Chapter [-] The Weird Car Accident

And after a while of stunned.

Looking at this extremely ancient mountain and sea beast in front of him.

Jiang Che was instantly overjoyed.

You know, Chi You died under the roar of Kui Niu.

Chi You's copper head ate stones, and he could fly in the air to take risks, but in the sound of Kui Niu drums, "nine blows stopped him, especially he couldn't walk, so he killed him."

From this point of view, the power of Kui Niu can be clearly seen.

It can be said that this is definitely second only to the four fierce beasts, and the combat power is absolutely outstanding!

At the same time, Jiang Che had a guess in his heart: "Kui Niu exists as the ancestor of Thunder Dao. I wonder if using it together with Thunder Fire Hammer will increase its power to a certain extent?"

After drawing the card, Jiang Che was satisfied, he raised his head and started to rest. Even the fastest train from here to Huangshan City would take at least five hours. In addition, from Huangshan City to Chenjia Village, there were still [-] to [-] kilometers. When he arrived, I am afraid it must be at night, and most of them have to work extra night, so take this opportunity to have a good rest.


At five o'clock in the evening, the train stopped, and Jiang Che went to the check-in office to pick up the bag.

He came outside the station and called for a taxi.

As a result, many drivers searched the address of Chenjiacun, closed the windows and drove away, not wanting to say a word to Jiang Che at all.

In the end, he was an old driver in his forties, reluctantly willing to take Jiang Che out of the city to the fork in Sanchun Road.

Jiang Che got into this car.

Anyway, as long as he leaves the city and goes to places with few people, he runs faster than a car.

In the car, Jiang Che asked casually why no one wanted to run that road.

The old driver shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Young man, don't mind, the place you are going is too far away from the city, and the road is not accessible from north to south, and there are notoriously few cars, so it's a little bit more when you come back at night. Guilty, the price is higher, and the courageous will leave, but now, it will really kill people, these recent things are too weird!"

He was very talkative. Seeing that Jiang Che was a young man, he didn't look like a bad guy, so he directly chatted with him.

"Recently, in Huangshan City, there are basically a dozen car accidents every day. Car accidents are not special. What's special is that these recent car accidents are all weird."

"There was a driver who was driving at night and suddenly saw a woman in white clothes beckoning by the side of the road. He didn't know why he stopped. As a result, he became seriously ill the next day and died within a few days. When he died, Yintang was pitch black, much like in folklore, the yang qi was drained by ghosts!"

"Another time, I was running a passenger, and on the intercom, a person from the same company suddenly said on the public channel that he had encountered an empty car, and he could run on the road without anyone driving. After a few minutes, his voice It broke. No one cared at the time, and thought it might be a joke with us. As a result, the next morning, the company sent a message that the colleague had a car accident, hit the guardrail, and his body was directly broken in two. Very good!"

As the old driver said, he was a little scared and lit a cigarette.

"Young man, if there is nothing particularly important, listen to Uncle's persuasion. If you can go that way, it's better not to go."

"Because just recently, there was a terrible car accident on the road you are going to."

The old driver sighed: "If you are not afraid, I will tell you."

"Master, tell me, I believe in science, not ghosts and gods." Jiang Che nodded.

"Hey~" The old driver shook his head: "This is all on the news. It happened five or six days ago. A family of three moved. It seemed that they were going to Zhangjiazui and wanted to take a shortcut. In fact, the road was full of potholes and many high There are no guardrails on the road section, and those with a little experience will definitely not walk, but this family of three, following the navigation, chose this road, and ended up turning over on a high cliff, even the car and the people, all fell into Fragments, it is said that a bunch of police searched for a long time, but they still couldn't get their bodies together."

"And the part of the road they turned over was actually very flat, at least four lanes wide, and they were the only car that turned over for some reason." The old driver had deep doubts in his eyes.


More than an hour later, on an extremely desolate and old road, a taxi stopped and a young man with a hiking bag walked down. The road at the other end of the fork was still an old-fashioned cobblestone asphalt road. It's old.

Jiang Che turned on the navigation on his mobile phone and walked into this almost deserted road...

Chapter [-] The woman in white clothes (horror reminder! Watch carefully!)

(This chapter is a little scary, please read carefully)

On the asphalt road, Jiang Che walked like flying, with a green wind lingering on the slippers under his feet. His speed reached fifty or sixty yards. It wasn't because he didn't want to go faster.

This road is very wide and has four lanes. It seems that in the [-]s, it wanted to run through the Nan'an Mountains and go straight to Tianfu City. However, due to some things, the construction of a tunnel was stopped and it has been put on hold until now.

There are almost no cars on the road, because the place that can be connected here is a smoother and more regular six-lane next door, which can also be reached. In addition to the recent strange things, there is not a single car on the whole road.

Jiang Che was also happy to be at leisure, and under the gradually rising moonlight, he was on his way alone.

On both sides of the road, sometimes there are mountain peaks, which were cut open when the road was being built, sometimes it was a forest, and the road was covered with fallen leaves. Fortunately, Jiang Che had green boots, so he didn’t need to really step on it. Under the leaves, there seemed to be some rotten leaves. Pieces of meat, not like animals.

Jiang Che's ears suddenly moved.

I heard a 'boom~' sound, is it the roar of a car?

Jiang Che became interested, slowed down, and waited for more than a minute. A red Wrangler appeared behind him with a low roar, the front and rear lights were turned on, and the speed soared to more than [-] yards. Is the driver? Looking for stimulation, or some kind of stimulation.

When the car passed by Jiang Che, he suddenly shouted, "Master driver, take a ride!"

The owner of the car didn't seem to hear his words, and rushed into the darkness ahead in a flash.

Jiang Che shrugged.

Ignore it.

Just as he was about to continue on his way.

With the sound of tires rubbing, the car seemed to turn around and drive back, and finally stopped beside Jiang Che.

"Hello friend, is the place you're going to still far away?" It was a female voice with a smoky voice, looking very charming and mature.

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