Demon Scum

Chapter 1471

In the quiet room, Lin Haoming's whole body assumed a very strange posture, with his back against the ground and his feet twisting and bending.

A normal person would have been disabled if he took such a posture, but Lin Haoming kept it for a while, and then he changed another strange posture. During the whole process, his bones made a series of crackles, as if every bone had burst.

After a dozen postures, Lin Haoming suddenly turned over and sat down with his knees crossed. He pointed his finger in front of him. He only saw a phalanx shooting out like a dart. The phalanx from his fingers directly penetrated a shield like magic weapon. Then, Lin Haoming's fingers trembled, and several phalanges were shot out one after another The magic shield was a hornet's nest.

After a burst of circling, several phalanxes flew into Lin Haoming's palm again and disappeared.

Lin Haoming this time a long sigh of relief, looked at his right hand from the index finger to the little finger, the twelve phalanges.

Lin Haoming tried to use the Vajra relic to cultivate the Vajra magic bone skill. He soon found that the Vajra relic could be used to cultivate the Vajra magic bone skill. The result also made Lin Haoming very happy, and then spent decades on it.

The Vajra magic bone skill cultivates all the bones of a monk into a magic treasure. It can even be used as a magic treasure directly. However, because of the short time, Lin Haoming can't complete the whole body bone training. So after practicing for a while, he specially cultivates the twelve phalanges of the four fingers of his right hand, which can also be used as an assassin's mace.

When Lin Haoming went out of the pass again, he asked himself that he was 50% more powerful than when he had just entered the ranks of the combined group. Although he did not fight with other monks in the period of integration except Qingmei, he asked himself that at least there should be few opponents among the friars in the early stage, and he was more confident about the thousand year bloody battle that he was about to take part in.

"Lin Shuai, you are out of the Customs at last!"

When Lin Haoming calls Du Huanyu over, Du Huanyu seems to have something to say.

Although the time of avoiding light was not as long as last time, it did last for nearly 50 years. It was only a few years to calculate the departure date of the army.

"What's the matter? Is the devil emperor looking for me?" Lin Haoming asked.

"Lin Shuai was sure that he was summoned by the devil emperor. But when you closed up, you emphasized that you can't disturb him. So I replied like this. Although his majesty didn't ask him to see him immediately, if he went out of the pass, he would ask him to see his majesty immediately." Du said.

Lin Haoming knows that this matter is mostly related to Wenyu. Thinking of the girl who dares to love and hate, Lin Haoming is also full of pity.

In this case, Lin Haoming also plans to go out immediately, but just out of the Shuai building, Wei Ying immediately ran to.

"My Lord!"

"What do you want?" Lin Haoming asked.

"Captain modu has been out of the customs. She wants to ask your majesty, what are the arrangements?" Wei Ying said.

Heard Xie Ruolan out of the customs, it seems that things and their own thinking more and more close. "Let her go to little ring island and wait for my news." Lin Haoming ordered.

"Well, my Lord is going to see his Majesty the devil?" Wei Ying agreed and asked.

"Not bad!" Lin Haoming admitted.

"My Lord, if so, I have received instructions from my father that you don't have to go to the devil emperor. You can go with me directly!" Wei Ying said.

"With you?" Lin Haoming was surprised.

"The third princess is not on the Tianmo mountain now. She is now living with the eldest princess in the princess's mansion for the time being." Wei Ying said.

"Oh! When did it happen? " In principle, even if Wen Yu is angry, she should be with the Eastern imperial concubine, but she abandons her mother and runs to her half sister. I'm afraid there must be some other reason in this.

"In this case, go straight to the princess." Lin Haoming decided.

Lin Haoming nodded with him.

After arriving at the princess Chang's mansion, perhaps because Wei Ying had been a bodyguard here, or for other reasons, she went all the way into the mansion without any hindrance.

Lin Haoming found that compared with that time, the number of people in Princess Chang's mansion seems to be much less. What's more, not only are there fewer people, but also the people who take care of the sundries in the mansion have lower accomplishments. Some of them are just ordinary people or bodybuilders, and even the number of bodyguards is very small.

"the Royal Highness has deliberately disbanded many people since he gave up the fight for the devil." Perhaps it is to see Lin Haoming's eyes flash through the strange, Wei Ying also explained a sentence.

"Guardian friends!" Just as they were walking, a familiar voice rang out, followed by a seemingly capable woman coming out of one side door.

"It turns out to be the manager of training!" After Lin Haoming saw the visitor, he first said hello.

In the face of Lin Haoming, who is now a monk in the fitness period, a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes. After all, when the two first met, Lin Haoming was still a junior, but now he is an elder."Lin Tong Ling, your highness knows that you have come and wants to see you first. After that, she will take you to see your three princess, Wei Dao you, you can rest in the palace now." Said Lian Suhua.

Lin Haoming also knows that when he comes here, Princess Chang can't be unaware of it. However, Wei Ying took her to meet Wenyu directly before. She thought it was the meaning of Princess Chang. But now, I'm afraid there are some other things.

Of course, seeing Xuanyuan Liuyun, Lin Haoming would not have any worries and agreed immediately.

He followed Lian Suhua to another path. Soon after, he came to a secluded garden. In the garden, there was a pavilion full of plants. At the moment, the woman with extraordinary momentum was sitting at the stone table under the pavilion and drinking.

"Lin Tong has brought it. Please have a seat." Now in the face of Lin Haoming, Xuanyuan Liuyun treats him completely as a peer, and even makes a gesture of invitation first.

Lin Haoming also observed the famous princess with a great reputation. Now, her practice has been more sophisticated than before. It has reached the peak of nine levels. It seems that there is always a possibility of breaking through to the full circle.

"thank you, your royal highness!" Lin Haoming arched his hand toward her, and then sat down.

The eldest princess picked up the wine pot and poured the wine for Lin Haoming. However, she sighed at the same time: "actually, I didn't intend to see you, but after thinking about it, I decided to see you again. Some words still need to be said to you. Maybe this can make you reconsider some things."

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