King Tarzan roared.

Hear the words of King Tarzan.

The three commanders of the Yin Division, their eyes immediately turned red, and they were almost mad with anger.

The natives are killing me!! They stared at Jiang Che on the shoulders of the giants, and their eyes were full of cruelty.

Chapter [-] Lao Tzu is here!


Hei Wuchang was the first to launch the attack, he raised his head to the sky and roared angrily, an ancient pattern appeared on his body, and the law of power like a horned dragon surrounded his body, and his power reached a terrifying level.

under the pressure of this terrifying force.

The ground beneath this... muscular man's feet was cracked every inch.

Even the void around his body is shattering, this is the world of gods, it is absolutely terrifying to be able to do this.


In the distance, an ancient existence sucked in a breath of cold air: "The limit of power, shattering the void, this is too terrifying."

"Netherworld, really talented people."

"After all, it is the superpower that can make the throne of God regress..."

"Give me..."

Black Impermanence's voice was countless times thicker, like a Hong bell blasting in the void: "Die!!!"

Touching his wife's revenge makes this... the commander of the Yin Si lose his mind.

He stepped on the ground, and then, his body disappeared in place, leaving only a terrifying deep pit, and then, the giant earth seemed to be hit by some terrible force, and one arm shattered directly.

Ka Ka Ka Ka! The soil layer collapsed.

The giant lost his balance and swayed awkwardly a few times.

On the shoulders of the giant, Jiang Che showed surprise: "What a powerful force, is this the true strength of a high-ranking god?"

"It's terrifying. If this punch fell on my body just now, and I don't take any protection, I'm afraid I'll have to go back to the spring to read the file."

This was the first time he had seen the power to tear apart the defense of the giants of the earth so easily.

But this is also normal.

After all, at the very beginning, Jiang Che was only able to deal with the peak median god with the unearthed source.

After his basic strength was strengthened several times, he used the source power of Gonggong to finally break through the boundaries of the upper gods.

It is normal to be abused in the face of a strong man who may have condensed Dao Fruit.

And that was his purpose.

Knowing oneself and knowing one another can win a hundred battles.

In Jiang Che's soul sea, the symbol of the Shenzang card was slightly bright, but he was not in a hurry to use it.


At this time, the Underworld Lion Emperor, a giant lion of a thousand meters, also howled angrily, its two eyes instantly became pitch black, and a violent black wind blew on its body.

The black wind howls, destroying everything.

Even the laws are annihilated in it.

In a forested ancient city pool, an old man wearing a six-star six-dan robe suddenly lost his voice: "Breaking the soul! The seventeenth-ranked heaven and earth spirit on the list of strange treasures has actually fallen into the hands of the Lion King! "

"No wonder......No wonder that the [-] forces of the scourge of the forest that were fighting for this treasure, none of them survived, turns out that the King of Hell made the move!"

"What a vicious method!"

An ancient existence expressed concern: "This little brother who dares to resist the underworld, I am afraid it is dangerous,"

"Essence-devouring evil wind, known as the destruction of strangers, and the destruction of bones. It only takes a little bit to make a median god, with no bones left, the Underworld Lion Emperor controls this thing, I am afraid that under the third-rank Dao Fruit, No one can match it!"

"I'm afraid it's more than that. Three months ago, the second elder of the Earth Spirit Sect, the powerhouse of the pseudo fourth-grade Daoguo, died in the hands of a little-known junior. It is said that the junior relied on the eighteenth of the strange treasure list. - Ice Soul Flame."


A strong man, his eyes dignified.

And the Underworld Lion Emperor roared, and the black wind around his body rolled out wildly, turning into a huge wind column, crushing the void, and slammed into the earth giant with a momentum of destroying everything.

Thorn! Ka Ka Ka! With a loud noise, the black wind smashed and crushed half of the giant's chest and the other arm.

This hit.

It's just... crushing.

Many strong men in the distance took a breath.

This kind of power is too terrifying! Many of them may not be able to block this blow.

"Dare to provoke us like this, native, you will not die easily!"

A cruel smile appeared on the huge lion face of the Underworld Lion Emperor: "We will slowly torture you, let your screams spread throughout this land, and let your soul not be at peace after death, but become resentment. Deep stealth, keep working for us!"

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