Demon Sage

Chapter 401

How long does it take from heaven to hell?

For Claremont, it was just a momentary thing.

When he knelt on the ground and repented in front of so many people, and lifted the spell of confusion that he had put on those women, the beautiful vision he once gave to the villagers and the worship of him by the villagers With faith, there is nothing left.

Can I be forgiven by admitting mistakes?

This world is far less tender and childish.

When those women wake up and think that their good life and their future with the one they truly love are shattered, they realize for the first time that their husbands are not what they imagined They were so handsome and stalwart, they recalled for the first time that they actually had parents, they were still waiting for them at home, maybe they washed their faces in tears all day…

Breaking down on the spot, crying There are not a few people who are leaving.

The men panic when they find out that their wives don’t love them at all, that they are not the lost people the Great Sage calls them and that they are leaving, only to find that they can’t. When they were stopped, and most likely accused of being a kidnapper, these simple villagers finally got out of their anger.

When the children stood in the middle of the arguing and crying adults, they were at a loss, and then they saw the parents throwing stones at the old man, or even directly throwing fists at the old man. The image of the great old man in the mind of these children also collapsed.

“Do that, okay?”

Anthony looked at the miserable scene, who would have thought that these people might have been together for a winter festival ten minutes ago?

“This is reality. It may be painful and cruel, but it is also true. Of course I can pretend that I didn’t see anything and let these people continue to immerse themselves in this beautiful dream. , but it’s not fair to those women’s relatives and friends, and it’s also unfair to them, as I said before, Claremont, who is not qualified to choose for them!”

This is the principle, Donald will never make concessions, he will not allow Claremont to deceive these people, nor will he continue to expand his power in this way and cause more pain to the family.

It’s just that Donald didn’t sit back and watch these people beat Clermont to death. For these villagers, he may have no value, but for Donald, the former Great Sage might have something in him. There are many secrets he wants to explore.

Summon a layer of energy shield outside Claremont, and the villagers naturally understand what Donald means. They dare not offend this stranger who can summon a horrible monster, so they can only turn their anger. and found elsewhere.

For example, the church of the god of harvest and hunting.

There was a sound of beating and smashing in the village all night, and Claremont just fell to his knees on the snow and said nothing.

It was only after dawn that Donald took Clermont back to the church that carried his glory and desire to become a god.

The whole-hearted church that was cleaned at noon yesterday is now in ruins, the windows are smashed and everything inside is damaged, even the stone bricks on the ground have a large number of them. There are cracks, and there are several traces of being hit by a hammer.

Claremont sat on the half-remaining pews at the front of the church hall, head bowed, and Donald sat beside him.

The delicate robe on his body has been stained with dust and grass.

“Do you hate it?”

Donald looked at the stone sculpture in front of him with only his lower body left, and asked after a long silence.

“Hate what?”

Claremont’s tone was a little vague, as if there was a mouthful of phlegm in his throat, unable to spit or swallow.

“You’ve been thinking about them all the time, haven’t you? Over the past few years, you have led this village to prosperity. Although you deceived them, your achievements are indelible. And now they treat you like this…”

“Actually, I hate you even more, hate that you came here and ruined my wish… It should be said that it is a dream, It also ruined their dreams. In fact, I also know that I can’t become a god. My ability is too weak. After operating for so long, I can only barely achieve some changes around this village in the end.”

It was impossible for Claremont to have no anger in his heart after being destroyed by others.

It’s just that he has lost the faith of those outside, and now he is just an ordinary old man, and he has no power at all.

“What am I doing wrong? I just want these poor people to have a good life, I give them all I can, and I just want to be their god , even if it’s just these people, I’m still very satisfied, you say that I’m deceiving them, but those… those True God! The promises they made to believers, which one has come true! Do they have me to do it? Is it okay? Why should I be treated like this!”

Claremont’s fist slammed on the wood stubble next to it, and blood slowly flowed down the edge of the wood thorn from the broken flesh and blood .

Did he say it wrong?

Has the God of Justice fulfilled his vision of everlasting justice?

