Demon Scum

Chapter 144

You frost naturally knows the contract of evil Qi. Lin Haoming is willing to take out this thing to stabilize the relationship between the two sides, and Youshuang is also satisfied.

There was a dispute between the two sides of the contract, and Youshuang specially added some clauses, such as not knowing that you must die and so on.

Lin Haoming agreed to some of these terms, and some argued for it. However, he looked at it as if he was very cautious. Although when he took it out, he had already thought about returning to earn merit and then dissolving it.

Lin Haoming's action naturally makes Youshuang more confident. Although it's helpless to sign a contract with a kid who built the foundation, after all, this is the case now, and she has no way.

Corpse spirit is no better than refining corpse. Owning wisdom is naturally limited by the contract. Therefore, after the contract is formed, both parties trust each other more.

After finishing these things, Lin Haoming finally stopped being so vigilant, and then went to the Confucius family and took the storage bags of the two men in their hands.

Of course, at this time, Lin Haoming would not go to see what they had. Instead, he pointed to the place and asked, "you frost fairy, since you still remember the holy stripe, do you know what this place is for? What's the use of it? "

"This is the place to transform me into a blood corpse, and the holy tattoos here also play this role. If you can attack you, even if you have that special means, you will not have a chance!" You frost still with a little unwilling way.

Lin Haoming just laughed and pointed to the exit: "this exit!"

"The exit is naturally controlled by the holy stripe." Youshuang said, pointing to the exit, suddenly a few holy lines sparkled. Sure enough, Lin Haoming found that the spring inside seemed to connect with the outside again.

Seeing this, Lin Haoming didn't hesitate and went out immediately.

Youshuang also followed Lin Haoming to the outside. After leaving the stone box, Lin Haoming finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Youshuang gently stroked the holy grain on the box, which seemed to be a little sad.

After a long time, he sighed and said, "as expected, it has been at least ten thousand years. Otherwise, how can the array here lose its function?"

"Fairy or don't sigh, this place was destroyed before, do you think you want to hide here again?" Lin Haoming asked.

"You're right!" Youshuang hears Lin Haoming's words and flies out of the ground. Then Lin Haoming sees the blood corpse. He doesn't know what means he has used. Countless crushed stones quickly gather together and form a huge cover. All of a sudden, it covers the bottom again.

At this moment, Lin Haoming immediately felt that the aura from below was closed down. Then he saw the Youshuang fall again, and he continued to play the magic formula to the holy lines on the outer wall of the stone chamber where he was just now.

Lin Haoming only saw some light from the holy tattoos, but he felt dizzy after just a few eyes. He had to sit down on his knees and adjust his breathing.

Half an hour later, Lin Haoming stood up again, only to find that everything in front of him seemed to have recovered to what he had been like when he first came here. He could hardly see any flaws. As for Youshuang, he sat beside him with his knees crossed, and her face was quite pale. Obviously, he concealed the recovery and consumed a lot of money.

"You frost fairy!"

Lin Haoming just opened his mouth, and then he heard the soft voice of the man in front of him: "I'm not a sister. Is my sister called Youshuang?"

Suddenly heard the other party's voice changed, Lin Haoming guess, I'm afraid that you frost consumption is too big, so sleep up, let his sister appear.

"Yes, your sister's name is Youshuang, and your name is miaoshue! Yes? Are you in one body and can't communicate with each other? " Lin Haoming asked.

"We two sisters share one body. One is awake, the other must sleep deeply. If we are awake together, I'm afraid it will not do us any good!" Miao Xue explained in a soft voice.

Lin Haoming listened and nodded silently, then told her some decisions made with Youshuang before.

Wonderful snow listened, just nod silently, have no special opinion.

After contacting her, Lin Haoming found that Miao Xue seems to have suffered more trauma than Youshuang. Of course, Miao Xue is much more gentle than Youshuang. Even if Miao Xue is not a blood corpse but a real person, Lin Haoming thinks that all men in the world will be crazy about her.

Of course, the blood corpse almost cost his own life. Under this premise, even if she is not a blood corpse, Lin Haoming will not have that kind of feelings for her. Moreover, Lin Haoming finds that he does not particularly like such a gentle woman, especially Miao Xue. When asked, he can only shake his head in his heart.

A big war, fortunately, this is also a remote place, there are no people, Lin Haoming directly took out the spirit stone to meditate and recover, as for miaoyue how, Lin Haoming did not care about her.

One night, Lin Haoming was not injured before. After his magic power and spiritual power recovered, he was also in high spirits.Look in front of you, that beautiful woman is sitting on a stone at the moment, holding a branch and drawing some things on the ground.

Seeing Lin Haoming sober up, she asked faintly: "yesterday consumption was a little big, some things have not asked you, you said the tianyimen has been destroyed for thousands of years, then do you know, such as today, how about an original mountain gate?"

"Tianyimen Mountain Gate? I don't know about this, but now there is a sect called Hua Yi men in the cloud land. It is said that the branch of tianyimen has developed and expanded. I think Hua Yimen knows the most about tianyimen! " Lin Haoming told the truth directly.

"One door?" Youshuang listened to ponder for a moment and said, "this is a door. I have a chance to see it!"

Lin Haoming looked at her as if she had a deep relationship with tianyimen, and deliberately reminded him: "huayimen has a lot of yuanyingqi. You can't go like this!"

"Of course I understand that. Don't worry about it. At least I won't do anything stupid until I have enough strength!" Youshuang directly exposed Lin Haoming's mind.

Lin Haoming didn't care what she said. He said, "you frost fairy, after all, you are a blood corpse. Ordinary monks may not be able to see it, but I'm afraid you can see it at a glance. It's not very convenient for you to exist like this!"

"Don't worry about that. I won't make you feel any trouble!" You Frost said.

But just before she could do something about it, Lin Haoming's face changed a little, and then he patted his storage bag. A piece of jade Fu actually sent out a little white light.

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