In the white fog, six figures are galloping.

Suddenly, the leading old man made a gesture, and several people stopped abruptly, their body functions instantly converged, their breathing stagnated, and they concealed themselves very well.

"Be careful!"

Zhang Yuannian lowered his voice and his face was ugly.

Among the six people, he is a superpower that surpasses the god level, while the other five people are only human kings. The difference in strength is huge, and the perception is also very different.

"Teacher, what's wrong?"

5 of them didn't feel anything.

But Zhang Yuannian felt a chill in his heart, and in front of him, there was a frightening aura, like a ghost coming out of hell, or a giant beast from the wild, giving him a feeling of extreme danger! "There are enemies! , very strong, very strong!"

Zhang Yuannian said solemnly.

Several people were stunned.

Only teachers can break through to become the strongest.

To kill the two tyrannical ghosts just now, I am afraid it will be a piece of cake.

In this city, there are still evil spirits that can make him feel troublesome. "...Sir Jiang is also there."

Zhang Yuannian closed his eyes for a moment, and then his eyes widened: "No, I'm going to help him, you all step back and stay away from this place!"

"Teacher, we want to..."

Several people did not finish speaking.

I heard a stern shout: "Let's go! This is the highest order, stay away from this place immediately!"

Several people were surprised.

They had never seen Zhang Yuannian look so furious.

This old man must have sensed a crisis he couldn't handle! "Not good!"

Zhang Yuannian suddenly raised the spear, his face was so gloomy that water almost dripped: "I can't go!"

Bang! A loud bang.

A behemoth flew over, exuding a powerful and evil aura all over its body. The two horns above its head were like two tall towers with some black and red silk threads on them, which were some kind of ancient power.

Looking at this conservatively estimated seven or eight hundred meters, the tall bull-headed giant.

Look at the hideous armor on its body.

All five were stunned.

Damn it! What kind of ghost is this? They have seen such a huge ghost, but it can reach the sky within one or two hundred meters.

Seven or eight hundred meters, the giant of . ...and this is not just a huge problem.

The breath of the tauren - too terrifying! It is almost five people who have only seen five in their lives, the strongest! Just looking at this minotaur, the five human kings of them all have a feeling that they almost vomit blood, and their chests are stuffy. Powerful, this is the absolute suppression of strength, very terrifying! Not only them, but even Zhang Yuannian's eyes widened: "Extremely strong! How is it possible, and the combat power is very solid, not the kind of the two ghosts just now... Empty shelf! In fact, what he didn't know was.

The bullhead, who came to this world to explore the way, was first under the order of a king of hell.

Self-cut cultivation, and fell to the peak of the median god.

That is to say.

Others are the real upper gods, and of course their combat power is solid and powerful.

"Quick, get out of the way!"

Zhang Yuannian shouted and kicked several disciples with one kick, and he also hurriedly retreated. If he was smashed by the tauren at once, he, the newly promoted to the strong, should have sacrificed.

Bang!!!!!! The loud noise spread all over the four fields.

A terrifying deep pit appeared on the ground, as if it had been baptized by a nuclear bomb.

The five 55 people all widened their eyes in horror.

If this kind of destructive power is placed before the complete recovery of the demons, at least the strength ceiling of the Hualong Empire must be shot, and it is possible to achieve this Minotaur, what is it! The heart of the five people 5 slowly sank. .

In the face of such an enemy, they were desperate.

"No, I sensed this aura and Lord Jiang just now, it came out, what about Lord Jiang?"

Zhang Yuannian was taken aback.

Cooperate with Jiang Che.

He still has the confidence to delay the monster for a while.

But if he was the only one left, Zhang Yuannian might not be able to last three seconds.

Boom! Just when the six people looked solemn.

The behemoth in the deep pit got up.

Under the eyes of the six people and the six who were close to the enemy, the Minotaur didn't even glance at them, but clutched one of his wrists and sprinted in one direction. It looked like he was in a panic.

The six were dumbfounded.

What's going on? They only vaguely noticed that the tauren's wrist seemed to be bloody, and the hoof was missing.

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