Dihuang Pill, my waist and legs are no longer sore, and I went up to the sixth floor in one breath, and I was kicked all over the floor. Gone."

Several people have question marks on their faces.

Teacher, are you... a string of advertisements! The gods are all gone! "This is the magic medicine that the adult gave me just now, come here, come here, take one pill, after eating it, you will be fierce and dead. Those sneaks!"

Zhang Yuannian was not stingy, and distributed one of his students a dazzling elixir.

He just took this medicine just now, and his injury recovered immediately, and a breath of extreme yang made this… late old man, his dantian rolled up a trace of true energy.

This... the great master of spear art, who is close to the martial arts level, is by no means a false name. He immediately thought of using this trace of true energy to attack his meridians. He thought of using an extremely dangerous taboo method to fight for a chance! .

The old man succeeded with great willpower.

Not only has the lost strength been fully restored, but he has also broken through to become the ultimate powerhouse in one fell swoop.

At the juncture of life and death, human potential cannot be ignored.

the other side.

In the sky, Jiang Che pulled the hair of the man in red with a kind smile on his face, looking very approachable.

"Brother in red, can I ask you some questions?"

"Don't be nervous, just gossip, it doesn't matter if you don't want to answer."

"I do! I do! Can you put down your hammer first!"

The man in red was about to cry.

This dog lifted it up than a sledgehammer, aimed it at his head, and blessed it with one kind of terrifying power. That kind of power was ten times stronger than when it killed the shadow. Would he dare to say that he didn't want to?

Chapter [-] The Blend of Iron and Blood

"How do you understand the language of our world"

Jiang Che asked.

He had discovered before that these two ghosts called the people of the earth indigenous, obviously from another world.

In addition, Zhang Sanfeng also told Jiang Che before.

The third forbidden area near Lancheng is a cemetery of the world of gods.

But the two ghosts spoke... in the language of the earth.

This made Jiang Che a little strange.

"Humph! I am in charge of the life and death of all worlds in the underworld, and I understand some languages ​​of the heavens and the world, isn't it normal?"

As soon as this was mentioned, the man in red's tone became arrogant and tough.

Slap! Jiang Che's backhand is... a slap: "Speak human words!"

A mere power in the world of gods, who dares to say that they control the heavens and the world, is nothing more than bragging.

Jiang Che naturally wouldn't believe its nonsense.

"Okay bro"

Hongyi was beaten, his teeth were leaking, and he stopped bragging, and told honestly: "Actually, this is the effect of a secret treasure in charge of my underworld, and this treasure can refine all the memories and knowledge of the soul body. , form a mass of soul essence, as long as you swallow the soul essence, you can learn everything about this soul body."

"We were ordered by the judge to capture dozens of ghosts from this indigenous world and use that secret treasure to refine their souls and distribute them to powerful ghosts."

"Why is there such a thing..."

Jiang Che took a deep breath: "It's a bit perverted!"

Direct access to other people's memories.

At least at the level of strength he is currently in contact with, he has never heard of this kind of operation. This thing is too mysterious.

Really have this ability.

That is definitely very perverted! Kill the enemy, and then train his soul to gain his skills, supernatural powers, combat experience, and the location of the treasure, all secrets.

This is simply an artifact of killing people and stealing goods! It can squeeze the remaining value of the enemy to the maximum extent.

"This thing is very good, just right for my next itinerary."

Jiang Che was a little excited, and his eyes lit up.

After all, he is going to reverse the invasion next, invade the world of the gods of the earth, killing and plundering is unavoidable.

one sentence.

Intruders are always invaded by people.

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