Very faint, as if the knocker was careful.

Jiang Che slowly opened his eyes.

"Aunt Chen?"

Chen Shijiao lasted until one or two o'clock before finally falling asleep. At this time, she fell asleep completely and did not wake up.

The old lady walked in with a look of helplessness and sighing.

"This silly girl, I finally sent her out, why does she still jump into the fire pit, alas~"

"You're Jiaojiao's boyfriend, right? The old lady is begging you, take her, escape safely, and never come back."

Aunt Chen's two sentences made Jiang Che stunned.

He originally thought that the old people in the village had all-round countermeasures, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"Our old guys have been planning for a long time, and finally found a way to survive. I hope you can take the thirteen children in the village out and hand them over to the government, or let them fend for themselves. In short, we must not fall into those In the hands of the ghost!" Aunt Chen said slowly.

"I only have ten minutes to wake up, so I can't say much. Remember, at six o'clock tomorrow night, go to the north entrance of the village and find a coffin maker. We have notified all the living people, and the adults will follow us to drag those ghosts. Things, take the children, follow the coffin maker, keep running north, and you can run out, the coffin maker will drag the things in the river, go out, and don't come back!"

Although Granny Chen was old-fashioned, she was very imposing and decisive when she said a series of words at this time. Obviously, when she was young, she was also a strong woman.

After listening to her.

Jiang Che thought for a while.

It seems that the troubles she mentioned are all at the power level?

This kind of trouble, he Jiang is good at solving it!

Jiang Che asked a key question: "How long can you people who are wise people stay awake?"

Grandma Chen was stunned: "On that day, we will use some methods that have been hidden for a long time to keep all living people awake for a day, so as to ensure the completion of the plan."

"But some of the ghosts here are too powerful, there are too many, we can only keep the children, alas~" Aunt Chen sighed: "If I had discovered the bad intentions of that person earlier, I would have said nothing. I can't stand him turning the village into this!"

"Grandma, I can help you when it comes to strength." Jiang Che said slowly.

"In short, all I need you to do is gather all the living people in the village, stay awake, and then stand behind me, and I can take all of you out."

Jiang Che said lightly.

It's as simple as talking about eating and drinking.

Granny Chen was stunned for a long time: "Young man, I am also well-informed. To tell the truth, you can only be considered strong and strong. It's good to deal with some serious ghosts. If you encounter red clothes..."


With the sledgehammer in Jiang Che's hand, thunder and flames instantly rose.

Grandma Chen opened her mouth wide: "Advanced magic weapon, no! The legendary magic weapon?"

Her face changed.

"If there is such a thing, it would be impossible to rush out with everyone all the way. Young man, at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, Zhou Banxian will wake up. Go tell him about it, and he will arrange everything!"

Granny Chen's speech speed gradually increased.

"Since everyone has hope of surviving, I won't waste my energy to stay awake, my wife. We will go out together at six o'clock tomorrow night!"

"Young man, if everyone can go out this time, you will be the benefactor of Chenjia Village. From now on, the old guys in Chenjia Village will be sent by you~"

After saying the last sentence, Grandma Chen's eyes returned to a hazy state.

Then it seems to be back to the previous state.

In the darkness, he glanced at Jiang Che with fear, turned his head and left.

Early the next morning.

Granny Chen cooked the meals early, and they all looked normal, but Jiang Che and Chen Shijiao didn't eat them. They each ate some of the biscuits they brought and went out.

I came to the fourth house in the east of the village. This is a rare big house in the village. It is very stylish. It seems that it belonged to a wealthy family in the past, and was later bought by Zhou Banxian.

Obviously it is broad daylight.

The entire village was still shrouded in a layer of gray sky, equivalent to the evening sky, and basically everything five meters away looked pitch black.

In front of Zhou Banxian's house, there is a large courtyard with two trees and a well.

The moment the two stepped in.

Jiang Che's face changed slightly.

Chapter [-] I'm coming to save you right away! (New book for flowers, custom, evaluation tickets)

As soon as they walked in, the two felt as if they were being watched by several pairs of eyes at the same time.

The problem is, only Zhou Banxian lives here.

Chen Shijiao's chest radiated warmth from the evil spirit talisman, and she whispered, "Xiao Che, there is a situation, there seems to be something under those two trees."

"I heard from my mother-in-law that if someone died from evil, they would bury him upside down in the soil, and then plant a peach tree on top to prevent the corpse from turning into a dead body."

"Do you think someone in the village died of evil and was buried underneath?"

Jiang Che shook his head slowly: "If that's the case, there won't be any big problems."

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