Demon Sage

Chapter 467

A small village somewhere in the Ryan Empire.

The social changes brought about by industrial development have not yet affected this place. Here, street lights still need to be lit manually. Not to mention cars, even carriages are rarely seen on the streets. The means of transportation were limited to donkeys and some inferior horses, and most of the time people’s business had to rely on the market activities in the morning and evening.

This is a non-religious area, and faith does not exist here.

The sun shrouded in shadows after 8:30 in the morning did cause quite a bit of panic here, but since nothing unexpected happened with the ebbing of time, the panic quickly returned. Eliminate it.

Compared to the chaos in the major religious areas, this is good.

It doesn’t mean that the people here are normally educated or restrained.

Fearless out of sheer ignorance.

Street lights are lit by torches held by special lighting personnel.

In the market, an old man sat on a small wooden chair with his hands folded in his sleeves, his eyes were only looking at the sky, and he didn’t say a word.

In front of him is a linen cloth about one meter long and wide, on which is meticulously tied spinach with a string, broccoli in a bamboo plaque, and neat and tidy lined. Wash off the muddy carrots.

It’s not like the other vendors around here who have to pull up their sleeves and say something about the price and quantity. Here, all the goods are clearly marked and put away in different categories. People who come to buy things often pick up the vegetables they want, put down the money and leave, obviously they are regular customers.

A little boy who didn’t know who brought it, held a slender branch in his hand and stretched it to the torch on the top of the street lamp near the old man, and then he seemed to find something. , ran to a corner next to the old man.

There is a swarm of ants walking back and forth among the gaps in the stone bricks.

The little boy squatted by the side and watched for a while, then stretched out the tip of the branch with a small flame to kill the ants on the ground one by one.

Seeing that they were burnt into a tiny bit, I felt happy and couldn’t help laughing.

Just like when we were young, we like to water the ant’s nest, or catch one or two cicadas, crush their wings, and put them in our hands to watch as toys.

This is undoubtedly a normal thing for young children.

“big brother, why are you burning them?”

Sometimes, a little girl came running from the side, squatting beside the boy, looking at the ground A dozen or so little black dots, who had stopped moving, grabbed the boy’s hand and asked.

She is a kind child, she can’t see these weak beings being killed.

“Of course it’s for fun, don’t hold my hand, the fire is about to die!”

The strength of boys is always greater than that of girls, so with no difficulty He broke free of his hand, and then turned his head to continue his actions.

Just waiting for him to look back, what he saw was an apple.

“This apple is for you, can you put them away?”

The old man asked while holding the apple in his hand, looking at the boy.

When there was fruit to eat, the boy’s attention was immediately taken away from the ants. He grabbed the apple without washing it, nibbled it, and trotted away.

“Thank you, sir, goodbye!”

The little girl, shyly laughed to the old man, was also ready to leave.

“Wait, this apple is for you.”

The old man took out another apple, handed it to the girl, and then said,

“I have a small question. I was here today and I saw this scene, so I protected these ants from the little gentleman. What if I pass away one day?”

In the mouth of the old man, what was originally an “ant” with a specific meaning turned into a “ant” with some kind of referential meaning.

Of course, the little girl couldn’t understand the meaning change.

“As long as you’ve been selling vegetables here, even if my big brother comes again next time, can’t you still stop him?”

The little girl’s answer as it should be by rights .

Yeah, I can’t guarantee that I’ll be there again and again if I meet him once in a while, so why not just let him do things here all the time?

“Your answer is correct…much more correct than some adults think, I agree, so I decided to reward you with a tastier apple.”


The old man was obviously very satisfied when he heard the little girl’s answer.

He turned the hand holding the apple behind him. Apple with pale-gold texture.

“Thank you sir.”

The girl took a bite of the apple and found it unexpectedly sweet, so she jumped away.

“How many awakened fruits are sought after by the strangers, you will give this little girl to eat, how many people in this world are more generous than you?”

Wait for the old man to straighten up again , there was a vague human figure in the shadow next to him said softly.

The fruit of awakening, its effect is not only to help the heretics at the authority level to achieve awakening on a certain innate talent, but also to help an ordinary person who may have innate talent awaken the innate he was born with talent .

It’s just that the success probability of the latter is very low, because no one can say that they can see whether ordinary people are born with innate talent. If that person is an ordinary person, then even if he is given how much to eat The Awakening Fruit does nothing.

