Demon Scum

Chapter 1310

All kinds of flames, magic weapons and magic weapons were shining in the fog. However, along with the glittering, there was the scream of the caravan monks. Just a moment later, the place where the caravan was located had turned into a monasteries. However, it was very strange that, although the monks were seriously injured, the dozens of red fire turtles were undamaged.

The fireman looked back and was confused. Although he could not hear the screams of his companions, he also knew that they would come to an end. Even now, he was glad that he had got this treasure many years ago. Otherwise, he might die. But why is there such a fierce devil in this place? You know, cloud butterfly doesn't like fire.

Is it that someone intentionally drives them to take away the space crystal? Thinking about it, he felt as if he had found the reason.

Just when he was sure that what he thought was right, there was a warm voice in his ear and said, "you are a magic treasure. You can escape!"

Along with the sound, the fireman felt cold all over. As expected, he was right to guess. What made him even more afraid was that the other party could be so close that he could not detect it. It was obvious that the robber must have existed in the period of practice.

"Who? If you dare to plunder the official caravan, you are not afraid to be wanted by the whole Holy Land! " At this time, the fire also knew that the other party would never let go of himself, saying these words would only embolden him.

"Ha ha, who knows I robbed you?" The owner of the voice sneered, and then a faint green figure appeared not far from the fire. Before the fire could see clearly, the green light had already come.

The fire subconsciously opened its mouth and ejected a small shield, trying to protect itself, but the small shield had just risen in the wind, and it was completely broken in a flash of green light.

With the fragmentation of the shield, the fire only felt that he had no way to live, and even subconsciously closed his eyes, waiting for the last moment.

At this time, he even remembered the time when he was born in a mortal's home and played a coquettish role in his mother's arms when he was a child. He also remembered the joy of being found to have spiritual roots. He also remembered that he had to choose to join the army because he had no resources. He also thought of his high spirited spirit.

Everything in the past, at this moment, seems to flow past, the original fear in this moment also become less afraid, even he began to think about what will happen after the fall.

However, he suddenly felt a little surprised that although the things in his mind flashed so fast, it should not have been so long that the other party had not given himself a final blow.

Is the other party trying to make fun of himself?

When the fireman was thinking this way, he heard the man cry out in horror: "who is it? Who are you? "

When the firehead opened his eyes, he saw only an ordinary looking nun standing behind him unconsciously, and the green figure finally saw what he looked like. He was a man in green robe who had seen more than half a hundred last year.

"Who am I? Who is your excellency, I ask Instead of answering, the woman asked.

"The friars of the second floor who only practice Xu dare to question me?" The green robed man's divine sense swept over the nuns and felt a little at ease.

"You are only practicing the fourth level of emptiness, and it seems that you have been promoted to the fourth level for many years. It seems that you have not been able to advance in inch since the middle of the advanced stage. If I have not guessed wrong, you have some tricks in the middle of the advanced stage, and even hope to continue to advance after you have given up your hope!" The woman is merciless sarcasm way.

"Even so, the cultivation of this seat is higher than that of you. If I want to kill him today, can you still keep it?" The green robed man roared, pinched the magic formula with both hands, and suddenly a green flying sword spurted out of his mouth and directly fired at the fire.

The nun held out a slender jade finger. A little bit between her fingers, a bright red filament came out of her fingers, and all of a sudden, she was winding towards the green flying sword.

Seeing that the filaments and flying swords are about to get entangled, the man in green robe changed his formula, and the green flying swords flashed into more than ten, and they were chopped towards the fire head and the red silk thread respectively.

Only saw the red filament, the same light flash, and then suddenly turned into dozens of pieces, which in turn surrounded those green flying swords, and each filament was like a snake, quickly winding up.

"Looking for death!"

The man in the green robe roared, and the formula changed again. The light of the flying sword flashed, and then a green mist came out.

After that, she saw a little red in her eyes.

At the moment, the man in green robe finally found that his method was not of any use. The green fog had no effect on the red silk thread. Instead, the green flying sword felt completely bound.

At this time, he knew that the female nun whose cultivation was one level lower than her own was absolutely superior to herself.

His thoughts flashed in his heart, and the green robed man suddenly pointed to the dense fog not far away. Suddenly, the cloud and mist rushed directly towards this side.Seeing this scene, the nun once again flashed a trace of disdain in her eyes, and even ignored the cloud approaching her side.

Just when the man in the green robe was also puzzled, a light flashed suddenly. A middle-aged man who looked thirty or forty years old appeared in front of the cloud. He threw out a spirit beast ring, and then a group of dark demons flew out.

"Bone eating bee!" Seeing this scene, the man in green robe suddenly turned pale.

This wasp is the natural enemy of the cloud butterfly. As soon as the dark bee colony appears, it pours into the cloud. The man in green suddenly feels that his control of the cloud butterfly is chaotic.

At the moment, the man in green robe has no meaning to continue to stay. There is a trace of determination in his eyes. He points to the green flying sword, and suddenly the continuous "bang bang bang" sound appears. The green man explodes the flying sword directly, and he will escape with a flash of his body shape.

But at this time, there was a nun behind him. The nun was wearing dark armor and holding a huge long sword. With a fierce wave of the sword, a knife awn suddenly came to him.

The green robed man only felt a burst of fear in his heart. Subconsciously, he opened his mouth and spewed out a shield. However, the shield had just been sacrificed, but the blade had already split the shield, and then it flashed through his body.

The man in green robe felt the sharp pain of his body at the moment, which was his last feeling in the world. Then he completely lost consciousness. After his whole body was divided into two, he was completely crushed again.

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