Demon Sage

Chapter 195


The sound of raindrops beating on the window was a little hurried.

The dots are connected to form a line, the line is connected to form a surface, and finally the entire window is covered, the wiper is activated, and the rain is wiped away, and the repetition continues.

Departure from Moss Island was brought forward by almost a full day as all passengers returned to their cabins.

The captain was reluctant at first. In his line of work, he pays attention to credibility. If there are no people, he will leave. If there is any error or omission, if the outside world finds out, it will lose the guests.

People know that you are a captain who will leave without the others. Who would dare to board your boat?

Well, there are always exceptions, especially when one of the guests on the ship shows the purse and their weapons from the other passengers, there’s not much to say, especially There were a few others who echoed, saying that he had seen the bodies of those guys with his own eyes.

It’s not necessary to wait for the dead, isn’t it?

Not to mention that the two murderers were by my side.

Murder at sea is governed by law, but Demingham doesn’t care about those who go out and die on islands outside the Sea Territory that Demingham manages, for the simple reason that it doesn’t matter at all Come!

Whether it is the police station or the Anomaly Bureau, they are all aware of the situation on the overseas islands. The corpse had to be eaten by the wild beast on the island within a few days. How could such a case be investigated or what if it was found?


The short-haired woman was in a coma for more than an hour and finally woke up. Anthony underestimated the spirit strength of a wizard, and the physical scars did not affect her Mental strength.

Although she can’t move just yet.

“Where am I…”

Looking at the surrounding scenery, it should be the cabin, not the lounge, but the captain’s room, she is just lying On the chair behind the rudder, there was a white cat squatting beside him.

Finger saw the woman awake and jumped from the cargo box on the side, ran to the floor-to-ceiling window next to the captain’s cabin, and slapped the glass with his paws, attracting Donald’s attention.

“You finally woke up, what happened on Moss Island? Who are you? I saw a lot of the bodies of your companions on the ground.”

Donald wanted to inquire about this The power behind the woman, so let Finger wait by her side all the time, as for him and Anthony, they have been leaning on the side of the boat outside, backpacks and the like are placed in the cabin, and people have rain-proof cloaks, so they are not afraid of getting wet.

The woman glanced at Donald, did not speak, just leaned back in the chair and looked up at the ceiling of the cabin, the sadness in her eyes hard to hide.

“Actually I saved you for a reason. This is what I found on you… You don’t have to move, I didn’t want to rob you.”

Will go ashore in a while, Donald didn’t want to find the sect and found nothing, took out the ring from the woman’s finger, the latter was very concerned about this object and struggled to get it back , so that Donald had to take the initiative to put the ring on her hand before continuing,

“Look at this, what my parents left me, in their letter, said that as long as I hold This ring, I can join you, I have kept it until I saw you today.”

The side effects were not very effective, Donald could only go straight, took out the ring he was carrying with him, and walked away. Go to the woman and give her a look.

“Golden Ring…”

Noticing the ring that was obviously different from theirs, the woman finally spoke up.

As for this “golden ring”, Donald thought that he should not be talking about its material, but expressing a certain meaning it represents.

“Actually if you don’t have a ring that looks like it, I won’t save you at all. Can you tell me about your situation if you can?”

Note When the expression on the woman’s face softened significantly after he took out the ring, Donald knew he had done the right thing.

“We were attacked by Norton’s spear, and all but me…all, were dead…and I was damned.”


The woman glanced at the captain who was still at the helm in front of her, as if to confirm his identity, her voice was weak and hoarse, sounding like a dying old man.

Norton’s Spear, Anthony is right, this group is targeting these people.

“Then why did you appear on the Moss Island? And there are still so many people, following Norton’s Spear, don’t you notice?”

A wizard and a group of wizards, Battle strength cannot be calculated by a simple addition. The combination of different spells can often produce stronger battle strength.

And this group of wizards was destroyed on a low-intensity island like this, and no other body was seen at the scene.

“It’s a damn trap! cough cough…they must have found Baggins first and found a mutated beast…and killed the beast He, and deliberately let him send a message in front of him or borrow his hand… sent a distress message to sect, and then tricked us to this island, they came with us, the ship …that ship!”