Because of this, the figure in the shadow says the old man is generous.

“She was the first person I met who directly spoke what was on my mind. It had nothing to do with age. I admired her, gave her gifts, and can’t be considered anything.”

The old man stood still, looked up at the bright starry sky that gradually appeared in the sky, and then said,

“I once asked a person the same question in Imperial Capital, if the world will appear In a crisis, will God save the ants in the world? The answer is naturally yes, because it is these ants who support them.”

“So I asked again, will God always save the ants in the world, if one day, The crisis will threaten them themselves, just like just a child who can be killed with an apple, if it is a burly adult with killing intent, would I dare to stop him?”

“Some people still do.”

A voice came from the shadows again.

“I totally agree with this, there are always a few people who are not afraid of danger, such as the God of Justice, who does have justice and order in his heart, but “will stop” and “can stop” This is not a concept, we must use all available power, even if some people will call us despicable, and some people will regard us as enemies of life and death.” The bright one looked a little lonely, and then he looked at the starry sky that appeared during the day, and then said, “Why do they accept our offerings for hundreds of years or even thousands of years? When the crisis comes, you can stand aside, do as one pleases choice to help? Maybe my thinking is a bit biased, and I am sorry for the existence who is willing to help us, but I just want to let other people through him The existence of aloof and remote knows that some things are not as it should be by rights, and without believers, they are nothing!”

It is best to let a person fight for something What is the way?

It is nothing more than making him a beneficiary or a victim of things, and the former is far less powerful than the latter!

As one of the supreme powerhouses among human beings in this era, the old man faces the starry sky, and every byte is sonorous and powerful!

“I’m afraid some people in the empire will have some different ideas. After all, everyone wants to be that Supreme Existence.”

Everything will have two sides, even if the original intention of things It is good, but it will still be polluted by the interests of some people in the process of implementation, and it will eventually become a tool for them to realize their own evil desires.

“Everything is important. Of course I know what the consequences might be if I tell the Empire about the Seal Array, but I don’t tell them, can I just rely on myself alone? Getting this done? I’m on the opposite side of all religions, and I know that better, otherwise why would I be a five-year old farmer in this place?”

Want to finish His plan must be supported by huge human and material resources. He knew that he could not do that, so he had to resort to external forces.

Similarly, he also knows that his approach may be just what some people want, and it will make some people begin to stir evil in their hearts.

There are always some people who still think about how to satisfy their desires even in the face of adversity.

In their opinion, those crises will always be solved by heroes. What they have to do is to grab their own interests as much as possible while the heroes save the world, and let the heroes at the end of all calm and tranquillity. There is a “perfect ending”, and then stepping on the hero’s corpse to pick the ultimate victory.

This idea has to be said to be very attractive.

“Look, the stars are fading.”

After a long silence, the old man’s eyes locked on the brightest star in the starry sky.

The square in front of the Shrine of Justice in La Pagade.

When Holy Son’s soul and body unite, the light elemental energy blooms in pure white radiance, creating a beam of light that even reaches the sky.

In the planning process of the ceremony of the justice sect, this phenomenon is to be shown to the whole city of Lapagad as a Divine Vestige, and there are also some villages and towns outside the city to see together Mind, maybe it can play a free publicity effect, and make advance preparations for the subsequent newspapers.

One or two people said that Divine Vestige is not counted, but now more than 100,000 people have seen it together, and no one will say that it is false propaganda.

However, everyone didn’t expect the ceremony, but a solar eclipse suddenly appeared in the middle of the ceremony. Lapagade fell into complete darkness in an instant, and then the day and night were reversed, which only appeared at night. The starry sky suddenly filled the entire sky.

If it can be explained by a rare natural phenomenon before, everyone knows that there must be something happening.

Although the Lapagad city government responded very quickly, and immediately after the eclipse appeared, the public lights of the whole city were lit, but this strange phenomenon still caused the people of Lapagad to into a brief panic.

After all, they are religious believers, and they are always a little emotional in these aspects.

It’s just that most of the people here are faithful, so there’s no confusion for the time being.

As usual, the justice sect must immediately hold an internal meeting, not just because of public opinion, but must discuss and confirm the reasons for this natural phenomenon.

It happens that this time is the climax of the ceremony. If it ends hastily, the ceremony at this time will undoubtedly fail, so they must continue, no matter how to complete the ceremony of Perfection.

