
Zhang Yuannian's face also sank, he felt a very uncomfortable feeling on the body of the fierce god with eight hands and dark body, this evil spirit will definitely be very difficult to deal with! "High-end combat power also appeared. …”

Zhang Yuannian pondered for two seconds: "But fortunately, there is only one, even if you restrain me, there is still Lord Jiang who will kill this group of sneaky people in a large area. You just need to fly high into the sky and kill those scattered on the edge... Stealth, Lancheng, you can still protect it."

His voice just fell.

The shadow of a large building in front was low, and countless evil spirits suddenly fled wildly, and a pitch-black cat stepped out gracefully from the darkness.

On its body, the black silk representing the curse is surging wildly, exuding terrible ominousness! Even a god, as long as a little bit of this curse is contaminated, I am afraid that he will die instantly! Five 55 just glanced at it and felt He seemed to be entangled in bad luck.

The five of them were stunned.

All eyes turned to Zhang Yuannian.


There is also a second high-end combat power.


Zhang Yuannian's face was also very ugly, he coughed awkwardly: "Although I and Mr. Jiang are both entangled, but fortunately..."

Before he could finish speaking, the fat man covered his mouth tightly.

This fat man of more than [-] kilograms, with a flexible speed that did not match his weight, ran behind the master and covered the master's mouth with both hands. He was hanging behind Zhang Yuannian's back and refused to let him speak. Say a word.

"I beg you, master! Take the supernatural powers! Don't say anything special!"

All five were about to cry.

They suspected that Zhang Yuannian would say a few more words, the sneaky invincible person directly broke through the restrictions of the portal and came across the border.

Master this mouth.

Let's open the light! "Forget it, I still listen to Mr. Jiang, it seems to be more reliable than the master. . . . . . . "

The fat man said half of his words.

Several people were going to ask Jiang Che what to do next.

As soon as he saw Jiang Che picked up the hammer, he rushed out.

Not giving them a chance to speak.

Leaving the five dumbfounded people 5.

Is this... so direct... it's quite unexpected.

They never imagined that in the face of such a huge lineup, Mr. Jiang was really not at all cowardly, and he did what he said.

Chapter [-] The bad review rate is zero!

A few people never expected it.

They finally got the instructions of Lord Jiang.

In front of the Yin Army formation, there was a loud shout.

"What are you still doing, rushing over them! Crush their formations!"

This... [-] Yin troops.

The weakest are half steps, and there are strange evil spirits, a powerful and fierce god.

This formation! We can't be crushed! Five people and five are almost crying.

Suddenly, their eyes widened.

Because at this time Jiang Che and the Yin Army were already less than [-] meters away.

In this wilderness full of city ruins.

A person, an army of [-] people, rushing towards each other, this scene is extremely shocking.

A few people who saw this scene.

They all held their breath subconsciously.

Although Mr. Jiang was as high as five hundred meters and had a terrifying body, he seemed a little weak in front of the Ten Thousand Army Formation, because among the ghosts, there was no lack of such a huge existence, and it was even more shocking.

There was a fierce god with two giant hammers, at least [-] meters in size, only half a head shorter than the previous Minotaur.

There is also a huge black shadow evil spirit, whose body blends into the mountains and rivers and wilderness, turning into a terrifying shadow covering the ground, with a diameter of about a kilometer: very huge.

Where the shadows drifted, those... ghosts didn't dare to step in. Once someone sneaked into the shadows accidentally, they would be swallowed up to nothing.

It was as if this shadow turned the earth into a dead sea.

Those who fall, all souls perish...

Among the Yin soldiers, there are many people who are huge in size and have a ferocious aura.

In front of them, Jiang Che seemed to have no features, and his huge size seemed a little insignificant in front of the nearly [-] Yin army formations.

"Have you seen my cat?"

The black cat evil spirit's body melted into the shadows, and in the next instant, it suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Che. It was wrapped in a claw of infinite curse and pressed against Jiang Che's neck.

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