Has the Earth Mother fulfilled her vision of eradicating hunger?

And the God of Storms, the God of Morning Light, the Goddess of the Silver Moon… Has the beautiful future they painted for believers come true?

Some would say they’re still trying.

But more people know that as long as human beings are still on this world, how can it be possible to realize the future that is full of falsehoods when they hear it.

Maybe it’s really only in a dream?

“So what you did from the very beginning is wrong. Think about those orthodox sectors. Which gods have you seen staying with believers all day long?”

Distance produces beauty. This sentence is not bad at all. The closer you get, the entanglements will arise. Once mutual interests are intertwined, the darkness of people’s hearts will far surpasses the imagination. Donald glanced at the old man who looked thoughtful and continued. ,

“Claremont, you’re too close to them, you care for them like an old father, and you’ve become their total support, and this approach will make you a Great Sage, But they will never let you have the possibility of becoming a god, because their respect for you is Junior’s respect for elders or the worship of idols…”

“To give the most A simple example, I don’t know if you have ever seen fishermen by the sea. Most of them believe in the Lord of the Storm or the God of Water Element. Those two represent the sea. Sacrifice, or with cattle and sheep, or with a grand dance, or with bloody gladiatorial fights, after going to sea, sometimes a plentiful harvest, some people think that their sacrifice has been affirmed by the gods, and they must be full of joy after returning. Then express their devotion to the gods, what is this called, this is called the grace of the sea, sometimes the storms and tsunamis they encounter when they go out to sea, they will lose everything, do you think they will blame these two gods, they will only I feel that I have done something wrong to make the gods angry, and then I go to the gods with tenfold and hundredfold piety. What is this called? This is called dive might be like a prison!” Well, it’s not that the gods in the starry sky can’t bestow or intimidate them, but if it’s not necessary, how can they be interested in paying attention to these ants?

“So it is…”

“So it is?”

“So it is!”

Three identical words, but Claremont’s expression changed from gloomy to doubtful, from doubtful to firm, and finally to sadness on his face.

For a long time, I just said one sentence: “But I have no time…”

The voice fell, and Claremont’s figure became more and more ricket, and his face Wrinkles are getting deeper and deeper.

“Tell me everything you know, how did you manage to control those energies? Don’t tell me about innate talent…you simply don’t have innate talent, and it’s never different Disciple, right?”

Looking back at the bright sky outside, Donald stopped circling with Claremont, and directly stated the real reason why he was willing to sit with the old man until now.

“You want to know…why should I tell you that I am the victim of that thing, and I have killed so many villagers. I give you this skill, whether it is strength or wisdom.

” People who are far superior to me?”

Claremont turned to look at Donald, with a hint of stubbornness and persistence in his eyes.

“I’m going to slaughter the villagers outside and ask you again? Do you want to bet on what I can’t do?”

Donald left nothing for Claremont. leeway, then said,

“You should understand that it doesn’t belong to you, you die with it, it doesn’t make any sense, and I won’t let you do it unless you destroy it now, If you can do it…don’t tell me you hid it somewhere else, something so important, it shouldn’t be too far away from you?”

Actually, Donald had noticed it in the forest. Claremont did not show any external skills in the control of energy, as if those energies were born to listen to his orders, which was absolutely not normal.

“What do you want it to do, and you also want to be a god?”

“Becoming a god…if you think that being a god is so easy, then So think so.”

If you can become a god by relying on an item or a certain ceremony, how can there be only so many gods in the starry sky?

In the final analysis, Claremont was just a tramp, and his understanding of gods was actually very shallow.

Maybe now he has regarded himself as a god at some point, but in fact he is just a mortal with some magical powers.

Otherwise, there is no way that even an Awakening Level heretic could compare to…

Donald’s conversation with Claremont continued until noon that day.

The sunny weather disappeared again, but it was not snow, but a winter rain.

When Donald left the church, there was an old book in his hand, and there was still a little surprise on his face.

Behind him, Claremont was still sitting on the bench.


His life follows his dreams.

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