Who would have thought that when the Pope was about to continue ceremony, the star representing the god of justice suddenly dimmed…

This time even as a Pope For a while, Mathil Harris did not know what to do. He has been leading the justice sect for nearly 30 years as the Pope. The sect has faced severe tests in all aspects, and has survived smoothly. Come here, but he has never encountered such a situation!

Why did the star representing the god of justice suddenly dim?

The next step is for the gods to infuse power and will into Holy Son. Do you want to continue now?

What should I do if the accident happens again?

In just ten seconds, all kinds of possibilities flashed in Mathil Harris’ mind.

In the end, he chose to bow his head, stroke his heart with his hands, and pray softly in his mouth.

He left the decision to the gods.

So the next second, a deep and thick voice sounded in the ears of all the priests in the Temple of Justice.

“I will come to this world to save the souls that should be saved!”

“I will come to this world to destroy the sins that have not been eliminated!”

“I will come to this world to bring justice and order to life!”

The most dazzling star is completely at this moment Dull, the pure white light beam gradually rendered the brilliance of the golden layer. The energy of Holy Son turned from outward to convergent. Thousands of streams of light fell from the sky and circled into this beam of light, followed by a stream of light. The invisible imposing manner spreads out.

All the believers in La Pagadden seemed to feel something at this time and fell to their knees, even the Pope.

Wait until the voices in other people’s ears dissipated, only he was still listening to Oracle.

“Some beings have united to seal the entire starry sky. It is a special sealing formation that I have never seen before. Once it descends, it is difficult to go back… Now I can only choose to descend completely. , even if this will deplete a part of my power, it must be depleted in the future… This is a conspiracy, it is very important to find out who did it!”

As for his only spokesperson in the world, the God of Justice did not hide his findings, he needed the forces of the justice sect to find out the reason for himself.

“Seal the starry sky?”

Matilda Harris lowered her head and frowned deeply. He didn’t understand what Oracle meant, so he could only explain what he said first. All contents are recorded.

And when all the clergy and believers of the righteous sect fell to their knees reverently, for Julia, the opportunity finally came!

My gaze stayed on the translucent body in front of me, and then swept the surroundings obscurely.

Because the Holy Son soul in her body has been taken out, she was taken to the side of the square with Tiffany after the ceremony was in the middle, in order to prevent them from disturbing the ceremony.

At this time, there were only two Knights watching over her and Tiffany, and it was the Knight who was kneeling on the ground.

“Xiao Hei, it’s up to you!”

Looking back at the empty road behind her, Julia said softly.

“What did you say?”

Tiffany, who was staring at the beam of light in a daze, didn’t respond when she heard Julia’s words, she turned her head in doubt and wanted to ask clearly, but there was a daze in front of her. A black fog suddenly appeared, and the next second he was unconscious. The two Knights next to him also passed out at the same time, but they were originally kneeling on the ground, and they were on the edge of the square. Everyone was focused. prayers, simply no one pays attention here.

He supported Tiffany before she fell, and then slowly lowered her to the ground.

Yes, Julia didn’t plan to take her with her, because she was not in danger, and taking her here would convince her of her crime.

even more how Julia wasn’t sure what she was thinking, and the previous letter had sapped the little trust between the two of them.

Because of the ongoing ceremony, the clerics in the entire Temple of Justice have gathered around the square at this time, but the interior is unguarded. Julia relies on the guidance of Xiao Hei and follows Donald and the others. He flew all the way in the direction he left before, and soon arrived near the Inquisition.

Standing behind a corner of a wall, Julia grabbed the edge of the wall and poked her head halfway to see what was going on there.

Unsurprisingly, although the Knight here is also praying, he has not left the Inquisition.

“How do we inform Donald big brother… Can you beat them? “

“I can win against them, but the guards here are absolutely impossible only the two at the door. There must be a few people inside the Inquisition. If something happens outside the door, the people inside will immediately lock them to death. Once the people in the justice sector realize the situation here, let alone we are all still in chains, even if we are all free, it will be useless… We must find a way to lead all the people inside to solve it, we Go in again…Unfortunately I don’t know how to break the shackles, otherwise you can summon your other servants out, which should help. ”

Although the effect of the disabled divide technique shackles is only useful to the wearer, aside from the divide technique, its own material and the seal inscription engraved on it are not so easy to undo.

