Demon Scum

Chapter 1153

Seeing this, Lin Haoming already knew that elder martial brother Le had no way to live, not only because he was seriously injured, but also because he was poisoned. After the woman arrived here just now, he secretly released some spirit insects lurking around. I believe that even if the man has other followers to escape, it will be difficult for him to escape.

However, it was more dramatic than he thought. Although elder martial brother Le resented the younger martial sister Mei, when he found out that the strange beast was ready to move again, his face suddenly changed and he said, "sister Mei, I will give you whatever you want. As long as you bypass my life, I can completely listen to you in the future, and I even want to share some of the soul with you. ”

in the face of elder martial brother Le's request for mercy, the younger sister mei just sneered and said, "elder martial brother Le, if someone else is willing to do so, I will not let a dog by my side. Unfortunately, elder martial brother Le, you are a member of the Le family. The music family finds that their immediate children are manipulated by others. I don't have such a big ability to resist the pursuit of the music family, so I can only blame it You have the wrong family. "

"No, no!" Hearing such an answer, elder martial brother Le's face was even more pale. But at the moment, the wild beast seemed to see the plight of its prey, and no longer scrupulously emitted black light.

The black light directly rolled into the mouth of elder martial brother le. In a burst of panic, elder martial brother le was directly drawn into the mouth of the wild beast by the black light.

Looking at elder martial brother Le being swallowed by the wild animal, the younger martial sister Mei did not show any complacency or excitement. Instead, she suddenly looked at Lin Haoming and said in a low voice, "you have been watching for a long time. Are you going to clean up the wild animal or fight with me first?"

Hearing this woman's words, Lin Haoming also knew that she had indeed found her own place, but she did not hide. She showed up directly. She was still puzzled and said, "since you know that I have killed elder martial brother Le while hiding, you are confident that you can keep me."

The woman surnamed Mei shook her head helplessly at Lin Haoming's words and said, "your concealment skill is very mysterious. My spirit insect found you after I took the move. Otherwise, even if this opportunity is good, I would not rush to take it. Fortunately, you should be a demon monk. If you say it out, I'm sure I can do it It's not true. "

"But there are still two or three percent of the possibility of failure, so you won't be able to handle such a big probability?" Lin Haoming is cold.

"Yes, so I can only fight Daoyou here. If Daoyou are strong enough, I can only hope that Daoyou won't tell us about it or make a deal between us." Said the woman surnamed Mei.

Lin Haoming, however, snorted coldly: "I'm not so stupid to trade with a woman like you. Let's go!"

The woman surnamed Mei frowned slightly when she saw that Lin Haoming was totally blind to herself, and then she did not hesitate. As soon as she pinched the magic formula, her hair, which was originally like a black waterfall, suddenly stood up and rose suddenly. The color of her hair turned to silver in an instant, and at the moment it was turned into countless silver needles Come on, this momentum is more terrifying than the silk thread sprayed by wild animals on the side.

In the face of this girl, Lin Haoming naturally did not dare to have the slightest carelessness. Seeing the other party's means like this, he did not think about it. Suddenly, a hot flame gushed out directly, which was the real fire of extreme Yang.

In Lin Haoming's opinion, the other party's hair may be powerful, but Jiyang zhenhuo can smelt magic treasure and Lingbao. If you don't believe it, you can't beat it. But the result is that Lin Haoming is a little surprised. Those silver hair, regardless of the power of the real fire, directly passes through the sea of fire released by Lin Haoming.

Of course, Lin Haoming couldn't be unprepared at all. Seeing the silver hair of the other party, he was not afraid of the extreme Yang and real fire. As soon as his figure flashed, he immediately flashed dozens of feet away. At the same time, he had a pair of virtual wings behind him.

However, it is obviously not enough to flash to dozens of feet away. Once again, the silver hair is completely opened, as if a vast net is hanging over Lin Haoming's head.

Although the fight is only a short moment, Lin Haoming has determined that the strength of this woman in front of her is no longer under the wind. I'm afraid that she is also a master in the opponent's territory and in the period of transforming gods.

At this time, Lin Haoming could not continue to be beaten passively. As soon as his hands changed, a cold flame burst out. The frightful cold air seemed to freeze the heaven and earth, and instantly solidified the surrounding air.

That vast silver hair, also in this moment by the cold constraints, although still dancing, but obviously become slow up.

When the woman surnamed Mei saw this scene, she did not stop at all. With her Dharma formula, all of a sudden, a little light appeared around her, which was a hidden spirit insect.

These spirit insects are obviously not afraid of the power of ice and fire. At the moment, they are not a bit frustrated in the extreme cold. They are sweeping toward Lin Haoming.

Lin Haoming had known for a long time that these things were secretly laid by the other party. Now, the aura of spirit beast is shining, and a piece of black pressure is flying out. It is cangming devil insect that has been breeding for many years.It is similar to the locust in shape, but its mouth is sharper and its head is much bigger, which is the size of an ordinary man's fist.

Compared with these spirits, the cangming demons that Lin Haoming raises today are bigger in size and more ferocious in appearance.

After the two kinds of insects met each other, they immediately tore each other up. The battle situation seemed to be fierce. However, the remains of the insects kept falling from the air. The two kinds of insects and beasts actually fought a strange tiger at a time.

Of course, if we really want to say who is stronger, cangming demons are weaker. Because at the moment, the cangming demons released by Lin Haoming are at least three times as many as the other's, but even so, they are just strange tigers. We can see that the other party's spirit insects are terrible.

Of course, at the moment, the face of the woman surnamed Mei is not very good-looking. Obviously, she did not expect that her own spirit insects were actually resisted by the other party's demons. Moreover, the cultivation of these spirit insects is not easy, and it is so easy to be consumed, which also makes her very headache.

At the moment, the woman surnamed Mei once again displayed some magic formula. Her silver hair flashed a few red lights. Then, she was restrained by the cold. Her hair became a little sluggish and recovered its vitality. But after breaking away from the threat of cold, the hair was retracted again. After a moment, it turned back to a long black and beautiful hair, hanging quietly on her back and forgetting A glance at their own spirit insects, slightly frowned at Lin Haoming and said: "Daoyou, I think we'd better talk about it!"

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