The bottom of his eyes didn't know when it had turned into a dark golden color, and a supreme majesty came to this world.

"Later, it was broken in a corner."

"If I remember correctly, it is called by people: Above the Way of Heaven - the Great Way of the Universe!"

Jiang Che's voice suddenly changed, and it seemed that he possessed some kind of supreme majesty. Even Tiandao was deliberately avoiding him. Those forces that suppressed everything seemed to dare not touch him.

Countless threads.

Sudden break! That piece of paper.

In the dazed eyes of the judge, there was a stab of shattering.

The judge's pen in his hand, a high-grade artifact, also shattered suddenly, becoming a piece of debris in the sky.

More terrifying things continue.

The judge, who had always been expressionless, showed a terrified look for the first time, because one of his hands, the hand holding the pen before, was cracked inch by inch from the fingertips, and the pain spread all over his body. A terrible panic.

What kind of power is this.... What kind of power did I... …

Chapter [-]: The big hand behind the scenes, the truth that was covered up

"who are you!"

The half-shattered judge stared at Jiang Che, trying to see some clues from him.

Pupils open.

The whole world turned gray.

The souls and powers of all living beings can be seen clearly in the judge's eyes. This is one of his trump cards. He can see through anyone's weaknesses. It is a very ancient and powerful pupil technique.

But in his eyes.

When swiping at that person.

The judge was stunned.

He opened his mouth with difficulty, as if he wanted to shout a word, but then his face shattered, his body collapsed suddenly, and he completely returned to nothingness, not even leaving a trace in this world.

see this scene.

Zhang Yuannian was stupid.

This... What happened? This cross-border, arrogant, cold-faced killing god, who could kill someone in one sentence, confronted Master Jiang.

Then... he died, and Mr. Jiang didn't even do anything! Zhang Yuannian felt that his worldview was severely impacted.

No! Mr. Jiang seems to have acted just now! Zhang Yuannian was suddenly shocked and remembered that before the judge died, Mr. Jiang seemed to... laugh a bit, it's so terrifying! Such a thought guide suddenly appeared in Zhang Yuannian's mind. Picture: Judge - Pinch the lamp - Bull head dead Lord Jiang - laugh - Judge is dead And the most delicious bull head in this is a terrifyingly powerful and extremely powerful person, it wants to kill itself, I'm afraid it can't use two hooves.

Zhang Yuannian can even conclude that there are no more than two people who are the most powerful people on the entire earth who can surpass this bull's head.

"I understand!"

"I understand!"

Zhang Yuannian suddenly patted his thigh excitedly: "Lord Jiang just took a sledgehammer and beat him to death, it's all an illusion! It's all an illusion. His real strongest ability is the ability to smile, and he can even laugh it off. Life and death, a smile can kill you."

"It's amazing."

The old man couldn't help but sighed again and again: "It turns out that in historical legends, laughing to captivate the city, and then laughing to captivate the country, it does not mean to fascinate all beings, but to slaughter the city! Such a feat as slaughtering the country!"

"Presumably those... ancient seniors possessed such a terrifying ability as Master Jiang!"

Zhang Yuannian couldn't help but fell into contemplation.

There was a hint of strangeness in the eyes that looked at Jiang Che.

And after Jiang Che died of the judge, the dark golden color in his eyes slowly dissipated, and the whole person's momentum eased.

"Old Zhang, please tell your grandson to get out of the way, I want to go and rob."

In order to show courtesy, he smiled and said to Zhang Yuannian.

Then, in Jiang Che's dazed eyes, Zhang Yuannian was like a great enemy, his whole body burst out with great energy, and he retreated a few dozen steps backwards, his hand holding the gun even trembled: "Master Jiang! Don't laugh. When you smile, I feel like I can't live for two more years! Please let the old man have a peaceful farewell!"

After he finished speaking, he ran to the entrance of the passage, still in his mouth: "You have to inform this kid Wen Dao immediately, if a man with a sledgehammer suddenly faces you.

Be sure to run quickly! It's late, you're dead..."

Jiang Che: Is Lao Zhang crazy?

Seeing that Zhang Yuannian went to communicate with his grandson, Jiang Che waved his hand and got a few fragments.

These pieces are amazing.

After splicing everything, it turned into an ancient book and a pen.

This is what he intentionally kept his hand just now, so he kept it, otherwise everything with the judge would have been annihilated into nothingness.

"Although it is an imitation, if I strengthen it, its power should be very good."

Jiang Che murmured something.

In fact, his use of the alien card just now was enough to deal with the judge.

After all, this kind of copycat version of "Book of Life and Death" has a limited capacity. Jiang Che estimated that with a Shenzang card, he would be able to shatter this treasure abruptly.

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