“Then what should we do, the ceremony of the justice sector will end soon, if we waste time here, how will we run later? “

“The current situation can only be done in the past. The key to the prison is in their hands. If they want to save someone, they must have a fight with them. I try to keep my voice down… .Wait, how did they get in? “

The discussion is still going on here, but the two people at the door seem to have heard something and push open the door of the Inquisition and run in.

“Let’s go over there, this is a time Great chance to have sex with them! “

Although I don’t know why they want to enter the door, this is undoubtedly the opportunity in front of me, and Julia rushed over without any hesitation.

At this time, in the Inquisition, I don’t want Julia’s help for a long time.

“I’m sorry, gentlemen, I can’t waste my time here, I have to get out of here quickly, so can you please open the door for me? “

Donald stood behind the iron fence to the Knights standing outside.

“Are you crazy?” Go back and sit and be quiet! “

The guard frowned here looked at the calm youngster in the prison, and wondered why people who were normal a few hours ago suddenly had imaginings.

“No, I Just stating a fact, if you don’t open the door for me, I think I’m going to be prepared to take some special measures. ”

Donald glanced to the side, and suddenly raised his hands, in front of these Knights, forming a dharma seal, a translucent array lit up in front of him.

Donald glanced to the side. p>

Soundproof Formation!

The next second, the unbreakable shackles in the eyes of these righteous sect Knights suddenly burst!

The sound of steel is sour. The screeching sound of twisting and breaking.

“You… oops, let me know…”

Can be dispatched to see the Knight of the Sect Protector Inquisition The strength is naturally not weak. Seeing the disabled shackles fall, Immediately realized the danger and pushed the companions aside, wanting them to go out and notify the others in the sect.

However, since Donald was with them He did this in front of him, of course, for his own reasons.

The knight who was pushed away felt as if he had hit a wall. .

The last scene that appeared in his field of vision was the barricade of the cell that was pulled open by force not far away.

A few Knights on the other side were about to turn around, Another shadow jumped up into the air beside him, his empty hand swept across Donald’s cell, and the hilt of the long sword that appeared from Donald’s space ring was already in his hand.

Severed iron rods.

, his body fell to the ground, and he supported the ground with one hand. There was a blood line on the necks of the remaining Knights beside him. >

As a high-level undead spirit, Lilo, who has untied the shackles, is not too easy to kill these guards!

Anthony grabbed the iron fence in front of Donald and took them with no difficulty Spreading out to the sides, Lilo carried her sword to where Finger and Stephanie were.

Donald moved his wrists twice, then put his hands in both pockets, and stepped out of the prison.

After deciding to do it, Donald immediately used his own power to help Anthony and Lilo untangle the shackles according to the method given by Hannibal, and then attracted attention and bought them time to act.

And this series of changes naturally attracted the attention of other prisoners in the Inquisition.

When these people recovered from the shock, the originally quiet religious The Inquisition immediately became noisy.

They didn’t care what Donald did, they just knew someone was about to successfully escape the Inquisition!

“Hey! Help me open the shackles too! “

“Your Excellency, as long as you can save me, I can give you my life savings!” “

“Please save me, I am willing to be your most faithful servant! ”

The noisy and chaotic voices came from all directions of the Inquisition, Donald laughed, raised his hand to smooth the folds on his body, and helped just walk out of the door. Julia, who came in, also removed the restraint and took the running Finger back into her arms.

From beginning to end, Donald ignored the shouting people around him, and the soundproofing Formation arranged in advance was just for them Prepared.

Donald doesn’t want to save any of the people here, except his own companions, including Horn and the others!

Donald has not forgotten where this place is, a few The dominant-level powerhouse is near the Temple of Justice. If these people are released to make some noise, he doesn’t think he can escape from the encirclement and suppression of the justice sector.

“We are the demon family, the book of covenant. A. Grant is our Uncle, if you are also a demon family, save us! “

But at this moment, a voice suddenly entered Donald’s ear, the voice was very close, and the two demon kin in the cell on the right hand were clutching the iron rod. Joshua Grant?

Donald had never heard of the name, but the last name caught his attention.

A few minutes later.

The doors of the Inquisition opened.

Donald walked at the front of the team, and behind Anthony, there were two more demon family members who were still in shackles.

“This is the last time, Demingham. City Hall…it’s not over yet! ”

Squinting his eyes at the beam of light on the Temple of Justice Square that has not yet dissipated, he clenched his fist, turned his head and left without the slightest hesitation.

Rappagarde On the nearby plateau.

The giant dragon is flying!

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