The woman’s broken words gave Donald a general sense of what happened.

The man with the note that Donald and Anthony found with the black-clawed mole information was what the woman called Baggins, and no matter how he knew about the black-clawed mole on the island, His movements should be monitored by Norton’s Spear.

After the Norton Spear people found out that Baggins was going to go to sea alone, they immediately sent people to follow him and came to the moss island, looking for an opportunity to use the black-clawed mole to get rid of him, maybe here In the incident, Norton’s Spear was not exposed. Baggins sent a distress message to his sect out of his will to survive, or after Baggins died, Norton’s Spear used a device he held to send a distress message. .

In any case, Baggins’ sect received the message, and immediately dispatched a team to rescue him. As a result, he fell into the trap of Norton’s Spear and was found to have an opportunity to assassinate him on the Moss Island.

Without the accident of Donald, Norton’s Spear would undoubtedly be a success. Once all these people died on the Moss Island, when the sect finds out about this, it must be after the rainstorm week, when the time comes all traces All have been destroyed by this primordial forest and rainstorm, there is no way to find out.

“Why are the Norton Spears chasing you?”

Donald realizes that this sect is not as safe as he thought.


The woman was silent for a long time, and finally gave such an answer. Donald wanted to continue to ask, but she closed her eyes, meaning Couldn’t be clearer.

Then Donald left the cabin and returned to the side of the deck.

“How’s the situation?”

Anthony wears a strange mask, it’s not a strange shape, it’s just an ordinary mask, the key is the mechanical structure of the mask on the eyes and mouth There are also some peculiar mechanical devices in the position of the ears.

The rain hit the two lenses in front of Anthony’s eyes, which were about half a finger long. When the rain accumulated to a certain level, Anthony would press a small organ on his ear, In the blink of an eye, the lens seems to have been replaced with a new look.

“I have…a token of the faction she belongs to. My parents used to be involved in her sect, so I chose to save her before. They were tricked into going to Moss Island, Was assassinated by Norton’s Spear, with heavy casualties, she said it was due to power, I don’t quite understand… Your mask is a Rare Item?”

Donald didn’t wear goggles, The rain was blowing all over his face, and he didn’t want to enter the rest cabins of those crew members. The smell there was not as real as the smell of wind and rain outside.

“The mask? I asked someone to make it. You just came to Demingham, so I don’t know if it’s normal. The mechanical technology here is very developed. After I go back, I will introduce you to a place. These masks are specially made, which can not only cover the face, but also have many functions. For example, the lens is returned and replaced, which is only a primary level function. The lens barrel on some of his masks can even be enlarged or reduced, but the price is another level. .”

Anthony turned around and switched lenses several times in front of Donald, and the topic returned to the woman in the cabin,

“I heard people talk about it at the sea fair. Norton’s Spear, this organization often appears in assassination events between some forces, and the woman in it should belong to a certain sect according to you, and it is caused by power, then I think it should be her organization that has provoked it. It’s not uncommon in Demingham for another group to assassinate each other for some…status or something.”

As a longtime resident of Demingham , Anthony clearly knows more than Donald in some respects.

“Not uncommon…Assassinations happen often?”

Donald stayed in Preston for nearly two months, read the newspaper every day, but never saw it news about assassinations.

“Yes, for example, in the previous whale oil industry, when several large companies and forces competed for the priority development rights of this technology, the fight was overwhelming. The fight here does not mean anything, but Whether it was a real battle, whether it was business or politics, or mutual assassination in private, the newspapers in Demingham during that time were very happy, and every day they woke up with big news waiting for them to report.”

Demingham is not only far superior to Preston on a social level, but is vastly different in every way.

Here, the Great Chamber of Commerce, consortia, and power organizations are no longer political vassals, they are participating in politics, and using these networks to seek a place for themselves in this commercialized metropolis. A benefit cake.

This is an unavoidable development trend. The struggle for interests is often the most tragic struggle. If you want to get the best part, you naturally have to fight and grab it.

Want to get a foothold in Demingham, without factions, backups, networks…that sort of thing.

Then it is impossible to truly become a vested interest.

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