Demon Scum

Chapter 1236

Lin Haoming looks at Xie Ruolan. Maybe because of a long time, he hears the voice of reincarnation and ancestor reminding.

"Well, you really want to see her. As long as you do the work well this time, I will order her to marry you. It's the head office!"

In the face of the reincarnation sage, Lin Haoming said with a bitter smile: "samsara master, this kind of thing I won't ask for!"

"You're stupid!"

The samsara holy ancestor seemed jealous. He took a look at Lin Haoming, and then did not speak. Instead, he pointed to the mirror directly. The mirror flashed with the light, and it was suspended directly.

The samsara sage then flashed to the mirror where it was, and the mirror which was already on the top of his head immediately shot a light down.

The light was very soft, but it also wrapped all the samsara saints in it. At first, the body of the samsara sage trembled a little, then quickly recovered, and then began to play a series of Dharma formulas towards the lower method array.

Inspired by the Dharma formula of samsara sage, the array was soon started. Countless runes flickered at almost the same time in the huge array. After a few flashes, some runes similar to real magic patterns and some like true spirit patterns began to emerge.

This is the second time Lin Haoming has seen this rune. The last time he saw it, nine Mahayana monks joined hands to start the array.

While Lin Haoming was thinking about what the runes were, the runes had already gathered and quickly gathered in the center of the array.

Lin Haoming has noticed that there are several space crystal stones in the center of the array. It is through this communication that the reincarnation saints took out the underworld before.

is indeed as like as two peas Lin Hao Ming. Only a moment, Lin Hao Ming saw the reincarnation of the Holy Father. The runes fell directly on those space stones, and the space sparkling stones shone with deep rays. When the light became more and more dazzling, suddenly a cold feeling of the cold suddenly broke out.

Lin Haoming was also frightened by the cold air. He immediately urged his mana to resist it. Meanwhile, he pressed one hand on Xie Ruolan's body to protect her body from the strong cold and Yin Qi.

At the same time, the samsara holy ancestor spewed blood essence into the mirror. The mirror was full of time, and then the dark air gushing out from the space channel was suddenly gathered on the samsara holy ancestor by the light of the mirror.

The body of the samsara sage once again trembled under the dark air after the condensation, and even his face turned pale, and his lips seemed to be frozen stiff and turned a little purple.

After Lin Haoming saw it, he could not help but worry, but it was only half a quarter of an hour. The reincarnation of the holy ancestor seemed to recover.

For a long time, the samsara sage just practiced under the dark air gathered in the mirror, and there was no change any more. Until more than ten days later, Lin Haoming suddenly found that the original sitting samsara holy ancestor was suddenly covered by a layer of runes. Under the rune, her whole body became blood red, as if her whole body was congested The green silk is all erect, and through the rune, Lin Haoming can also see that the samsara ancestor is obviously in extreme pain at the moment, at least her expression is so.

This situation makes Lin Haoming worry again, but after only half a day, Lin Haoming is surprised to find that the appearance of the samsara sage in the array seems to have changed.

Fearing that he would be wrong, Lin Haoming observed for two hours and determined that it was really the case. The reincarnation sage was really in front of his eyes and slowly began to get smaller.

Almost three or four days later, the samsara ancestor, who was originally a girl, had become a girl, and her clothes were obviously loose.

In addition to the change in the appearance of the reincarnation saint, Lin Haoming felt a little surprised, that is, after a day on top of her head, she began to condense out a layer of three colors of light.

The three colors are red, yellow and blue. At first, Lin Haoming didn't pay much attention to it at first, but after three days, Lin Haoming found that the color light was constantly becoming condensed and thick, and began to find it in the direction of light beads.

In front of my eyes, it has condensed into a light ball about the size of the head of the reincarnation sage, and it seems that the light ball is still condensing.

Lin Haoming really does not understand what the three color light ball is, but I think it will never be a simple object. As time goes on, when the reincarnation Saint ancestor in front of him becomes only the size of a five or six-year-old child, the light ball is only as big as a fist.

Although they are getting younger and younger, the samsara ancestor who looks like a young child is not slack, and is still practicing under the light of the mirror.

Two days later, another unexpected thing happened. Maybe it was because the body became too small. The clothes that originally covered the samsara holy ancestor suddenly fell off from the samsara sage who is only three years old now, revealing her child's body.

Lin Haoming didn't think of this situation, and now the reincarnation of the holy ancestor is obviously at a critical time. Lin Haoming doesn't dare to do anything out of the ordinary. Fortunately, it's just the body of a three-year-old child. He has seen the body even after he grew up before. There's a long reason why the reincarnation sage really wants to have his own operation.In this case, as time went by, Lin Haoming watched the samsara sage grow younger and smaller, and the bead on her head became smaller and smaller. When the samsara sage finally became like a newborn baby, the bead became just as big as an adult's thumb.

At this moment, suddenly, the young body of the samsara holy ancestor shivered, and a cold air burst out from her. In an instant, the whole space seemed to be in the dark ice hell. Fortunately, Lin Haoming had been prepared for this, and suddenly threw I into the air in his hand. After a little pointing, the Dharma tray immediately shot a ray of light on the mirror, which had been looking at all the time The light of reincarnation holy ancestor suddenly shot to the space crystal stone.

When the space crystal was illuminated by this light, the rune that had been flickering all the time collapsed, and the open space channel was closed at once. As the space channel was closed, a series of chain reactions were triggered. Only for a moment, the whole array stopped.

At the same time, Lin Haoming saw that the baby's reincarnation ancestor, the tricolor bead on the top of his head began to shoot three colors of light towards her, which made people feel extremely soft. However, to Lin Haoming's surprise, the small face of the reincarnation Saint ancestor under the light showed the painful expression that made Lin Haoming see all of them, as if the seemingly young life was undergoing the world The most terrible torture.

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