Inside the bull.

See this sledgehammer.

The beauty's face turned pale with fright.

What is this Nima?

Am I hallucinating?

Are you making a movie? !

Huang Mao's face also sank, but he was not as flustered as the beauty. He slammed the accelerator, and Da Niu suddenly let out a roar like a beast, and he was about to rush forward in an instant to avoid the hammer.

But this time.

Jiang Che roared wildly.


Under the blessing of the violent power, this hammer fell extremely quickly, almost in an instant, the terrifying impact force of [-] kilograms smashed on the Daniel's body.

boom --

With a terrifying loud noise, the whole car turned into a pile of scrap metal. Due to inertia, it rubbed against the ground and flew out for more than [-] meters. On the road, blue smoke continued to rise.

Stab it!

Chen Shijiao braked suddenly.

The car was parked dozens of meters in front of the scrapped ox.

She was stunned.

It also…

It's too exaggerated!

The visual impact of the scene just now is much stronger than any American blockbuster. It is simply that the Hulk is alive and scrapping a car is really no different from crushing a can.

"Little...Little Che, solved it?" Chen Shijiao asked in a trembling voice.

"No." Jiang Che shook his head: "This ghastly thing is not so easy to solve."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 550 energy."

Jiang Che just heard a system prompt.

He got out of the car with the hammer that had turned into its original size, and walked step by step towards the ruins of the ox that were constantly burning and completely scrapped.

The scrap car moved suddenly.

A scarlet figure lifted the iron block and the car board, and stood up from below.

The moment I saw this figure.

Chen Shijiao covered her mouth tightly, her face full of horror.

This figure is very scary.

Blood was all over his body, and his skin was in irregular folds. In short, this was a person who had been skinned, with a pair of scarlet eyes staring at Jiang Che.

"If it's just this level, stinky Taoist priest, you're dead!"


The roar of the blood-red figure seemed to be amplified by a loudspeaker. In the barren mountains and ridges, it continued to reverberate, setting off bursts of gusts of wind. The temperature dropped suddenly along the entire road. The pile of dust and fallen leaves, almost the entire road, was affected by the sentence of the blood-red figure, and its terrifying strength was evident.

Chen Shijiao couldn't help swallowing.

With this roar, she felt that the amulet on her chest became hot in an instant, constantly instilling power into her body. I am afraid that without this amulet, she would just lose her consciousness completely under this roar and become a The Walking Dead!

"Little Che, this thing is too unusual, get in the car and run together?!"

Chen Shijiao shouted loudly.

Even an ordinary person of her can see that this blood-colored figure is not at the same level compared with the evil and ghosts before. It can be said that this blood-colored figure is powerful. If this is a bustling street, I am afraid Hundreds of people die every minute!


Before Jiang Che could respond, Chen Shijiao sighed.

Got caught by this kind of thing.

How could it be possible to run away while driving?

At this time, Jiang Che was holding the Thunder Fire Hammer excitedly and charged towards the bloody figure.

"Finally got a chance to try out how powerful this move really is."

"Come on, right Bo!"


"Thunder! Flame! Explosion!!"

Jiang Che rushed faster and faster. Every step he took on the ground was like a giant landing, making a 'boom', 'boom', 'boom' sound, and the giant hammer in his hand suddenly expanded, becoming a thunderbolt. A terrifying hammer that surrounds.

At the same time, he shouted out with his three words.

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